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Poland wildlife and similar wild life where you live.

OP SeanBM  34 | 5781
30 Apr 2010   #181
I will also put photos of crows on here, although found in abundance all over Europe, I like the way they look, walk and act.

I saw these on youtube videos and thought they were very interesting:

David Attenborough,
lukaszpoznanski  10 | 39
30 Apr 2010   #182
I took this picture in Kraków four days ago, in Zakrzówek park.
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781
30 Apr 2010   #183
What type of insect is that lukaszpoznanski?

Nice shot, by the way.
lukaszpoznanski  10 | 39
30 Apr 2010   #184
Thanks Sean. I think it's a wasp, or some kind of hornet?
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781
30 Apr 2010   #185
It looks like it'd sting you alright.

I never knew that Hornets (Szerszen po Polsku) are the largest eusocial wasps. I also didn't know what eusocial meant either.
Polish Wildlife
31 Jul 2010   #186

I have started an English-based discussion group about wildlife in Poland.

There is a lack of good information on the internet about Polish wildlife, and I wish to provide a general forum for discussion. (I am especially interested in building species lists and distributional information, both on a regional and a national basis.)

If you are interested, please go to ... ... to join the group.

Thank you for taking time to read this message.

Jonathan Russell
wildrover  98 | 4430
31 Jul 2010   #187
I might do that...i have some nice pictures of Polish wildlife...
pgtx  29 | 3094
5 Aug 2010   #188
how cool pawian! great pictures!!
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
5 Aug 2010   #189
we have a pair of these near my place of work. i've spent the last three years trying to photograph them, but it's almost impossible.

there was also a pair in one of the parks last year:
pawian  226 | 27567
6 Aug 2010   #190
how cool pawian! great pictures!!


I can only say that no animal was harmed during the photo session.

Harmed animals in my photos were already dead.
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781
13 Aug 2010   #191
we have a pair of these near my place of work. i've spent the last three years trying to photograph them, but it's almost impossible.

'Almost', so there is hope, keep trying, they'd be a delight to see.

My catches:

Great photos Pawian!
sobieski  106 | 2111
13 Aug 2010   #192
Ducks seem to be more sympathetic at home somehow.
13 Aug 2010   #193
I'm not sure if there already was a Bażant. In Lodz we have lots of them running free in the bushes (especially in the Park Widzewski and railtracks nearby). I haven't got my own pic of them because as for me they run to fast to take a pic ;) But here you have some pics from net to see how it looks like:
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781
14 Aug 2010   #194
I haven't got my own pic of them because as for me they run to fast to take a pic ;)

I have the same problem with all wildlife photos.
I think we have to bait them with some food, so they are still enough to take photos of
scorpio  20 | 188
3 Nov 2010   #195
Here is a short video of some of the village I live in and neighbors plowing my land with a horse. It's beautiful here. Enjoy!

OP SeanBM  34 | 5781
3 Nov 2010   #196
That's a fine horse.
What are you planning to grow?
Funny music, reminds me of a nursery rhyme.
scorpio  20 | 188
3 Nov 2010   #197
Yeah, he's a nice horse and works all the time with his owner. This year, I had around 15 kg beans and over 120 kg of potatoes. Next year, I will plant carrots, onions, and potatoes.

The music is typical Polish Góralskie (Highlanders) by the Polish group "Misart".
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781
3 Nov 2010   #198
This year, I had around 15 kg beans and over 120 kg of potatoes. Next year, I will plant carrots, onions, and potatoes.

Living off the land, sounds wonderful.
Do you have any live stock?

I could have you mixed up with another poster, excuse me if I do but do you run a tourist visiting centre there?
scorpio  20 | 188
3 Nov 2010   #199
I have a newly renovated barn (can be seen in the background in the video on the left) but no livestock, yet. There will be chickens, and perhaps a pony.

My home is a center of agro-tourism and eco-tourism, and yes, I do accept guests. There are many such guest houses all over Poland.
Barney  19 | 1731
3 Nov 2010   #200
will plant carrots

In my experience carrots are hard to grow, you need to keep them covered or spray them a lot. I hope you have good luck.
scorpio  20 | 188
3 Nov 2010   #201
Carrots are not difficult to grow at all. My neighbor has land adjacent to mine and had literally hundreds of beautiful, tasty, large carrots this year without any cover or spray. All natural. Keep in mind, it also depends on what type of soil you have. In this area the soil is excellent. Our location is in Southeastern Poland, between Tarnów and Nowy Sącz in the Carpathian foothills.
Barney  19 | 1731
3 Nov 2010   #202
My neighbor has land adjacent to mine and had literally hundreds of beautiful, tasty, large carrots this year without any cover or spray. All natural.

That is so lucky.
I have good carrot friendly soil but lots of pests:(

How do you combat carrot fly in poland?
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781
3 Nov 2010   #203
I have seen quite a few small snakes with ZASKRONIEC (Common grass snake) over the summer.

I will point out that there are no snakes in my country of origin, so there is nothing common about these guys for me :)

Playing dead also in ecdysis.

So it's defence is garlic farts and a nose bleed. Nature truly is wonderful :) -> Grass snake (Wiki)
wildrover  98 | 4430
3 Nov 2010   #204
So it's defence is garlic farts and a nose bleed.

I wonder if that would keep a babcia at bay in a supermarket que...?
A J  4 | 1075
4 Nov 2010   #205
During winter months large numbers of some of the rarest bat species converge in the passages of the WWII Miedzyrzecki underground bunker.

Rare? Do they have vampire bats aswell? (Yes, serious question.)

Polonia1  3 | 52
4 Nov 2010   #206
I see that a lot of people on here are interested in this topic

This is great, I hope to become a vet one day and move to Poland and get involved in conservation so this thread is jst the thing for me........I also read somewhere that Poland has bears, however very little of them and they are threatened with extinction which is very sad. Also does Poland have the largest or oldest wildlife reserve in europe?
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
4 Nov 2010   #207
Rare? Do they have vampire bats aswell? (Yes, serious question.)

No, they are found in Central American region if my knowledge is right.
A J  4 | 1075
4 Nov 2010   #208
Latin America, yeah. I was just wondering if they somehow managed to migrate.

OP SeanBM  34 | 5781
4 Nov 2010   #209
Also does Poland have the largest or oldest wildlife reserve in europe?

I don't think Poland has the biggest but there is a primeval forest

wildrover  98 | 4430
6 Nov 2010   #210
Half of it is in Poland and half in combined it may be the biggest... its certainly one of the best....

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