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Poland in photo riddles - part 2

OP pawian  219 | 24792
9 Sep 2020   #241
Sorry, no, no no.
I meant a major improvement. Hint - it wasn`t my initiative, but the housing estate manegement`s decision to introduce it in all their apartment blocks. They even organised a mock referendum among residents.

Dolno, Harvest festivals aren`t in May - there is nothing to harvest yet - as a farmer, you should know about it. hahaha
OP pawian  219 | 24792
3 Oct 2020   #242
Two riddles are still pending but here is another one.
Why did I take this photo?

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mafketis  38 | 10911
4 Oct 2020   #243
Why did I take this photo?'d been stalking that hot fox on the sidewalk for months now?

more seriously, looks like a vanity plate (still pretty rare here) so maybe it has something to do with the person driving the car or the car itself? but cars are boring so....
4 Oct 2020   #244
check the date - it is important. Not exactly the one displayed but around it.

Zielone Świątki? Although I can't see much evidence of it apart from a couple of green skirts.

Even the ground may give you a clue.

I can't see anything on the ground.

The only other things I can think of in May are Mieszanie Owiec, but nothing I can see suggests it is this, and Nabożeństwo majowe.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
4 Oct 2020   #245
more seriously, looks like a vanity plate

Yes, reading ABARTH, a kind of racing Fiat car.

Zielone Świątki?


The only other things I can think of in May are

It`s without a fixed day, always in May.
You strive for 3 people and you can be excused but I am surprised that native Poles still haven`t offered an answer. It is so obvious.

Ok, a hint - I haven`t shown the main element of this holiday, coz it would be too easy. Here you see only the backstage, sort of.
4 Oct 2020   #246
It`s without a fixed day, always in May.

I am stumped on this one. Is it something of importance only to Podhale highlanders or to all Poles? Majówka and Dzień matki are fixed days too :(

hint: most Poles don`t have it in their flats.

I'm probably wrong but the only other thing I can think of which is a major improvement is soundproofing between floors, but that doesn't explain the the cables that aren't actually cables.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
4 Oct 2020   #247
I am stumped on this one

Yes, I can see it and I am so awfully sorry to torture you with it but as I said, it is not a big deal for native Poles so I am still waiting for their response.

Is it something of importance only to Podhale highlanders or to all Poles?

TO ALL POLES! :):):) Look again - there are only 3 goralenvolk there - the rest are ordinary people in formal clothes. It means those gorals are accidental guys. Just a pure coincidence.

but that doesn't explain the the cables that aren't actually cables.

Yes, cables which aren`t cables. The size limits for photos here makes it impossible to get a better quality view of those cables. So, we must engage our Sherlock Holmes` deduction skills. Now think hard - if they aren`t cables - what else can they be???? We know they are white and long and made of.............. and are used to .............. to the house.:):)
4 Oct 2020   #248
I am so awfully sorry to torture you

Aaaagh!!!! You are not sorry! You are enjoying the torture!!

the rest are ordinary people in formal clothes

They're not about to dance around a maypole then.........

It means those gorals are accidental guys.

I thought they were significant as at the start of the riddle you asked who they were.

if they aren`t cables - what else can they be????

I need to go stick my head in the gas oven.......
OP pawian  219 | 24792
4 Oct 2020   #249
Aaaagh!!!! You are not sorry! You are enjoying the torture!!

No! When I see how people suffer, I melt like wax! I feel terrible now!
I would tell you but it is too easy.

They're not about to dance around a maypole then.........

Nope, we already said they are too fat for that.

I thought they were significant as at the start of the riddle you asked who they were.

Yes, they are a little significant, a small curiosity, but only in the context of the whole event which is much more important than those gorale. Please, one more effort. Hint - you can see 3 seperate groups of people - who/what are they in each group?

I need to go stick my head in the gas oven......

Hmm, that might give you a hint. Think of the oven, think of the oven. What does it share with those would-be cables???
4 Oct 2020   #250
it is too easy.

It isn't!

who/what are they in each group?

The highlanders, younger people/kids and people who look like they might well be attending a wedding or similar.

Think of the oven, think of the oven.

I'm going to turn on the gas now!

What does it share with those would-be cables???

Heat? Pipework? Ducting? Those workmen are up high though, so not central or under floor heating.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
4 Oct 2020   #251
I'm going to turn on the gas now!

No, wait!!! We can still talk!!!

The highlanders, younger people/kids and people who look like they might well be attending a wedding or similar.

And, who mostly attends weddings?

Heat? Pipework? Ducting?

Yes, pipes. Those mysterious cables are pipes. Hurray, pipes!

Those workmen are up high though, so not central or under floor heating.

Try to liberate yourself from conventional thinking - remember, this is Poland, the country of Mrożek! High or low, it doesn`t matter really.

But still, it is not heating.
4 Oct 2020   #252
No, wait!!! We can still talk!!!

About to press the ignition switch!!

who mostly attends weddings?

Family of the bride and groom......

it is not heating.

Well there's not that much that flows through pipes in flats.It's not water or gas, and maf ruled out air conditioning. Plus, those pipes were wound like cable so not made of metal? I'm sure it's going to be really simple but I can't get it.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
4 Oct 2020   #253
About to press the ignition switch!!

