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Hiking around Zakopane/ Tatra mountains

FosterL3  3 | 2
1 Sep 2008   #1
I am wanting to visit Zakopane in October and do some hiking around the Tatra mountains. I do a lot of walking in England but orienteering isn't my strong point. Is it easy to hike on your own in the mountains, I heard that there are colour coded walks, but then reading the information on the internet it says it's extremely dangerous. Is it safe to hike alone or is going with a tour guide better. If the latter is better does anyone know where you can book onto a tour and how much they are?

1 Sep 2008   #2
it depends how experienced you are...

PS - Morkie Oko is closed for tourists for the next couple of months or so...

you have fun and be careful...
SeanBM  34 | 5781
1 Sep 2008   #3
Hello FosterL3.
I am from Ireland and I live in the mountains in Poland, not as far as Zakopane. There are many many treks, some better than others. The thing I do not like about the main stream treks in Zakopane is that there are far too many people on the path (directly infront and behind you) but do not worry there are plenty of treks.

Is it easy to hike on your own in the mountains, I heard that there are colour coded walks,

Yes, it is very easy. Some routes are dangerous especially at certain times of the year, nameingly winter. Go alone you will be fine. I have no idea about tours.

You will be fine, if there is anythig more I can help you with do not hesitate to ask.
OP FosterL3  3 | 2
2 Sep 2008   #4
That's annoying that morkie oko is closed off that's one of the places I was planning to go to. O well maybe I'll go off the beat and track a bit more and see places with more minimal tourist activity. Thanks for your comments.
19 Sep 2008   #5
Morkie oko is NOT closed to tourists. I actually slept there this week. The weather was TERRIBLE. A lot of snow and the Rysy was unreachable. You'll have to take the path form "Schronisko w Dolinie Pieciu Stawow" to get to Morkie oko. If you go right now double the time which you read on the signs and take care!!
loco polaco  3 | 352
19 Sep 2008   #6

if you search hard enough you may be able to find a map to all these. difficulty comes from the elevation gaines and steepness of trails. it's not dangerous if you're prepared. remember that even though tatra mountains aren't all that tall they are real mountains and thus carry some risk regardless. make sure to have enough water and clothes and have a map and good idea where you're traveling.

maybe I'll go off the beat and track

since this is an NP, bushwhacking is not allowed. otherwise, i don't think there is such a thing as 'off the beaten track' in PL. you will encounter people no matter where you go.
Lori  4 | 118
11 Oct 2008   #7
Please understand some trails were or are still closed because the Zakopane area received rainfall that created flooding in early July. Trails need to be repaired for safety. Nothing is done to inconvenience you all personally.
elaine c.
22 Mar 2010   #8
Hi Sean

Do you still live in the polish mountains, I am considering going there at the end of April and doing some basic walks, nothing too strenuous, are there walks a girl can do at that time of year alone, are there huts near Zakopane I can stay at, at that time of the year.

Go raibh mile maith agut

Elaine c.
Richfilth  6 | 415
21 Aug 2010   #10
[Moved from]: Polish Mountains in September (any tips or experiences?)

I'm looking to bring my Dad over to Poland for a long weekend doing something in the mountains; probably hiking up and down the trails between PL and Slovakia.

Does anyone have any tips, or recent experiences? Good trails, advice on where to spend the night, highlights; that sort of thing?
SeanBM  34 | 5781
21 Aug 2010   #11
You might find these of interest: Walks up the Poland's Beskids mountains.
AdamUK  7 | 25
14 Apr 2011   #12

I have been searching on here for some information regarding Zakopane. I am going in June with my girlfriend, Looking forward to it.

SeanBM - A special thanks to you sir, I just read your thread "Recommendations for Zakopane" That is one awesome thread. There is no wonder you are famous on here :-)

Ofcourse I appreciate everyone else's input on these forums. Good work.

With Zakopane aporaching I must get physically ready and scratch up on my Polish. Wish me luck ;-)

Kind Regards
15 Apr 2011   #13
I do not think you are running into any trouble hiking in Zakopane alone. We live in Zakopane where we moved from Krakow, and we love it. We hiked with children every weekend when we have no clientes in our Villa Pod Smrekami or St. Stanislaw House. There are great maps with all trails. You will meat people like you, who love this beautiful mountains, love to be close to nature. All bad ones in down town ha ha!

