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Transport adventures in Poland

OP Alien  26 | 6527
20 Nov 2024   #31
take railway and try

It's easier by car. Roads in Poland are already well developed.
jon357  72 | 23654
21 Nov 2024   #32
It's easier by car

Nicer by train.
OP Alien  26 | 6527
23 Nov 2024   #33

I don't know, in Germany this year only 63% of trains run on time. It's never been this bad.
OP Alien  26 | 6527
24 Nov 2024   #34
trains run on time

That's why yesterday and the day before yesterday, despite the onslaught of winter, I traveled several hundred kilometers by car and not by train. It ended with my black car turning white up to the roof. This morning there was a thaw and it's been raining non-stop. I just put my car out of the garage and into the parking lot in front of the house, hoping that the rain would wash the salt off my car and it would be black again. We'll see if this works or if I'll have to go to the car wash. 😉
pawian  226 | 27817
24 Nov 2024   #35
despite the onslaught of winter,

Do you mean Far Siberia???? :):):)
OP Alien  26 | 6527
24 Nov 2024   #36
Far Siberia

Nope, we had winter for 2 days.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
24 Nov 2024   #37
hoping that the rain would wash the salt off my car

Pop the hood and wash the underside of it and spray the engine compartment down too.
The salt will stay there and corrode and make it rust in those hidden spots,.due to the chemical reaction by the salt which acts as a corrosive agent.
Drive your car down the road in the rain to wash the underside of the car too.
OP Alien  26 | 6527
25 Nov 2024   #38
spray the engine compartment down too.

I don't know if I should, once in Opel Astra an overzealous Opel service employee washed my engine and after driving a few kilometers the engine started working irregularly. I returned to the workshop with 2 working cylinders.
Lenka  5 | 3548
25 Nov 2024   #39
Opel service employee washed my engine and after driving

I was actually told just few weeks ago at used cars dealership that they don't do that anymore due to how much electronic stuff is in the car now that can get damaged
johnny reb  49 | 8003
25 Nov 2024   #40
due to how much electronic stuff is in the car now that can get damaged

You are correct.
I never spray high pressure water on the engine itself.

Pop the hood and wash the underside of it and spray the engine compartment down too.

(Translated to American English as: Spray the underside of the hood and the compartment that the engine is housed in)
A lot of engines today are aluminum and don't corrode from salt.
I do however wash the underside of the hood and fenders inside the engine compartment.
(The metal stuff that rusts from salt)
The over spray is not enough to hurt any components.
I have never had a problem but then again I drive a truck that is built for abuse.
pawian  226 | 27817
25 Nov 2024   #41
I never spray high pressure water on the engine.

What else do you spray, then??? Don`t tell us it is your .............. hahahaha
OP Alien  26 | 6527
25 Nov 2024   #42
it is your .............. hahahaha

At his age, there is no longer high pressure...
pawian  226 | 27817
25 Nov 2024   #43
there is no longer high pressure

It depends how long you keep it in the tank...... If long enough, it can achieve amasing results. I know from my own experience. ):):)
OP Alien  26 | 6527
26 Nov 2024   #44
keep it in the tank......

A riddle just comes to mind. Is it possible to piess in the tank of a modern diesel car, at least visually?
pawian  226 | 27817
26 Nov 2024   #45
Is it possible to piess in the tank

Anything is possible today coz you can make a video of the act and show it online to become famous and Rich M. :):):)
OP Alien  26 | 6527
27 Nov 2024   #46
video of the act

The act would be true, but I have to ask a subsidiary question. What is the difference between the newer EURO 6 diesels and the older EURO 5 diesels?
OP Alien  26 | 6527
1 Dec 2024   #47
Finally some good news. Over 10,000 drivers who were flashed on the highways and roads around Chemnitz in Germany will not receive a ticket. This is not a Christmas present but rather the result of the fact that the number of potential tickets was so large that the police and offices were unable to keep to the deadlines. In Germany, traffic offences are subject to a statute of limitations of 3 months. In my opinion they have become so greedy for money that they set speed cameras to speed limits that are too low. I recently got a ticket for exceeding the speed limit by 6 km. In the old days, unthinkable. And now they've been punished. There won't be any money. 😀
pawian  226 | 27817
7 Dec 2024   #48
Transport adventures in Poland, or what happened to us during our travels around Poland by car, train, bus or other means of transport.

