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Camping / Fishing / Mountains / Biking - Poland travel suggestions

24 Jun 2013   #1

Im currently working in Poland and looking for nice places to travel. I have visited most of historical places and my next destination is naturel places in Poland. My vacation days are limited but i still believe that some people may suggest something for me :)

-camping fishing areas


-biking routes

If you have something to advice please do not hesitate.

Thanks :)
johnny reb  49 | 8003
17 Jul 2024   #3
looking for nice places to travel. I have visited most of historical places and my next destination is naturel places in Poland.

Since most Polish people here build walls when it comes to sharing information about Poland you may want to try someplace else to get such information.
I have a Polish pen pal who lives in Solina, Poland that has sent me much information about the area since this is where my grandparents migrated to the U.S. from.
It is the kind of area that you are looking for and definitely my first choice in places to visit in Poland.
Alien  26 | 6527
17 Jul 2024   #4
Since most Polish people here build walls

It's not true. Poles eagerly talk about Poland.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
17 Jul 2024   #5
You are not Polish and chime in to take every thread Off-Topic all day long.
Doesn't your Dad and Mom encourage you to go out and get a real job ?
Now please stay on topic.
Alien  26 | 6527
17 Jul 2024   #6
every thread Off-Topic all day long

Don't compare me with yourself. Be careful what you write.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
18 Jul 2024   #7
Don't compare me with yourself.

I would never embarrass myself in such a manner to compare myself to a boy with fuzz on his nuts.
What did your mommy cook you for dinner tonight ?
Did she wash your dirty jammie's today ?
Now stfu and stay on topic son.
Alien  26 | 6527
18 Jul 2024   #8
nice places to travel

I recommend kayaking and Masurian lakes.
I would

I wouldn't.
Feniks  2 | 857
18 Jul 2024   #9
Masurian lakes.

This is one place I haven't yet visited. Would love to go but to be honest a car is needed to get around and I'm not brave enough for driving in Poland.

Have you been there Alien?

Solina, Poland that has sent me much information about the area since this is where my grandparents migrated to the U.S. from.

Really? Only in this post you're trying to tell everyone that they were from the Krakow area:

You don't have a Polish bone in your body.
Alien  26 | 6527
18 Jul 2024   #10
Have you been there Alien?

Yes, as a student, on several kayaking trips. It was wonderful.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
18 Jul 2024   #11
I wouldn't.

You do.
a car is needed to get around and I'm not brave enough for driving in Poland.

I am, maybe we could travel there together Lucy. (NOT) 🥺
in this post you're trying to tell everyone that they were from the Krakow area:

My grandparent were each from two different areas but since your goal is to stalk me and diminish my posts, I will let it slide and not make you look stupid again.
You don't have a Polish bone in your body.

Have you ever had one in yours ? 🤣
Now PLEEZ stay on topic for once.

Home / Travel / Camping / Fishing / Mountains / Biking - Poland travel suggestions
BoldItalic [quote]
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