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Mystical places in Poland

21 Jul 2020   #1
In Bulgaria we have new age publications claiming of special places with spiritual power or having specific energy here. Most of it is woo woo and new age folk tales but I'm interested are there Polish analogues? I just read about the Wawel Chakra. Are there other similar places, considered special?
pawian  226 | 27817
21 Jul 2020   #2
Strange, but I only know about Chakra you mentioned. Probably there are such places but I have never been interested so we need to use Uncle Google now. .
jon357  72 | 23654
21 Jul 2020   #3
Are there other similar places, considered special?

Yes, however the Wawel one is special.

There are many mystical places. Drohiczyn, Mężenin and Grabarka are among them. Jasna Góra and Swięta Lipka are centres of pilgrimage.

Komorów outside Warsaw is also interesting to some.
pawian  226 | 27817
21 Jul 2020   #4
special places with spiritual power

Of course, I skipped all holy/sacred springs/wells which are numerous here. Are you interested in them?
OP Zlatko
21 Jul 2020   #5
Yes, they're also important to me. Things like wells or churches granting wishes. I know only about the importance of the Black Madonna of Częstóchowa but I haven't read it performs miracles. Brw I read the Wawel Chakra could have spared the town destruction and that the hard times for Poland started after moving the capital to Wawa.
pawian  226 | 27817
22 Jul 2020   #6
that the hard times for Poland started after moving the capital to Wawa.

Wow, I didn`t think of that. Funny suggestion.

Things like wells or churches granting wishes.

This article on 3 pages enumerates sacred springs and wells in Poland.
kaprys  3 | 2076
23 Jul 2020   #7
There are also some 'magnetic spots' where things, cars etc seem to roll uphill like góra Żar or Karpacz.
I'm not a physicist to explain it.
jon357  72 | 23654
23 Jul 2020   #8
'magnetic spots' where things, cars etc seem to roll uphill

That is usually an optical illusion; there are a couple of places in Poland where it happens.
pawian  226 | 27817
23 Jul 2020   #9
This article on 3 pages enumerates sacred springs and wells in Poland.

Ooops, it seems the link got deleted somehow and now when I want to bring it back, it says it doesn`t exist anymore. Strange. ?????

So, famous sacred springs one by one.

Wasilków - Holy Water Sanctuary, north east Poland

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pawian  226 | 27817
23 Jul 2020   #10
Grabarka, Eastern Poland

Orthodox religion sacred place with holy water

  • 1280pxGrabarka_42.J.jpg
OP Zlatko
24 Jul 2020   #11
Thank you all, I really appreciate your help. Be blessed!
pawian  226 | 27817
26 Jul 2020   #12
There is one in Gietrzwałd.
30 Oct 2024   #13
I only visited maybe one of two, but these are what they recommend these days in Poland:

Kaplica Czaszek, Projekt Riese, Babia Gora, Krzyztopor, Rynie Castle, Klomino.
jon357  72 | 23654
30 Oct 2024   #14
but these are what they recommend these days in Poland:
The Templar castle at Rogów is interesting. One of the few places the Templars reached in PL.

The mansion in Dobryczy (Pałac w Dobrzycy) has certain mystical and esoteric aspects of its architecture. Open to the public and very worth a visit.

Plus a few places less talked about.
Lazarus  3 | 364
30 Oct 2024   #15
Plus a few places less talked about.

Have you been to Reszel? It's absolutely brilliant, one of my three favourite places in Poland. I wrote a few articles about the place for the usual Warsaw publications.

Now that I remember those, I think I'm in one of the photos accompanying one of those articles. I won't say which though, don't want spoil the surprise for Jimmy Poorhouse when he finally gets to see a photo of me!
jon357  72 | 23654
30 Oct 2024   #16
Have you been to Reszel? It's absolutely brilliant, one of my three favourite places in Poland.

Yes. I've stayed in the castle (with T). The bar/restaurant there was interesting looking however I think we ate at a little schabowy place in town. Handy for Święta Lipka.

About places less talked about, I was referring to places with spiritual or occult or esoteric connections/history that aren't really for civilians. Some are of interest only really for people with a special interest, one (belonging to UAM Poznan) an absolute goldmine. Perhaps 'the' goldmine, however the most interesting items they hold are under lock and key for religious/cultural reasons, and several places of great peace and spirituality.
pawian  226 | 27817
7 Dec 2024   #17
Southern Poland`s town of Muszyna hosts the Garden of Lights every winter. Completely free.

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5 Jan 2025   #18
Very beatifull.

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