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Poland in photo riddles - part 2

Paulina  17 | 4465
13 Nov 2021   #1171
all of a sudden a GROM operator peeked ouf of a mole hill. We talked for a while before he went on his undercover mission.

Ah, I see... ;D Well then I guess you forgot about "squadron E" - space operations :))

OK, since Riddle 2 has been solved:

and the second riddle for a reason that I will explain later

Those two caps, which are being worn only by GROM operators on the teams, have been put up for a charity auction with the permission of the commanders of squadrons A and C by a father of a sick boy. They are really rare - you probably can't buy them anywhere else, so I'm guessing they are a real treat for collectors of military stuff and GROM fans:

"A" cap:

"C" cap:

The father is collecting money for a surgery for his son which will take place in Germany - it's very expensive, they still have a long way to go and not much time left. If you can, spread the word about his auctions (he's putting also other stuff up for auctions):

You can also donate here:
OP pawian  224 | 27236
13 Nov 2021   #1172
put up for a charity auction

Noble cause calls for noble actions.

Well then I guess you forgot about "squadron E" - space operations :))

Yes, a huge omission on my side coz they have already saved our asses several times but their missions are so strictly confidential that very few people know about them.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
14 Nov 2021   #1173
Who had such long arms?

And here?:

  • janmatejkowernyhor.jpg
Paulina  17 | 4465
14 Nov 2021   #1174
@pawian, I don't think I recognise this... 🤔 Is this someone who's wounded or drunk?

surgery for his son which will take place in Germany

Sorry, I don't know where I got this "Germany" from lol - it will be performed in Paley European Insitute in Warsaw for 277 000 PLN. They don't even have half of this money yet.

Noble cause calls for noble actions.

Indeed :)

they have already saved our asses several times

I can imagine - someone has to protect us from those green aliens from a different planet ;)

Hint for Riddle 1:

What do you think they were researching and testing over there?

Torpedoes :)
OP pawian  224 | 27236
14 Nov 2021   #1175
Torpedoes :)

I went in the wrong direction coz I looked for Penemunde which developed V missiles.

Is this someone who's wounded or drunk?

Not drunk exactly but behaving as if drunk. Or possessed. :):)
Paulina  17 | 4465
14 Nov 2021   #1176
Ah, it's "Wernyhora" by Jan Matejko! I knew it had to have something to do with Cossacks, judging by the guy's hairstyle :)
OP pawian  224 | 27236
15 Nov 2021   #1177
Yes, Wernyhora who was a legendary 18th century Cossack bard who prophetized the fall of Poland and its subsequent rebirth.

Who does this pet tiger belong to?

  • MNK_II_a_1_1D__16_9..jpg
Paulina  17 | 4465
16 Nov 2021   #1178
The tiger belongs to Nero and the painting is "Nero's torches" by Henryk Siemiradzki. It's big - 385 × 704 cm, 27 square metres:

OP pawian  224 | 27236
16 Nov 2021   #1179
The tiger belongs to Nero

Yes! about first Christian martyrs burnt at stakes for their faith.
But I would prefer to call him Emperor Nero - we should pay due respect to notable rulers. History isn`t such a trivial matter after all. We need to deal with it respectfully. :)
Paulina  17 | 4465
16 Nov 2021   #1180
Ah, you know, he's so well known that it's like with Cleopatra - she was a queen, but people usually just say "Cleopatra", since everyone knows who she was anyway...


we should pay due respect to notable rulers

Well, he was an as*hole and I have no respect for him, so...
OP pawian  224 | 27236
16 Nov 2021   #1181
he's so well known

Yes. :):)

he was an as*hole

No., :):) It was his political opponents who blackened him in their diaries and chronicles.

I have no respect for him, so...

So I can only say I was trying to be humorous..... hahaha
Alien  25 | 6353
17 Nov 2021   #1182
To reconcile you both let's call him; The Cruel Emperor Nero.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
17 Nov 2021   #1183
To reconcile you

Thank you very much, we needed that coz that respect for notable historical figures which I had called for led to a huge brawl and tensions between us. I was so stupid! Will she forgive me this one more time? :):):)

In return for your reconciliatory attempts, here is another riddle with a clue :

This guy is ashamed of himself. Why?

  • 12.jpg
jon357  72 | 23361
17 Nov 2021   #1184
A treasonous general and Targovican number one.

