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How long are you allowed to occupy a shared bathroom in Poland?

29 Jul 2021   #1
I had a rather negetive experiance related to an accomedation with shared bathroom facilty.
Wich i already explained in a previous post and i was wondering if there are some unwritten rules about this in poland???
Novichok  4 | 8748
29 Jul 2021   #2
Pi*ss - 2, crap - 3. Shower - 6. Call it the 236 rule.
When you are inside, think about the guy outside barely holding it in, not about your own a*s.
jon357  72 | 23361
29 Jul 2021   #3
I had a rather negetive experiance

We know. You've told us already.

some unwritten rules about this

No. Just common sense and decency. If you didn't get that from a hotel, tell tripadvisor or
Novichok  4 | 8748
29 Jul 2021   #4
Just common sense and decency.

BS. How long is "common sense and decency" to take a leak?
Here is your dialog...

Hey, man, how long are you going to be there?

I will stay here according to common sense and what is decent.

How long is that, moron?

I just told you.
OP Badholidayinpola
29 Jul 2021   #5
And what if no one is wanting to use the bathroom while you are in it?

I get it if someone knocks on the door that they wish to use the bathroom but if this doesn't occur are u allowed to stay for as long as you wish?
Novichok  4 | 8748
29 Jul 2021   #6
And what if no one is wanting to use the bathroom while you are in it?

No, you are not. There are unspoken rules we observe to avoid conflicts. Like walking on the right side even though walking on the left side will not get you arrested. It's just anti-social.

Do you have CCTV to know? You don't. Somebody could be waiting and you may not even realize it.

I remember our one-bathroom apartment in Warsaw. It was pure hell. On many occasions, I had to go to the public one.

Most people are too polite to yell, hey, you, get the fu*ck out!
Joker  2 | 2390
29 Jul 2021   #7
Wich i already explained in a previous post

Aren't you the guy that spends like 4 hours taking a bath. What could possibly take that long?
AntV  3 | 670
29 Jul 2021   #8
Pi*ss - 2, crap - 3. Shower - 6. Call it the 236 rule

I'm with you on the 2 minute pi$$, factoring in hand washing 2 minutes is plenty.

However, I have issues with a 3 minute crap and 6 minute shower.

While a 3 minute crap is commendably efficient, it's too mechanical-sort of inhuman. Takes away the, uh, what's the word...ambiance. Yes, ambiance. A good human crap should have a certain ambiance. This shouldn't be rushed.

It's not simply some mechanical function like some task in a machine shop-grab a piece of metal, drill a hole in it, drop it in hopper and done! No, no, it's much more meditative and experiential. There's even some symbolism in it. Granted, there's some unpleasantries attached to it, but what worthwhile thing in life doesn't have it's hardships?

A 6 minute shower is downright barbaric. Even worse, actually, it's more like serving a life sentence in a Gestapo-ran jail while under constant KGB surveillance while having your balls busted by a basic training drill sergeant. You can barely collect your thoughts in 6 minutes, let alone clean your filth and properly dry your fellas. Nah, you gotta double up that time just to meet the minimum time needed.

However, this is all mitigated when on holiday using a shared facility. In that case, a minute to whizbang, 2 to drop a load (every other day), and clean your dirty a$$ either in the river, lake, or some park fountain.
Novichok  4 | 8748
29 Jul 2021   #9
You remind me of my MIA friend, Ptak. Only he and now you could turn taking a crap into a spiritual experience.
That was funny and worth the 2 minutes it took me to slow read it and to enjoy every drop of it.

let alone clean your filth and properly dry your fellas.

Six for a shower does not include drying. You can do it in your own room or outside if your roommate is banging a chick.
pawian  224 | 27236
30 Jul 2021   #10
there are some unwritten rules about this in poland???

If you are alone, maximum 0.5 hour is allowed. If you are with a partner, regardless of gender, it is 1 hour. If there are more people involved, it can`t exceed 1.5 hours. Simple. These are traditional Polish rules for occupying a shared bathroom .They have been in use since King Jagiello`s times.
Novichok  4 | 8748
30 Jul 2021   #11
If you are alone,

...alone or with a copy of Huster?
papodiluce  - | 1
30 Jul 2021   #12
Do people use bidets in Poland ? Under certain circumstances, using a bidet can be considered a life hack.
pawian  224 | 27236
30 Jul 2021   #13
...alone or with a copy of Huster?

You mean Francis Huster, French actor, director etc??
I said clearly: regardless of gender. Let me add: also regardless of nationality , occupation, education, religion, ideology etc.

Do people use bidets in Poland ?

For bathing? Rarely. If they do, they must be very desperate coz so many people use the shared bathroom at a time that there is no space in the bath tub or shower cabin and they have to use the bidet.
Novichok  4 | 8748
30 Jul 2021   #14
I already know to never, ever take him seriously. 0.5h? I wouldn't wait that long for my own funeral...

In "America", everything is instant or less than 30 seconds to match the average attention span.
pawian  224 | 27236
30 Jul 2021   #15
In "America", everything is instant or less than 30 seconds

Yes, that is one of the reasons I never wanted to settle down in the US when I had a chance. Life is so crazily hasty there. In Poland I can enjoy my 0.5 hour in a shared bathroom and whoever disturbs, is sent to hell. Simple.

your weird sense of, very Polish, humour.

No, it is not Polish. It is Monkeyish.
Novichok  4 | 8748
30 Jul 2021   #16
I force you to think and in result you remain mentally safe and sound for a longer time.

Spending too much time in the bathroom reverses the process so your 0.5h is a very bad idea.
Spike31  3 | 1485
31 Jul 2021   #17
A proper shower takes at least 15 minutes and with good company half-an-hour.

Don't be cheap and rent a place with a separate toilet and bathroom. It will pay off
OP Badholidayinpola
31 Jul 2021   #18
It where a mere 2 hours from 12:00 till 14:00 when nobody else needed the bathroom.

And really i already gained notority for that post?
mafketis  38 | 11137
31 Jul 2021   #19
Yes, you are now officially "Bath Boy' or Bathholidayinpola if you prefer.
jon357  72 | 23361
31 Jul 2021   #20
2 hours

That's quite a long time. Perhaps the hotel cleaner wanted to give the bathroom the once over with a jay cloth and some Vim.

  • Screenshot2021073.jpg

  • Screenshot2021073.jpg
jon357  72 | 23361
31 Jul 2021   #21
Or maybe Ajax.

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