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SGH Warsaw School of Economics vs Kozminski University vs Warsaw University

2 Jun 2014   #1
Hello. I wish to study Finance in Poland in English. I have found these three universities, which, to my mind, the best in Poland in terms of teaching finance and economics.

Could you rank these universities from the most respected to the least and recommend me which uni to attend.
Thank you very much.
Monitor  13 | 1810
2 Jun 2014   #2
I think: Warsaw School of Economics > Warsaw University > Kozminski University. But they all seem to be good. At least in Polish.
exaggeration  - | 3
2 Jun 2014   #3
I am completely confused by all university rankings. Because in one ranking I have found only Warsaw University. In another I have not found any. And only in Master in Management ranking I have found Kozminski Uni and Warsaw Sc of Ec, but not Uni of Warsaw. HAve you heard of any domestic polish university rankings? I assume they would be more objective.
Monitor  13 | 1810
2 Jun 2014   #4
but what specialty?
exaggeration  - | 3
2 Jun 2014   #5
Finance(Risk analsysis, financial analysis and so forth)
Monitor  13 | 1810
2 Jun 2014   #6
Economics 2013 Perspektywy:

Economics 2013 Wprost:,30/tab,6/edycja-2013.html

Here Koźmiński is only school in Financial Times ranking, but only in category MBA and Master, not undergraduate studies:

So it means that for bachelor SGH, and for MBA Koźmiński.
exaggeration  - | 3
14 Jun 2014   #7
What about this ranking
ParadisoRich  - | 1
16 Jun 2014   #8
Generally speaking, studying in English in Poland is a waste of time. The quality of the institution does not particularly matter, as English language courses tend to be broadly similarly rubbish.

There's a reason why tuition fees are dramatically lower in Poland.
18 Apr 2015   #9
Merged: SGH vs Kozminski

Hello. I am a Ukrainian citizen. I've obtained a Bachelor's diploma in Finance at my homeland and due to political and economic situation I decided to continue my study abroad (in English). Poland seemed for me to be a quite good option, because education and living costs aren't very high and language is easy-to-study (especially for ukrainians). I monitored education offers in the field of economics and decided that the best options would be SGH (offering MSc in International Business), since they are quite famous (within Poland), situated in the capital and offer interesting courses.

But when I read a lot of reviews at this forum and many other sources I became disappointed about Kozminski Uni and Poland on the whole.

Taking Kozminsky, I didn't find proper reviews about the quality of English forums. Almost all post I've found were like "Kozminski has 3 famous accreditations...", "Kozminski is the 1st in Poland among the private universities...", "Kozminski is the 41st Business School in Europe in the ranking of Financial Times..." and so on. That's why now I have an impression that this university (or Akademy, doesn't matter) is just a brand, which attract students using staff mentioned above, and don't provide them with good knowledge.

Moving on to Poland in general, I've read that there are no prospects there in the terms of good jobs for immigrants, polish diplomas aren't recognized anywhere except Poland (even those issued by SGH) and, therefore, Poland is not a reasonable choice for students to study there at all.

So, I will be very grafetul if someone tell me:
1. What is Kozminski like regarding quality of education?
2. Do my impressions/conclusions about Poland express real picture?

p.s.I know that similar questions where already asked at this forum, but I need to get some "conclusions" and maybe some new information in this sphere
Mr. Grunwald
18 Apr 2015   #10
CRX, there are plenty of Ukrainians making a living in Poland, although be aware that you lose your Ukrainian citizenship if you become a Polish citizen.

Most are underpaid jobs, but with agood Polish education you can have a higher chance and if not, somewhere in the European Union at least.
jon357  72 | 23693
18 Apr 2015   #11
The OP as a prospective student probably is not yet thinking about a change in citizenship and in any case would probably not have to renounce his Ukrainian citizenship (it depends on the basis upon which you become Polish) however he is at least 10 years away from that so not an issue yet..

SGH is generally considered far better than Kozminski in every way. Private universities in Poland are not well regarded whereas SGH is prestigious and well-known.
4 Apr 2017   #12
I am from Poland and I have studied economics (although abroad) so perhaps I can give you some insight into these three institutions.