No, don`t touch the red button! And if you do and then you see the light at the end of the tunnel, don`t walk to it!

Family of the bride and groom......

Yes, exactly. So, just like a wedding, this event is a strictly family one. Those goralenvolk are sb`s family!!

Well there's not that much that flows through pipes in flats.It's not water or gas, and maf ruled out air conditioning.

Please, skip conventional thinking in Western terms! This is Poland! Anything can happen here. hahaha

Plus, those pipes were wound like cable so not made of metal?

Of course not made of metal - they are white - metal pipes are seldom white.

I'm sure it's going to be really simple but I can't get it.

Slowly, slowly, you`re getting warmer, warmer.

Hey, what a hint! Did you notice it?

Oops, two minutes to midnight!! We must be quick! Iron Maiden is chasing us!
OP pawian  219 | 24792
6 Oct 2020   #254
Dear Chemik, you have already mentioned the proper answer to pipe issue. It was by accident, so now think which of them is correct.
dolnoslask  5 | 2809
6 Oct 2020   #255
Oops, two minutes to midnight!! We must be quick! I

Infatuated with the chemist you are.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
6 Oct 2020   #256
Midnight was closing in, I wanted to enable johhny to get out of his den and participate in the forum for a while, that is why I was in a rush.

Yes, I am always infatuated with decent intelligent people.
7 Oct 2020   #257
don`t touch the red button!

Tick tick boom!

this event is a strictly family one.

When you first posted the riddle, I thought it looked like a typical wedding party, but dismissed anything along those lines as you said it always happens in May, although the date changes. I was looking for some sort of holiday. So it isn't a wedding, but some sort of family event. I'm still stumped :(

you have already mentioned the proper answer to pipe issue.

Is it the underfloor heating?
OP pawian  219 | 24792
7 Oct 2020   #258
Not a wedding. And it is a family event coz all family members come to celebrate it. And it is nationwide. And in May.

No, it is not underfloor heating coz the worker is installing pipes in the overhead cupboard. Besides, such heating has electric cables, not pipes. Sth else.
Lenka  5 | 3484
8 Oct 2020   #259
First communion?
OP pawian  219 | 24792
8 Oct 2020   #260
Uff, at last! hahaha Yes, the First Holy Communion and those Highlanders had been invited, too and came in traditional costumes to make a bigger impression.

Why did it take so long???
Lenka  5 | 3484
8 Oct 2020   #261
I never try to solve the photo riddles but out of old habit I scan all the posts. The last few hints gave me the answer.
10 Oct 2020   #262
the worker is installing pipes in the overhead cupboard

I'm not going to get this. I'll rule out air con as maf mentioned that before me, and soundproofing as that doesn't involve heat. That only leaves central heating that I mentioned earlier. Pipes going to a new boiler somewhere?

Yes, the First Holy Communion and those Highlanders had been invited,

At last! Very good riddle. I know about this but completely didn't click with the month!
10 Oct 2020   #263
Say, do Poles prefer bricks or Ytong for building?
OP pawian  219 | 24792
10 Oct 2020   #264
It depends where they live- if close to a brick factory, then they prefer tradtional bricks.

That only leaves central heating that I mentioned earlier. Pipes going to a new boiler somewhere?

I am not sure what you mean by a boiler.
OK, I won`t torment you any longer. They are pipes for hot water to the bathroom and kitchen. Before, the whole estate used gas heaters.
11 Oct 2020   #265
I am not sure what you mean by a boiler.

In the UK, most boiler systems are run by gas. A gas boiler heats the water used for central heating and also provides hot water for the house. Some central heating systems are run by oil. In Poland I think most systems, especially outside of cities, are run by coal or wood.

They are pipes for hot water to the bathroom and kitchen. Before, the whole estate used gas heaters.

At last!
OP pawian  219 | 24792
11 Oct 2020   #266
In the UK, most boiler systems are run by gas.

How about big cities with power stations which also provide hot water? Aren`t most flats there connected to the system? How about flats with seperate taps for hot/cold water?
11 Oct 2020   #267
Most power stations are away from big cities. They generate electricity which runs along power lines to substations where the voltage is stepped down. Lower voltage lines carry it from there to poles where a transformer steps the voltage down again before it enters your home.Gas is distributed to homes via pipelines. Water is heated within the home by either gas or electric means, not by connection to a power station.

How about flats with seperate taps for hot/cold water?

Cold water is supplied by the water pipes from the water mains. It doesn't mix with the hot water. Someone else can probably explain this better!
OP pawian  219 | 24792
11 Oct 2020   #268
It doesn't mix with the hot water.

Yes, of course. I thought hot water is also supplied from an external source. So it is traditionally heated by home gas heaters. Good to know.
11 Oct 2020   #269
I thought hot water is also supplied from an external source

No it's not. Bit of a long-winded explanation but I got there in the end!
OP pawian  219 | 24792
11 Oct 2020   #270
Ok, so apart from Polish riddles, we also solved one British mystery along the way.

So, a new one: what are they doing and why?

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