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Castles and Palaces in Poland (with pictures)

Prince  15 | 590
28 Jan 2009   #1
The £ańcut Castle is a 17th century palace in £ańcut, Poland. It was the home of the noble Polish Pilecki, Stadnicki, Lubomirski, and Potocki families. Currently the castle is the home of a large museum.£ańcut_Castle
Prince  15 | 590
28 Jan 2009   #3
Leszczyński palace in France (Nancy)

And his monument in Nancy

Leszczyński palace in Poland

SeanBM  34 | 5781
28 Jan 2009   #4

Is it just me or does the link not work?
Prince  15 | 590
28 Jan 2009   #5
Leszczyński palaces in Poland.

In Poland we can find many smaller or bigger palaces ... I like palaces :)
Puzzler  9 | 1088
28 Jan 2009   #6
I like palaces :)

- Do you own any? I wonder. So how about the Branickis, are they connected with you in any way?
28 Jan 2009   #7
I like palaces

Nice pics, incredible architecture.
Prince  15 | 590
28 Jan 2009   #8
Thanks. Now many people in Poland try to imitate old style but I prefer style moving forward. Lets leave the old style for already build palaces :)

Going back to £ańcut Castle.

It is worth visit.
McCoy  27 | 1268
28 Jan 2009   #9
Castle in Krasiczyn :

Benedictine Abbey Tyniec

The Tyniec Abbey was founded in the 11th century. It is beautifully located on the limestone hill, with the Vistula river at its bottom. Throughout its history, the abbey was destroyed and rebuilt many times.

more from Tyniec:
Prince  15 | 590
28 Jan 2009   #10
14th-15th century Ogrodzieniec Castle.

Now there are techno parties.

2008 Ogrodzieniec PL Sunrise Festival Westbam DJs 2007

Ossoliński palaces

Staszic palace

Some Polish palaces from Wielkopolska:

Józefa Mycielski's palace in Pępów

Palace in Ciążeń

Palace in Rogalin (Raczyński)

Palace in Zakrzewo (Czarnkowski/Miaskowski)

Now we are going on South East of Poland I will show you some palaces from this part of Poland.

Build for Kurozwęcki family
Palace in Kurozwęki

Palace in Smilowice

Build for Michał Ligęza, many times destroyed many times renovated.
Palace in Czyżów

Build for Lubomirski family (Lublin)

Build for Anna Jabłonowska

Palace in Kock.

As to Jabłonowski is not south east Poland ... for one second we are going to visit Warszawa.

At the end of part about South East Poland

Zamoyski palace in Kozłowka

and Czartoryski palace in Puławy
SeanBM  34 | 5781
29 Jan 2009   #11
Niepłomice, Castle.


To any Americans that might happen upon this thread.
The theory of all Europeans living in Castles and Palaces, is absolutely true, as you can see ;)
OP pawian  226 | 27583
13 Feb 2009   #13
Palace in Smilowice

The palace was rebuilt from the scratch. It is near Krakow, for many years the ruins had haunted me and one day, out of the blue, the palace was reborn. Incredible.


See more on this site

Krakow used to be a fortress under the Austrian partition in 19 century. Those smart Austrians even adapted Wawel Castle for barracks and stables. Total lack of respect towards the Polish cultural and historical heritage! :):):)

Today the forts are car parks and wine storage houses.
Salomon  2 | 436
10 May 2009   #14
Now something about history of Polish palaces in former eastern Poland ... today Ukraine or Belarus.

Most of them are devastated so I don't know why they have stolen them ... in some they hold potatoes, cows ...

Anny way they played enormous role in resistance against Rusyfication of Polish population under Russian partition. It was the best argument against pan-Slavists from east as long as non Poles in surrounding grounds weren't able to build such

Some remains of old Polish history are still there :

Here we have interesting conection of two different styles:

Small Polish palace and Socrealistic Belrusian monument.

1 Aug 2009   #15
Merged:The Nicest castles in Poland

[Unknown Polish castle]

I like castle's very much and especially the ruin-like type; real old and tarnished.
The castle on the image above looks very nice and the picture is also well taken.
Does anybody know which castle that is ? It's a Polish castle, but that's all I know.

And do you favour a castle in Poland ? What castle should I, or anyone, really visit ?

I once was in the Czech republic and went for a weewee in the bushes, up a little hill. To my big surprise I 'discovered' a keep or dojon type of castle; totally discarded and used as a dump by the locals. I was truely amazed. Ob the image below is an example of such a castle; the one I saw was more primitive and simple, but it had the size and shape of the square building in the middle. The towers were lost in time :

wildrover  98 | 4430
1 Aug 2009   #16
Malbork castle is pretty awesome.....definatly not a ruin tho...but well worth a visit......
mw78  3 | 29
1 Aug 2009   #17
There are several castles around the jura hills near where I am in zawiercie. Theres ogrodzieniec castle, then there is mirów castle which is a nice scenic walk away from bobolice castle. You have pieskwej skały in the ojców national park which is also well worth a visit.

Theres a very big list of castles in poland on wikipedia.
Piorun  - | 655
1 Aug 2009   #18
Does anybody know which castle that is ? It's a Polish castle, but that's all I know.

Looks like ruins of the castle Tęczyn, in Rudno Poland.
Here you will find a map of Poland with the locations of the castles, when you zoom on the area you will see even more locations, click on the location to see the castle.
frd  7 | 1379
1 Aug 2009   #19
discarded and used as a dump by the locals

When I was in Ukraine about 8 years I've seen many castles being used this waynot a single one in Poland. Still, some are in a pretty delapidated state because of lack of funds for renovation.
plk123  8 | 4119
1 Aug 2009   #20
Malbork castle is pretty awesome

the largest surviving castle complex from that time.
wildrover  98 | 4430
2 Aug 2009   #21
And a world heritage site....wonderfull place....i loved the cannon ball that is wedged into the wall of the dining hall.....
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12019
2 Aug 2009   #22
And a world heritage site

Build in Prussia by the Teutonic order...should be a german world heritage site! :)

(But then, the other world heritage site, the city of Thorn, is from the Teutonic Order too...not so bad for a warrior order...)
plk123  8 | 4119
2 Aug 2009   #23
it was as much prussia as it was poland.
plk123  8 | 4119
2 Aug 2009   #25
prussians sure didn't. :)
2 Aug 2009   #26
Marienburg castle is not Polish.
plk123  8 | 4119
2 Aug 2009   #27
who said it was?
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
2 Aug 2009   #28
prussians sure didn't. :)

Now I am confused...who built it?
2 Aug 2009   #29
The Polish call it Malbork. It is not. It was named Marienburg, after Mary.
plk123  8 | 4119
2 Aug 2009   #30
yes, after the tutons occupied Malbork they renamed it. there are plenty of places in central europe that have names in multiple languages.

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