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American Visiting Polish Military Base. Issues?

Videobroker  11 | 22
28 Feb 2019   #1
I am an American citizen and have recently been to Poland. I honestly loved the country and the people. I don't speak Polish but I have learned the basics to get by. I have made a few good friends there and they are great. One of them wants me to visit another friend who works at a Polish Military base and he has a recording studio there.

My friend said, you can show them your U.S. Passport as an ID to get in with me. I became a little concerned. I did not notice ANY anti-American sentiments at all while I was in Poland (I guess they generally like us Americans as long as we don't act like aholes while visiting). My question is: would I have any problems with the military by visiting their base? I know I would not do that in Russia! I found that all the Polish people I encountered went out of their way to help me in Warsaw when I got lost as my GPS wasn't working there. Thank you.
10 Mar 2019   #2
Hey man, good day to you,
I don't think that simply showing an American ID would get you anywhere to be honest. we are talking about a military base, not a civilian institution. I think you should just meet your potential friends in town on their free time and not worry about getting into any military bases it is probably more hassle than it's worth.
terri  1 | 1661
10 Mar 2019   #3
I think that there is a new Law coming in that all Americans will have to have visas to get into Poland. If they ever scanned your passport or ID at a military base, you may have problems.
KK4AXX  1 | 8
18 Mar 2019   #4
I'm saddened that Americans will now require visas. Still, I understand the need. It will require more paperwork, and more lead-time. Poland is worth it!
jon357  72 | 23488
19 Mar 2019   #5
You'd need a Przepustka. These are issued by the relevant person at the base and are (or were when I had one) just a handwritten document that lets you in. You'll also need to carry your passport, and be accompanied in certain areas.
thesipguy  4 | 29
28 Mar 2019   #6
The news articles are misleading, Americans wont require visas to visit Schengen countries like Poland, they will require a ETIAS which is the equivalent to the USA ESTA, it will take 5 minutes to apply for and will cost 7 euros and will be valid for 3 years, for most Americans it won't be a issue at all, but for those who have a criminal record it might make traveling to Europe a bit more trickier.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
29 Mar 2019   #7
Americans wont require visas to visit Schengen countries like Poland

Pity. They should require visas until they treat all European citizens the same.
lul bul  - | 48
29 Mar 2019   #8
for most Americans it won't be a issue at all

YUP>EXACTLY!It MIGHT* be like Australlia,you get email with visa in 5 minutes and apply by fone sitting in a parking lot.
johnny reb  49 | 7945
29 Mar 2019   #9
Americans wont require visas to visit Schengen countries like Poland,

That's because American's don't over stay their 90 days allowed stay time without a visa in Schengen countries like Poland.
(This has been explained very clearly now multi times here)
In fact so many Polish want to live in the Great United States of America that they abused the visa system merely to get a free ticket into America without any intentions of ever returning back to Poland again.

The United States of America Immigration finally said 'enough' and now require much more stringent visa measures to apply for entry to the Great United States of America, the Home of the Brave and the Land of the Free.

Now that we have explained that to the whiners that think Americans should be punished for a privilege that we do not abuse like they do we can hopefully put this one to rest once and for all.
lul bul  - | 48
29 Mar 2019   #10
live in the Great United States of America that they abused the visa system merely to get a free ticket into America

Money in labour is still in the USA.Most visa abusers are labour workers.They cant make that kinda money doing house cleaning/construction anywhere else in the world.
johnny reb  49 | 7945
29 Mar 2019   #11
And to get back ON-Topic of the thread here.
It doesn't matter what country you are in including the Great United States of America, you aren't just going to be allowed to stroll into any countries military bases foot loose and fancy free without authorization and tight security clearances and still be only allowed in certain areas of it.

I know I would not do that in Russia!

Then why would you think American military bases in Poland are any different ?
johnny reb  49 | 7945
20 Nov 2020   #12
The Great Polish President Duda has signed a deal that enhances U.S. military presence in Poland, and said it should be a symbol of a partnership that continues regardless of political developments.

President Duda has had close ties with the administration of President Donald Trump, signing defense and energy deals.
Duda and Trump have such loyal ties which soon may come to an end between the two countries because of political developments in the U.S.A.

biden has already said that he was going to cut military spending's drastically which may include Fort Trump in Poland.
Novichok  4 | 8528
20 Nov 2020   #13
Biden has already said that he was going to cut military spending drastically...

RankCountrySpending (US$ bn)
United States732.0
Russian Federation 65.1

Why do we need to spend 732 to stay safe and Russia only 65? Would we be in danger of losing a war with Russia if our budget was, say, 200?

I don't like the old corrupt fool, but even an old corrupt fool may be right once in a while.

Keep to the topic please

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