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Entering Poland from Germany on the A4 motorway

Wroclaw Boy
18 Jan 2009   #1
Just back from another European adventure folks. Found an interesting contrast entering Poland on the A4 motorway. I was in highway heaven driving on the German Autobahns 160 - 220 KMPH no problem, well there often is no speed limit on the autobahns and it works as classic German efficiency should. What a joy and credit where credits due the German drivers are amongst the best in the world. Then i entered Poland!!

The schengin agreement is great no passports no regulations no people, just drive through a ghostly area that was once a place to hand out fines and stringent vehicle searches. However withinn 10 seconds of crossing the German/Polish border you know youre in Poland. Its not the words advertised above buildings such as Kantor or Pierogi, its the roads. So i thumble with my car sterio and go for the weapopn of choice, thrash metal, hardcore aggressive guitar tunes thinking this will put me in the mood for the driving ahead.

I was not dissapointed, within minutes im swearing and cursing fcukwits on the road, i was amost instantly aware that the danger to my life on the roads in Poland has massively increased. Its not so much the drivers but the state of the roads, you have a large motorway (German) entering a shabby pot holed, rutted, single lane country road (Poland), theres work on the motorway going straight through but today it was covered in snow and nobody was out working.

The below is one small section of this main EU road, its an absolute joke. The government needs to sort this out ASAP..

OP Wroclaw Boy
18 Jan 2009   #3
The last German city was Gorlitz, stayed in Ansbach last night in a TUUURKISH run hotel. How you feel about that?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
18 Jan 2009   #4
How you feel about that?

What about me? Did you enjoy it??? :)
OP Wroclaw Boy
18 Jan 2009   #5
Just wondering how you felt about Turks running businesses in Germany. They were great hosts, thought you may have a beef with that, thats all, i know you mentioned distaste to Turk and Greek immigrants in Germany.

Dudeski, I love driving on the German Autobahns, its so organised! Im usually one of the faster drivers as i have a high powered car, but i never worry about somebody pulling out on me. I wouldnt say German roads are better than English in terms of build quality and organisation but the no speed limit really works. If you want to drive at maximum you can but because you can it rarely happens. Its a sensible establishment with great equilibrium.

I only drove through Germany on my way too and from France but I did fill the tank and my belly several times so on that front I congratulate you sir. My opinion of Germany and their people has been galvanised in good faith. If only you werent such bastads back in the late 30's.
wildrover  98 | 4430
18 Jan 2009   #6
I reccomend you drive over the border from Poland into Ukraine , very soon , like me you will think the roads of Poland are absolutly wonderfull compared the the pot holed rutted death traps of Ukraine....
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
18 Jan 2009   #7
Just wondering how you felt about Turks running businesses in Germany.

It ain't the quiet, industrious taxpayer running businesses who are a problem in Germany...
OP Wroclaw Boy
18 Jan 2009   #8
A bit less sausage in the autobahn stations wouldnt go a miss though. Sausages are great and all that but some alternatives would be nice.
shopgirl  6 | 928
18 Jan 2009   #9
Its nice to see a thread that doesn't disparage Germany. :)
I had wondered if that were even possible on this forum......
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
18 Jan 2009   #10
Sausages are great and all that but some alternatives would be nice.

Did you try our Kraut??? :):):)
Filios1  8 | 1336
18 Jan 2009   #11
Thats rather strange...
polishcanuck  7 | 461
18 Jan 2009   #12
German highways are great. I had the time of my life rippin' up and down the autobahn in a rented opel vectra. I was the fastest car on the road. Do germans not drive inexcessive speeds on these roads (200-220km/hr)?? No one ever got in my way and if there was a car in the left lane it would always move to the right if they saw me coming from behind - germans actually use their rear view mirrors. Here in canada i always have to honk or flash my lights at sunday drivers in the left lane.

I thought the a4 was already completed from the D-PL border to wroclaw...?
Kowalski  7 | 621
19 Jan 2009   #13
I thought the a4 was already completed from the D-PL border to wroclaw...?

in July 2009
OP Wroclaw Boy
19 Jan 2009   #14
polishcanuck: I thought the a4 was already completed from the D-PL border to wroclaw...?

in July 2009

Well they best get their coats, gloves and hats on and get back to work to meet the deadline cos there wasnt anybody there yesterday.

My bad it was Sunday yesterday.
Kowalski  7 | 621
19 Jan 2009   #15
A4 , some 50 km toward Germany is one of the most troubled project so far. They had a guy still living in his house right on the A4 route refusing to leave so for some time they couldn't connect two existing parts of A4. Now the major developer is asking for additional money to complete job, they'd put extra time and manpower to catch up but the agency is/was refusing to pay any extras.

July 2009 deadline is supposedly a deal they have reached. < the latest
21 Jan 2009   #16
I drove the same stretch about a month ago and it was horrible but to be fair they are doing something about it, its just that the roadworks mean it will get worse before it gets better in an early 90s Balcerowicz stylee.

Its not fair to compare with the Germans - no other country in the world would meet those standards - but it is fair to compare with Czech and Slovakia and I still feel that Poland is a long long way behind.
Kamil_pl  - | 59
25 Jan 2009   #17
A4 to German boarder should be opened in July.
jacob_89  - | 23
25 Jan 2009   #18
Something against metal ? The music in the background rocks ! You should consider listening to Radio Maryja or Eska with dumb plastic pop. Everything's under construction. Don't judge whole the highway because of one, unfinished part.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
25 Jan 2009   #19
Don't judge whole the highway because of one, unfinished part.

That unfinished part is at least 80km long. And they have already been at it for years.
jacob_89  - | 23
25 Jan 2009   #20
And they have already been at it for years.

Right, but something finally moved a bit.
Kamil_pl  - | 59
26 Jan 2009   #21

Photos from construction of A4 Zgorzelc-Krzyżowa. All concrete has been layed, all viaducts stand.
wildrover  98 | 4430
26 Jan 2009   #22
I remember the first time i came to Poland in 1997 the roads were a bit primative to say the least , but to be fair Poland has made great efforts to improve the roads , and i notice the difference,,,Its going to take time to make them perfect , in the mean time , just drive a little more carefully....I recomend you take a trip to Ukraine or Belarus , after driving there the roads of Poland seem blissfully smooth...
Alien  25 | 6392
9 May 2022   #23
A4 is much more better now.🚗🛣

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