By far the most popular place to study economics for ordinary Poles with good high school grades is Warsaw School of Economics. It has relatively high entry standards, quite a few famous professors and well-established position in the country. Majority of its students start working part-time during the studies and end up in the Polish financial sector. Nevertheless, SGH produces also a substantial number of alumnis who choose to work in London and it is probably the most recognized Polish higher education institution abroad. However, its major drawback for you guys is quality of its English programs, which are much less ambitious than their Polish counterparts. In fact, some Polish students often choose them just to make their studies easier. The School also doesn't provide a friendly environment for foreigners and you are likely to feel a bit aliendated. When it comes to the quality of teachin (in Polish), it is definitely good for undergraduate programs (probably at the same level as the best Western universities) but falls behind when it comes to masters.

Second Polish university worth considering is Kozminski University. It has been established not so long ago and made a big progress in the last few years but it continues to suffer from the negative perception among the Poles about private universities. Even though the tution fees are not very high, it is usually perceived as a place for rich kids who couldn't make it to SGH and, according to my observations, loads of its students indeed come from the richest families (SGH is definitely much more diversified) and plan to leave Poland after their studies. Their academic capabilities are high but probably lower than among SGH students. However, Kozminski also employs a substantial number of famous professors and its English programs are for sure much better than SGH's ones. It is also more internationally oriented and makes efforts to boost its image abroad. I would therefore highly recommend it to the people coming from other countries (for the Poles SGH is probably a better choice) and, even though its reputation is still far behind top European business schools, it is a decent institutin which can give you a good starting position in the job market.

When it comes to Warsaw University, it is much less popular choice for people who plan to work in financial services. It is no 3 in Poland and offers very technical courses in economics and finance but does not have a repution or business connections even close to the above two. Its English division also suffers from similar issues as SGH's one.

Summing up, if you are treating your degree in Poland just as a step in your career and plan to move further to the West in the future, I would highly recommend Kozminski University and I do not think there is any other Polish institution suitable for you. However, if you want to stay in Poland for longer, learn a language and integrate into the society, you should also consider SGH, as its recognizabilitiy in Poland is probably better. Othey Polish schools that you may consider, just in case you do not make it into any of the above three, are Poznan University and Wroclaw University.
24 Feb 2019   #13

Which Business School in Warsaw is better - SGH vs Kozminski

Hey there,

I'd love to spend one semester in Warsaw. I'm studying industrial engineering (it's roughly said 50% Economics and 50% engineering) and I plan to check out a business school, as I figured that I'm quite interested in the field of Management Consulting. My thesis advisor who works at one of the big three consultancies told me it might be a good idea to go to ahigh ranked Uni, as in the Financial Times Ranking (

I'm of polish origin and my parents studied in Poland. They told me that Szkola Gowna Handlowa (SGH) is a prestigious University but that they have never heard of Kozminski. Probably because it is newer, however it's highly ranked and has the tripple crown accreditation which apparently is important.

So I thought I'd ask the locals / people that are more familiar with Warsaw than I am (you guys) :)

Here's some of my questions:

Asides from reputation, which university has better connections to the real business world?

Are people that study at one of those universities considered to be snobby or out of touch with reality?
I mean if you're out in the city and mention that you go to one of those unis people will people have bad prejudices?

(it's not a key factor for my decision but interesting to know)

Is anybody here studying at one of those unis / knows someone and could bring me in touch with them?

Thank you so much for your time and answers!
terri  1 | 1661
24 Feb 2019   #14
SGH - better reputation.
24 Feb 2019   #15
what do you base that statement on? Hard facts (ranking, tripple crown etc.) speak for kozminski, yet most people still say SGH > Kozminski
cms neuf  2 | 1972
24 Feb 2019   #16
Kozminski is a far more modern institution and more set up for international business. SGH has a long standing reputation dating back to before 89 and has lots of graduates in senior positions in politics but less so in business.

kozminski has good links with the business world and might have more possibilities in English. Really you should check out their facilities and teachers and then make a choice
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
28 Feb 2019   #17
SGH is better. That's like the Harvard business school or Wharton of Poland

They offer English classes through a joint program with a Canadian uni I believe either university of Toronto or university of montreal
2 Nov 2021   #18
I was confused before choosing between University of Warsaw or Kozminski. But than I found a guy who did bachelor at University of Warsaw and was currently studying at Kozminski for master's. He told me than in UW, it is hard to study, too much theory but less practical stuff. He told me that guys who were doing their master's at Kozminski after bachelor at Kozminski were very good at making practical solutions. I am currenlty third year student at Kozminski and I can suggest it to everyone. There are some lecturers whom you possibly will not like. But generally, it is very good!

Home / Study / SGH Warsaw School of Economics vs Kozminski University vs Warsaw University

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