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UK Car in Poland

ukpol27  1 | -
25 Feb 2024   #1
Hi, I am a UK citizen currently living in Poland.

I was considering buying a car in the UK and driving it to Poland and using it as my normal car in Poland with UK plates on it.

I was wondering if I'm able to actually do this without properly importing the car (which would mean paying VAT / going through that whole process). As I understand, the car can only be in Poland for 90 days without being registered, but how will they even know that the car has been in Poland for that amount of time?

I'm just trying to see if this is a feasible idea.

If anyone has any insight on this I would greatly appreciate it.
Tlum  12 | 303
24 Jul 2024   #2
When you're going to renew the plates, they will get to the dates. I think you can drive it without problem until you have to renew your plates or any other legal update needed for the car.

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