Today afternoon, we had just set on our return journey home after doing the usual shopping in the nearby town when suddenly I noticed sth really peculiar - 3 young men were running along the road, stopping and taking photos of the still sunlit sky and then running again to another location, probably to catch the best views. I got the camera and my wife took photos, too, coz we were convinced the view they were hunting for was some rare eclipse. Coming home I found out the commotion was caused by Starlink satelites.
The Starlink space train will once again be visible over Poland. It is the G9-14 series, which has been flying over our country since Thursday. Although the weather is not spoiling us, it is worth trying to catch this small fragment of the mega constellation of satellites that crosses the sky above our heads.

Check the space train in the photos below

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  • a

  • a
Atch  22 | 4299
7 Dec 2024   #49
When I saw the opening lines of your post on the front page, I thought you were going to tell us you had an accident! Glad you didn't. Nice pics :)) Btw, we don't say 'today afternoon' in English. We say 'this afternoon'. Remember that when you're with your students ;)
pawian  226 | 27817
7 Dec 2024   #50
Remember that when you're with your students ;)

Ich will but I muss have godden it from mein stoodents who teach me incredible stuff and I absorb it like Bob the Builder Sponge. Ha!!! ):):)

you had an accident!

Nope, the last one I had was 12 years ago when I was taking photos while driving and scratched the side of my car against a road barrier.

we don't say 'today afternoon'

No, I already learnt long ago that anything goes and it sounds fine. Some posters here considered me a native Brit for a long time despite my horrible English. :):):)
OP Alien  26 | 6527
11 Dec 2024   #51
Bob the Builder Sponge

Actually it's SpongeBob.
pawian  226 | 27817
11 Dec 2024   #52
Whoever. :):):

One more story from old days. In mid 1980s, I was travelling to Zakopane with my girlfriend for summer vacation in a baby fiat 126p. The road to the town is extremely hilly. While driving uphill, the engine suddenly started choking. The problem vanished when the road got horizontal or downhill. Then it happened again while going uphill. Several times. I noticed a big state car service and decided to pay a visit. I told the mechanics there that i had a problem with the clutch. I knew close to nothing about car repair, I probably repeated what I had heard from sb about problems with the car earlier on. The guys at the service told me I was asking for a repair which required a few hours` work and advised me to look for the problem elsewhere. So I looked inside the engine compartment and after a short check I found out one of the electric cables (2 in baby fiat) was loosely connected. When the car was going horizontally or downhill, it worked well but stopped when going uphill.
Today when I recall my naivety with that clutch supposition I can`t contain laughter.

OP Alien  26 | 6527
15 Dec 2024   #53
clutch supposition I can`t contain laughter.

I had something like that too, I started hearing a characteristic rattle from one wheel while driving. The rattle would come back and was like in my previous car when the wheel bearing broke. I went to a mechanic, he checked the car and said that the bearings had no play. Unfortunately, this did not calm me down and since the wheel was still noisy I asked the mechanic to replace the bearing, which he eventually did. In the process, he destroyed the ABS sensor. In the end, I had to pay for the bearing and sensor replacement. Well, after I got the car back the rattle problem remained, so in desperation I bought new tires for one axle. And what? And the problem disappeared. I could have saved myself a lot of money earlier.
OP Alien  26 | 6527
9 Jan 2025   #54
Poles have so far been "harmless" criminals on the German car theft market. Now, however, a Pole has run over a German policeman to death with a stolen car. Oh, the situation will get worse in the near future. I can already see 20-kilometer traffic jams at the border in retaliation.
pawian  226 | 27817
10 Jan 2025   #55
a Pole has run over a German policeman to death with a stolen car.

In the past, even thieves had their code of decent behaviour. Today they are too americanised.
That lowlife will be charged with murder and let him spend 20 years in prison. There he might learn the code at last.
OP Alien  26 | 6527
11 Jan 2025   #56
In the past

They didn't use drugs back then, now almost every one of them is high to give themselves courage.
OP Alien  26 | 6527
15 Jan 2025   #57
jams at the border in retaliation

5 hours of waiting at the border in SÅ‚ubice. In the middle of Europe and the European Union. Shame.
pawian  226 | 27817
17 Jan 2025   #58
5 hours of waiting at the border in SÅ‚ubice. Shame.

I read an article on it. Queues are border crossings are German fault.
17 Jan 2025   #59
As usual, Polish politicians are complaining. How dare the Germans send back over 4600 people from Ukraine, Syria and Afghanistan that tried to illegally cross the border from Poland? Keep them, Poland.,to%20clamp%20down%20on%20immigration.
pawian  226 | 27817
17 Jan 2025   #60
Keep them, Poland.

Yes, according to earlier agreements, we will.
But German police and border guards are known to be too recklessly hasty coz it happened that they sent some migrants without proving they had entered Germany from Poland.

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