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Where do Polish people fly to for beach vacations in the winter?

Alien 22 | 5228
6 Feb 2022 #31
Germans go everywhere, the shouldn't do it and stay more at home in Germany.
PolAmKrakow 3 | 820
6 Feb 2022 #32
Of course. Why go to the Middle East when the Middle East comes to you. Kebab for everyone, happy holidays. ;-)
Alien 22 | 5228
6 Feb 2022 #33
Yes, Germans are a dying breed. They suffer from welfare.
mafketis 37 | 10789
6 Feb 2022 #34
in malta its nice now

November through Easter are the best times to go to Malta... I've been there for Christmas twice, this last year av temp was around 15-16 and mostly sunny...

Where I am there are two flights a week on average so you can stay longer or shorter than the standard 7 days... 10 days is just about right for me...

It's not a beach vacation type of place though (mostly rocky coasts) I did see a few swimmers but not many...

Gozo is interesting too (not as crowded) though getting to the ferries is not so easy or quick if you're staying in Sliema...

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