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Fishing in Poland - where to go, what to catch?

aligator_s  - | 77
23 Jan 2008   #31
when the otters started to die out in the UK in the 1950s. it was the members of the otter hounds who alerted the ministry of agriculture to the fact that otters were becoming scarce. the hunt master would always leave a number of breeding pairs undisturbed to ensure that they would be able to hunt their offspring. it transpired that DDT a chemical pesticide was killing off the otters. had it not been for the huntsmen the government would have not known there was a problem caused by mass pollution by big business.

i do not condone otter hunting but for every animal that a hunter kills, industry kills off a thousand- what is more hunters leave habitat uncleared to provide cover for game. big industry poisons hundreds of hectares every year so that nothing will grow there.

it kind of puts things into perspective
ranjit  1 | 11
14 Feb 2008   #32
I fish alot in poland it acn be good it all depends where you want to go and what you want to fish for. I do lots of flyfishing on the bobr and kwisa rivers
16 Apr 2009   #33
Apr 16, 09, 16:47 - Thread attached on merging:
Fishing in and around Warsaw.

hi all can anyone help me my wife is polish and im english im going to poland on the 30th april for the 12 time but iv never fished there we live in warsaw dose anyone no what kind of licence i need and where i can obtain a licence from also what are the best places to fish in and around warsaw. many thanks.
berni23  7 | 377
16 Apr 2009   #34
hi as far as i remember there are no government licenses so they are issued in the region and the prices vary from 5€-50€ for one week i heard that you can even fish in the wisla but you better ask somebody local tight lines.
BORIS120  - | 1
13 Aug 2009   #35

15 Aug 2009   #36
It depends where are you going to be/fish?
In Poland you need to have a regional licence valid in specyfic area (or only one river or lake).

And it is not so easy to buy them:
Check here:

Best regards

szkotja2007  27 | 1497
9 Jan 2010   #37
defrauded us out of US$10,000

Hope you get your cash back. What was the scam - I take it for that amount of cash travel and accomodation were involved ?

I am a keen fisherman myself in the north of Scotland. Fishing from the shore now its winter - Giant Skate, Cod, Conger, Thornback Ray, Pollack etc
6 Apr 2010   #38
Totaly absurd--there is not now or has there ever been a 1000 pack of wolves nor has there ever been an attack on a village by wolves..
peterweg  37 | 2305
6 Apr 2010   #39
Wildlife in Poland has not been hunted to extinction, far from in. On my farm herds of deer, flocks of pheasants and Hare are very common, more than daily sights. Hunters feeds the wild boar and deer in winter. Pheasants are reared in massive numbers then released (only 20% of the farm reared Pheasants are shot the rest fall to natural predators). Hunters have to pay a fee for every animal they kill - Hare cost 75zl for instance.

Dogs can be shot if they are more than 150m away from a house without a collar; not nice but they are dangerous themselves.
Sobieski1  1 | 14
4 Jan 2012   #40
Merged: Does anyone know anywhere to go carp fishing in poland?

Does anyone know anywhere to go carp fishing in poland. I fished paprocany in tychy and caught nothing i saw some place called carp valley in poland. But wondered if anyone knew any good lake preferabley south of warsaw

I saw a polish guy catch a pike or schupak (my polish spelling aweful) in tychy water and 4 tonne of carp went into paprocany in tychy before i left the fishing tickets are very reasonable you usually need to go on a course and have instruction to get your licence but if your a foriegn holiday maker you just pay per visit. I had to take my own own tackle as hiring out thier was non existant. I am lucky to have such a wonderfull girlfriend to translate for me. it is easy to obtain a licence so ignore people who say it isnt the licence allows you to fish a number of lake in the region but the water balliffs raely speak english hence the need for a polish translator.
ErikB  1 | 4
30 May 2012   #41
Hi, Im spending time in the region of Gniezno, my question is if anybody knowes about fishing around Gniezno-Wrzesnia? Like spin- and fly fishing.

