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Poland in photo riddles - part 2

Joker  2 | 2389
2 Nov 2019   #121
I forgot they also established other towns, including Tarnobrzeg. A good riddle. :):)

It is a very nice town, very clean and has interesting architecture.

remembered there is Baranów Sandomierski Castle in Tarnobrzeg county.

I figured you would recognize it after seeing the cannon. It seems more like an old fancy hotel than a medieval castle.

prepare new riddles which will take some time.

Dont make them too hard for me. Im just a tourist! haha

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3 Nov 2019   #122
My guess it is somewhere in Podkarpackie or Małopolskie.

You are bang on with Małopolskie. I thought Pawian might have got it from reading your comment.

I still have no idea.

Rabka-Zdrój cemetery.

good luck in guessing. :):)

I don't know who the statue is of, but it's in the grounds of Baranów Sandomierski Castle.
3 Nov 2019   #123
A new riddle about Poland's national poet, Adam Mickiewicz. The following photos were taken in a country other than Poland. All I want to know is which country, and where precisely the exhibits can be found. Simples!

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3 Nov 2019   #124
Some more photos from the exhibits:

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johnny reb  49 | 7985
3 Nov 2019   #125
District of Beyoğlu, on the European side of Istanbul, Turkey ?
4 Nov 2019   #126
Sorry, but no. There is a museum in Istanbul dedicated to his life, he had connections with Istanbul and that's where he died. He also has connections with other countries.
mafketis  38 | 11170
4 Nov 2019   #127
Is it Lithuania? That's a guess based on the "Adomas Mickevicius" on book spines...
Lyzko  44 | 9719
5 Nov 2019   #128
Hit the nail on the head!

"Litwo, ojczyzno moja!......" Can't be plainer than that.
mafketis  38 | 11170
5 Nov 2019   #129
Litwo, ojczyzno moja!.

Except that Mickiewicz's Litwa was not the same thing as the modern country of Lithuania... (although IIRC he was a Polonized ethnic Lithuanian from an area that is now part of Belarus)
5 Nov 2019   #130
That's a guess based on the "Adomas Mickevicius" on book spines

Dammit, I didn't look closely enough, I'd rejected a couple of pics because of giveaway words! Yes, it is Lithuania, well done, but now I need to know where in Lithuania, and the place where those exhibits are kept.....
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
5 Nov 2019   #131
Yes, Adam Mickiewicz is a very interesting case with regard to his ethnicity. I'm afraid it can only be understood fully in the perspective of the reality of the then Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Unfortunately, the majority of people of our time tend to look at it from today's perspective and every one of them or every group may arrive at different, often conflicting conclusions.
mafketis  38 | 11170
5 Nov 2019   #132
now I need to know where in Lithuania,

Can't help you there, I've only been in Lithuania once for work and didn't go to any museums... and I know very little of AM.
6 Nov 2019   #133
it can only be understood fully in the perspective of the reality of the then Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

Yes, and that was a state encompassing Poland, Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine. If no-one else has tried to guess by tomorrow, I will post the answer.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
6 Nov 2019   #134
If no-one else has tried to guess by tomorrow, I will post the answer.

Is it his house in Vilnius, which is now a museum?

Except that Mickiewicz's Litwa was not the same thing as the modern country of Lithuania

Isn't this partially because Lithuanians were really a small minority within the Grand Duchy?
7 Nov 2019   #135
Good try Delph, but it's in Kaunas. The exhibits are displayed in the Mickiewicz memorial room in the oldest house in Kaunas, House of Perkunas. Mickiewicz stayed there when he moved to Kaunas after graduating from Vilnius University.

This is the house:

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Ziemowit  14 | 3936
7 Nov 2019   #136
Yes, and that was a state encompassing Poland, Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine.

Indeed, but one must remember there were clearly two distinct states there rather than one until the year 1791 having been united in certain respects only (even armed forces were separate). There existed a strong national Lithuanian identification among members of the ruling class within the Grand Duchy understood as a political entity. This had nothing to do either with ethnicity or with language or denomination. Many of the gentry were Orthodox who next converted to Catholic. The majority, if not all, spoke Lithuanian or Ruthenian (as they called it then) at home and over generations the upper classes turned to Polish. Thus Adam Mickiewicz was strongly inscribed in that context, so it was natural for him to describe himself as "Lithuanian" even if the family spoke Polish at home. He couldn't see a slightest contradiction between being Polish and Lithuanian at the same time. He would strongly protest, however, against calling him a Crowner (Koroniarz), a term applied to those living in the former Kingdom of Poland (Crown) with the lands of Ruthenia (now Ukraine) detached from the Grand Duchy and adjoined to the Kingdom in 1569. The term 'Poland" slowly came into popular (but not official!) usage as the term meaning both units of the entity, the Grand Duchy and the Kingdom, seen together as one. And this is why Adam Mickiewicz thought of himself as being Polish, too.
8 Nov 2019   #137
Thanks for that information Ziemowit, very interesting :)
9 Nov 2019   #138
Guess it's up to me to keep the riddles thread going in Pawian's absence. This is an easy one I think. Where can these little figures be found? I would like not only the place, but the district they are in, and who the sculptor is. In addition, a bonus point for saying what is wrong in the picture.

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TheOther  6 | 3596
9 Nov 2019   #139
"Miasto Aniolow" by Marck Sulek in Warsaw's Praga district. What's wrong in this picture? One sculpture is missing on the right.
9 Nov 2019   #140
Yes, I thought it would be answered quite quickly. Well done, everything spot on! :)
9 Nov 2019   #141
Ok, another riddle. Whereabouts in this Polish city can this structure be found and what street is it on? Oops, don't know why the pics are coming out sideways!

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Ziemowit  14 | 3936
9 Nov 2019   #142
Whereabouts in this Polish city

Very very mysterious. I've never seen anything like that before.
Ironside  50 | 12955
9 Nov 2019   #143
Wroclaw? I have no clue, there something lite that in Warsaw but different architecture the same goes with Katowice.
9 Nov 2019   #144
It is in Wrocław, well done. Now I just need the area and street it is on. I know there is one poster here who will most definitely know, but he only comes here periodically.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
10 Nov 2019   #145
Now I just need the area and street it is on.

It's Ostrów Tumski, but I don't know the name of the street. It's next to that ghastly new hotel they built recently, where the architecture has nothing in common with the rest of the area.
11 Nov 2019   #146
It's Ostrów Tumski,

Yep, well done Delph, it's on Ul. Św. Józefa
12 Nov 2019   #147
What is the name of this palace and where can it be found?

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Dougpol1  29 | 2497
12 Nov 2019   #148
Bialystok? Probably not. Very ornate. Beautiful.
13 Nov 2019   #149
Sorry, but it's not Białystok Doug. A few more photos, although quality isn't great:

  • Palace garden

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Dougpol1  29 | 2497
13 Nov 2019   #150
Cracking place! On tenterhooks - a must visit:)

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