Filled with rice or meat
Ours is always mixed meat and rice, hot. Naturally.
Is it a one melting pot, or each ethnic group kept some set of dishes that are only specific to the given area?
Dear Marynka, feeling of some shared values ;) is inviting me to give you an answer in Crow's absence :))
Croatia- Mostly Mediterranean (Italy) cuisine with Austrian influences. Lots of fish, pasta and better cakes than those we (don't) eat.
Slovenia - Austrian as far as I know, didn't eat much there.
Bosnia - melting pot, has its own dishes like " bosnian pot", mix of everything. Turkish heritage very pronounced, a lots of pies, no pork these days, interesting.
Macedonia - excellent vegetables and fruits, similar to Serbian
Montenegro - meat monsters, although they have a piece of coast, nice one, you can hardly find a good fish restaurant, mostly serving MEAT!!!! (I heard the locals complain how there is no fish there due to the configuration of the underwater terrain, while Croats few km away have plenty of fish)
Crow, correct me if I'm wrong