Merged: Fishing in Wielkopolkie

Hi, Im spending time in the region of Gniezno, my question is if anybody knowes about fishing around Gniezno-Wrzesnia? Like spin- and fly fishing.
pawian  226 | 27558
18 Jan 2013   #42
The missus and I will be travelling to Poland in about June or July this year. Are there any keen anglers out there who can tell me where/where not to go, what I can catch, rigs to use etc?? Thanks for the help.

guy with fish in poland
Zibi  - | 335
19 Jan 2013   #43
Pawian, is that you? Nice catch!!! :)
gumishu  15 | 6228
19 Jan 2013   #44
pawian doesn't even know what sort of fish this is :P
pawian  226 | 27558
19 Jan 2013   #45
Actually, I am very good at Polish fish species. As a true Pole, I know everything Polish!!! :):):):)

No, Zibi, it isn`t me, I decided to give up fishing years ago because it is a too cruel sport.
gumishu  15 | 6228
19 Jan 2013   #46
Actually, I am very good at Polish fish species. I am a true Pole. :):):):)

you're a bloody pawian not a pole :P
pawian  226 | 27558
21 Jan 2013   #47
Merged: Relax thread - fishing in Poland

Hey, I thought about creating a thread which would be free of political debates. Let`s relax!

I have always been fascinated with underwater life, fish and fishing but for 20 years now this fascination has been of platonic nature as one day I decided to give up fishing for humanitarian reasons.

What are the common fish species angled in Poland? You can answer in Polish or English. Let`s crack a few riddles:

What`s this?

Record catch, 4.95 kg and 62 cm long.

PS. Most anglers in Poland take their fish home to eat. Please, respect this tradition.
rybnik  18 | 1444
21 Jan 2013   #48
What`s this?

pstrąg - trout
maybe even a rainbow trout
and a big one
szkotja2007  27 | 1497
21 Jan 2013   #49
Yep, look like Rainbow Trout to me.
pawian  226 | 27558
21 Jan 2013   #50
Yep, look like Rainbow Trout to me.


and a big one

Yes! I am trying to choose the biggest catches!

Rainbow trout was imported into Europe from the USA, btw.

Its meat is OK, but nothing special to me. As a small boy, I once threw up after eating a trout in a restaurant, right onto the table. :):):)

Its meat is OK, but nothing special to me.

I prefer this one much more:

Fish from Poland

Polish fisherman
rybnik  18 | 1444
21 Jan 2013   #51
As a small boy, I once threw up after eating a trout in a restaurant, right onto the table

it made a poor first impression did it?
pawian  226 | 27558
21 Jan 2013   #52
Yes, I was never fond of rainbow trout, contrary to my parents who considered it delicious. Today I don`t them as there are so many finer fish available.

What about the species above?
21 Jan 2013   #53
Carp too is a popular fish over there, I'm told:-)
pawian  226 | 27558
21 Jan 2013   #54
Show us some pics!!!
nasadki  - | 43
21 Jan 2013   #55
My father in law and I want to come back over and fish for pike. He thinks the world record pike is somewhere in Poland.
21 Jan 2013   #56
My grandfather as well, only carp's kosher and pike isn't ( far as I know)
pawian  226 | 27558
21 Jan 2013   #57
Carp too is a popular fish over there, I'm told:-)

My father in law and I want to come back over and fish for pike.

The next fish species isn`t what you suggested:
Namely what?:
gumishu  15 | 6228
21 Jan 2013   #58
don't tell me pawian you knew how lipień is in English before writing your post :):P
pawian  226 | 27558
21 Jan 2013   #59
You are right! :):):)

No, I don`t. I posted the pics to learn the English name of the species!!!! :):):)

Save my time and tell me.
gumishu  15 | 6228
21 Jan 2013   #60
Save my time and tell me.

grayling - use wikipedia - it's easy :)

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