You can stay with us, as we tourist and nature oriented. You will get all advises you need from Greg runs both houses and who is profesional ski instructor. Last year he took part in expedition to ELBRUS in Russia. There is nothing or very few places like Zakopane Mountains. You my find us on web just looking for Villa Pod Smrekami or Zakopane instruktor narciarski.

Good luck to you
Tonino  8 | 14
27 Nov 2015   #14
Merged: hiking in zakopane tmrw

hey guys,
Is there a lot of snow on the trails right now up in the regular trails? I'm not gonna hike up to the top of a mountain. I looked on the mountain cams and there wasn't enough snow to justify putting on snowshoes but it looks like it'll be tricky hiking up on regular boots. What do you think?
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
1 Jun 2016   #15
Merged: The long proposed tunnel through the Tatra from Zakopane to Poprad

Will some of us live to see this? The Slowaks, who have tunnels everywhere (poor in GDP as they were in the past) OK'd this a while back, but the Poles couldn't or wouldn't fund it.

I would have thought it is a must for the development of the region, and the environment in my old favourite climbing ground of Zdiar and the Eastern Tatra is being damaged by heavy goods traffic.

If those Swiss can build this epic, surely a joint venture can pull off the short tunneling required between these two towns?
pawian  226 | 27453
22 Aug 2019   #16
Be careful when hiking in the Tatra Mountains coz the weather is unpredictablem even ibn summer time. The news is tragic today - 4 people died and a few dozen are seriously injured after violent thunder storms caught umprepared hikers on Giewont Mount and others. Among them a Portuguese tourist. Rescuers say they have never experienced such a situation.

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mochadot18  18 | 245
26 Jul 2022   #17

Best hikes in the Tatras?

Ill be in Slovakia for 5 days near the Tatras then Krakow for a week. Looking for what the most beautiful trails are?? I have a drone for amazing pics. I can hike up to like 18 miles or a so and have no issues doing several thousand feet in altitude!!! Give me suggestions please!! Thank you!!! Or if there is an amazing hike within like 2 or so hours from krakow i'd be down for that also since I have a car!
pawian  226 | 27453
27 Jul 2022   #18
I can hike up to like 18 miles

There are no such high peaks in the Tatras. The highest Rysy is about 3 kilometers high.
pawian  226 | 27453
3 Aug 2023   #19
Be careful when hiking in the Tatra Mountains coz the weather is unpredictable

One of the elements you need to be careful about is the mountain foehn wind called halny. It not only poses a threat to you physically when you are hiking, but also has an impact on your mind.,07640b54

It prevents tourism in the Tatras. Tourists who find themselves on the ridge during the foehn may be blown away . There were cases when people who were in the mountains during the foehn crawled or walked on all fours to avoid being blown by the wind. A couple of tourists, who went to the Świnicka Przełęcz in snowy conditions, reached Kasprowy on all fours, sticking ice axes in the snow from time to time and waiting for stronger gusts to lie down. Fortunately, they managed to crawl to the top station of the cable car, where, despite the late hour, the door was opened for them and they spent the night.

Sometimes spruces fall like matches . When the foehn fades away, you can see the slopes devoid of trees.

In Zakopane and Podhale, firefighters have their hands full - they remove broken branches and trees from the streets and roofs. However, the influence of halny goes deeper - our hearts feel its arrival. It happens that there is increased traffic in the delivery wards - in some women, halny accelerates the birthing action. Doctors in the emergency department and cardiologists have more work to do . Halny affects not only the body, but also the psyche.

- Around the world, in areas where foehn winds blow, it has been noticed that certain ailments increase before or just after such a wind . It is confirmed that some people experience spikes in blood pressure before halny. Symptoms increase in people with cardiovascular diseases. Other psychiatric disorders are also observed .

- It is not scientifically proven that halny affects the increased number of suicides , and it is not a grateful topic for research, but then there is an increased tendency to depressive behavior and, unfortunately, an increase in such cases .

- The climate in Podhale is strongly stimulating - says Dr Iwona Koszewska, a psychiatrist from Warsaw, specializing in the research and treatment of depression. Four years ago, Dr. Koszewska started a depression and suicide prevention program in Podhale, "May halny not take anyone" . - Sudden changes in atmospheric pressure caused by e.g. wind, sudden temperature changes - all this affects our body, including the psyche. We are, after all, part of nature, nature, he says.