In his own words (translated of course) "I am now a Russian forever"
Alien  25 | 6353
18 Nov 2021   #1185
Wasilij Stiepanowicz Popow
jon357  72 | 23361
18 Nov 2021   #1186
No (If it's who I think it is). The painting's by Matejko and is someone Polish with a very famous surname who was alive in exactly the same period. A relative (uncle? cousin?) of a famous writer.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
18 Nov 2021   #1187
A treasonous general and Targovican number one.

Yes, Szczęsny Potocki, one of the pro-Russian traitors who sold Poland and endorsed partitions in 18th century. Let his name be cursed forever. Above, in the famous painting Rejtan by Matejko. His merits were properly appreciated during Kosciuszko Insurection and he even achieved a higher position, unfortunately in effigy only coz he had managed to escape abroad.

  • 1.jpg
Alien  25 | 6353
19 Nov 2021   #1188
He looked like a Russian...
Paulina  17 | 4465
20 Nov 2021   #1189
So I can only say I was trying to be humorous..... hahaha

Oh, OK... I didn't catch that, I thought that I'm getting a teacher's scolding or sth ;) I'm often not sure when you're joking and when you're being serious, so I can get confused sometimes :P

led to a huge brawl

How will PF ever recover from this ;D

Will she forgive me this one more time? :):):)

I don't think there's anything to forgive ;)

But, Alien, thanks for the mediation anyway :))

Btw, my Riddle 1 from post #1,158 still hasn't been solved - I wrote what that facility in the photo was used for in the past, but the question is - what is it used for now?

So, two more hints:

- it's located in a city with a rather young seaport;
- it's colloquial name is a historical name of a famous island - when long ago Portuguese sailors first discovered this uncharted island they called it in their language "The Beautiful Island".
jon357  72 | 23361
20 Nov 2021   #1190
it's located in a city with a rather young seaport;

It sounds like Formoza in Gdynia. There's an army unit there.

Is it about naval frogmen?
OP pawian  224 | 27236
20 Nov 2021   #1191
so I can get confused sometimes

The key to that is simple: I am serious in serious threads while in others - anything.
OP pawian  224 | 27236
20 Nov 2021   #1192
It sounds like Formoza in Gdynia.

Yes, you solved it! Congrats.

Those frogmen have an intriguing emblem:

Another riddle: Who is that female?

  • jacekmalczewskismi.jpg

  • Formoza_logo_8Z7iW4V.jpg
Paulina  17 | 4465
21 Nov 2021   #1193
It sounds like Formoza in Gdynia.

Yes, as pawian already wrote - you solved the riddle - well done! :))
Formoza is probably the coolest military base in Poland (that I'm aware of, at least) :):


Is it about naval frogmen?

Yup (you can see them in the riddle photo - they're standing in two rows), although, unlike their American counterparts, for example (Navy Seals), they were part of the Polish Navy for only a short period of time (not anymore). They do cooperate with the Navy, though. I think I've read somewhere that they're the least numerous Polish Special Forces unit.

Those frogmen have an intriguing emblem:

Yes, that sea serpent in the emblem is that sea creature that I had in mind when I wrote this:

what is the nickname of the sea creature which has it's "lair" in there?

Who is that female?

A merciful lady - death. The painting is "Death" by Jacek Malczewski:

Paulina  17 | 4465
21 Nov 2021   #1194
Who is this woman and why is she smiling?:

  • Poloniacut1.jpg
OP pawian  224 | 27236
21 Nov 2021   #1195
Coz she feels great satisfaction after being voted Miss Poland.
Alien  25 | 6353
21 Nov 2021   #1196
Rather Queen of Poland
Paulina  17 | 4465
21 Nov 2021   #1197
lol Nope ;) She is happy about getting her crown back though :) What does getting that crown back symbolise?

@Alien, nope, but close... She's a personification of something. Of what?
OP pawian  224 | 27236
21 Nov 2021   #1198
Rather Queen of Poland

Yes, she is Mary, God`s Mother, on the Coronation Day when she became the Queen of Poland. Till today people sing: Maryjo Królowo Polski....
Paulina  17 | 4465
21 Nov 2021   #1199
@pawian, nope, she's not Mary...
Crow  154 | 9463
21 Nov 2021   #1200
Who is this woman and why is she smiling?:

Its venerable Jadwiga. She smiles because she knows what coming in a post-covid world. True independance.

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