Check those curious videos

Novichok  4 | 8478
3 Aug 2023   #20
Ventury effect?
That was an interesting post, pawian. All of a sudden, I like my boring no-wind room so much more...
pawian  226 | 27453
15 Jun 2024   #21
Be careful when hiking in the Tatra Mountains

Fatal accidents happen regularly - about once a week. I have just read about a new one. In June!

There are difficult conditions for tourism in the Tatra Mountains. The second degree of avalanche danger applies. Snow cover varies in thickness and hardness. In places it is muddy, perishable, in others it is blown away or icy. Particular attention should be paid to blown snow near the ridge, in gullies and in snowfields. During the day, the temperature rises, causing the snow cover to melt.

Navigating high mountain trails in such conditions requires extensive experience in winter mountain tourism and appropriate equipment and skills. Mandatory equipment should include crampons, an ice ax, a helmet and the avalanche ABC, i.e. a detector, a probe and a shovel. It gets dark before 4 p.m., so you should plan your trip so that you return from the trail before dusk. A headlamp in a backpack may be necessary - reminds TPN.

Here is an exemplary photo showing a lethal fall of an unlucky climber.

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pawian  226 | 27453
7 Aug 2024   #22
Tourists from Arab countries siege Zakopane. They love the nature and weather.

The highlanders are particularly interested in the fact that tourists from the Middle East are very happy about the weather. - When Polish tourists run to restaurants and taverns during a downpour, they walk in the middle of the street and are happy that it is raining. This is an attraction and a blessing - emphasizes Agata Wojtowicz.

It is the nature and wildlife surrounding the capital of the Polish Tatras that are supposed to be the key to understanding the popularity of this destination. - For them, the greatest value is what we treat as commonplace: lawns, trees, proximity to parks . Last season, I met a group of young Arab women who took a picture of themselves at every flower bed - the head of TIG recalls in an interview with Interia. - They tell us themselves that the smell of our air is different , and greenery is within reach - she adds.

pawian  226 | 27453
27 Dec 2024   #23
The region sports a few kinds of beer which promote its culture all over Poland:

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Feniks  2 | 806
14 Jan 2025   #24
Be careful when hiking in the Tatra Mountains

Have you done any hiking there?

I wanted to go to Morskie Oko and then discovered that Rysy is above Czarny Staw Pod Rysami.

I've watched a couple of videos and done some reading about the hike up to Rysy. Some parts look a bit scary and the weather would obviously play a big factor. This would be in late summer.
Novichok  4 | 8478
15 Jan 2025   #25
Some parts look a bit scary and the weather would obviously play a big factor.

Where do you go #2?
pawian  226 | 27453
17 Jan 2025   #26
Have you done any hiking there?

Tens of times. I have lived in southern Poland all my life. :):):) Similarly, you could ask a Londoner if he/she has ever used the tube. hahahaha
Additionally, my parents made me in Rabka Zdrój which is close to the Tatra mountains. That probably made me as stubborn as a typical Polish Highlander. ):):):)
Feniks  2 | 806
19 Jan 2025   #27
my parents made me in Rabka Zdrój which is close to the Tatra mountains.

A couple of hours drive away. I was staying there with friends when I took my only visit to Zakopane. It was sunny and clear on the way, raining once I got there so I didn't get to see the Tatra mountains :(

What I should have asked was if you have ever climbed Rysy, and if so, did you find it particularly hard?
Lyzko  44 | 9713
19 Jan 2025   #28
I knew a Polish colleague who often vacationed in Zakopane during the winter and
said that it was there as a teen he first encountered the goral and their unusual dialect!

Always wonder whether or not they speak a regional variation of "standard" Polish or a
separate language.
Novichok  4 | 8478
19 Jan 2025   #29
Where do you go #2?

Don't Poles need to take a crap once in a while?
Bishop11  1 | 14
19 Jan 2025   #30
Hi thinking of visiting Zakopane during the month of April to June (Not a fan of Winter. So patiently waiting to the end of the season). Do you still offer this accommodation and what could be the likely cost per night currently? Planning to hike alone but there is possibility of visiting with a friend if free.

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