50% Soviet is fine with me.
Various education and school issues in Poland. Opinions, stories, controversies.
Kremlin stooge. :):):
Przelotnyptak1 - | 547
27 Dec 2024 #963
Well-known fact: his obvious attraction to everything Polish is connected to his Polish mother, formerly a prisoner in the Siberian gulag. No explanation of events leading to a miracle's conception, but anyway, young Bobie was born. Sharp disagreement follows. Father insisted on Bobkow, Mother on Bobkowski; they
compromised on Bobko. Not much is known about his father; he disappeared after the sperm donation.Boko's good looks and high intelligence are inherited from
his mom, no difent from his attraction to Poland.
compromised on Bobko. Not much is known about his father; he disappeared after the sperm donation.Boko's good looks and high intelligence are inherited from
his mom, no difent from his attraction to Poland.
the sperm donation
Sigh. Stop polluting the thread.
Przelotnyptak1 - | 547
27 Dec 2024 #965
Sigh. Stop polluting the thread.
Pawian, It takes your tiny appearance to pollute the clean, festive Christmasy atmosphere
of the noble PF pages, with the appalling stench of sulfur.
What?? Stop spreading Kremlin propaganda about us, noble Europeans!
If you hope we will yield to the sick expectations of Kremlin stooges like you or Iron, you are wrong!!! Ha!!!
we will yield to the sick expectations of Kremlin stooges like you or Iron, you are wrong!!! Ha!!!
LOL! What you have in mind? eh?
in mind
Never mind. Enjoy your Saturday! :):):)
Never mind.
No, no no! Explain - [quote]the sick expectations of Kremlin stooges like you or Iron[/quote]
Expliquez-le s'il vous plait!
No. I am in a kind hearted mood today. I am not engaging in your fave brawls now. :):):)
Przelotnyptak1 - | 547
30 Dec 2024 #971
In other words, you are escaping the clutches of alcohol,emerging from the toxic vapors, desperately trying to join the world of everyday.Kudos for trying, but the road ahead of you is full of obstacles
full of obstacles
Bs. I was born with a silver spoon in my ass. hahahaha I always land on my all four. Like my cats. :):):)
you are escaping
No, I am not. What makes you think so? Your imagination is too vivid, I see. :):):) I refuse to engage in your brawls coz I am a decent ape. Simple.
the world of everyday
???????? As opposite to Brave New World??? or Glorious Past?????
. I was born with a silver spoon in my ass
It must have been left over from some surgery your mother underwent before you were born...the surgeon dropped it and forgot about it. Good thing it was silver, it didn't rust.
surgery your mother
No, my mum didn`t have any abortions, as far as I know.
And I know that Novi, Joker, Iron and amiga will say that she should have had. )::):):)
she should have had
Not really, Nobody could have predicted you become crooked.
your silver spoon sucks there because you like digging Sh't out and spreading it around.
Not really,
Now you are saying sth opposite coz I already warned you. If I hadn`t, you would say what I humorously predicted. Ha!!!
Oh my Goddess, this passage of time is devastating!
I looked for the post in which I provided foreign titles of set readings for Polish class primary school final exam and I found it on page 13, May 2021 while I thought I had written it a year ago. :(:(:(:(:(:(:( Kuźwa!
Here is the list of foreign titles of set readings for Polish class high school final exam:
Basic aka Ordinary Level, obligatory to all high school students:
Bible, including fragments of Genesis, Job, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Psalms, Apocalypse of St. John
Homer, Iliad (fragments)
Sophocles, Antigone
The Little Flowers of St. Francis of Assisi (fragments)
The Song of Roland (fragments)
Dante Alighieri, Divine Comedy (fragments)
William Shakespeare, Macbeth
Molière, The Miser
Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Crime and Punishment
Albert Camus, The Plague
George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four
I looked for the post in which I provided foreign titles of set readings for Polish class primary school final exam and I found it on page 13, May 2021 while I thought I had written it a year ago. :(:(:(:(:(:(:( Kuźwa!
Here is the list of foreign titles of set readings for Polish class high school final exam:
Basic aka Ordinary Level, obligatory to all high school students:
Bible, including fragments of Genesis, Job, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Psalms, Apocalypse of St. John
Homer, Iliad (fragments)
Sophocles, Antigone
The Little Flowers of St. Francis of Assisi (fragments)
The Song of Roland (fragments)
Dante Alighieri, Divine Comedy (fragments)
William Shakespeare, Macbeth
Molière, The Miser
Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Crime and Punishment
Albert Camus, The Plague
George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four
foreign titles of set readings for Polish class high school final exam: Basic aka Ordinary Level,
Now Advanced aka Extended Level
Homer, The Odyssey (fragments)
Aristotle, Poetics, Rhetoric (fragments)
Plato, The Republic (fragments)
St. Augustine, Confessions (fragments)
St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica (fragments)
Michel de Montaigne, Essays (fragments)
William Shakespeare, Hamlet
(Honoré de Balzac, Father Goriot or Charles Dickens, The Pickwick Papers or Nikolai Gogol, Dead Souls or Gustave Flaubert, Madame Bovary)
Franz Kafka, The Trial (fragments)
Mikhail Bulgakov, The Master and Margarita
Bimbarding them with information.
A very male and white list too.
A very male and white list too.
Probably you meant imbibing.
Probably you meant imbibing.
surely he meant 'bombarding'....
A very male and white list too.
Inevitable unless you want to trendy it up....
A very male and white list too.
Yes, quite conservative. We need more female literature straight from Africa. What can you recommend?
The list is incomplete coz I didn`t provide titles from previous curriculum which students may also use on the reformed exam.
Here it is:
William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet
Aristophanes, The Clouds
Virgil, The Aeneid (fragments)
François Rabelais, Gargantua and Pantagruel (fragments)
Jorge Luis Borges, Selected Story
What strikes me is keeping Russian works on the curriculum. A few of them. It means that similarly to Chopin Competition with Russian pianists, Polish examiners consider literature should be free of political animosities.
I wonder if Russians have kept any Polish literature in their curricula.
We need more female literature straight from Africa
Not necessarily Africa.
Alice Walker is good for teens.
That list is interesting but I'd avoid Rabelais, Aristophanes (or do the Birds rather than the Clouds) and I never like reading plays riots. Better seen than read.
Quite a bias to pre-20th century.
Quite a bias to pre-20th century.
Exactly, coz Poles/Polesses are obsessed with history. Simple.
Alice Walker is good for teens.
Not really. She is too leftist even close to communism. She fully supports communist Cuba. Besides, she is obsessively antisemitic and supports people who are often dubbed as Holocaust deniers. This isn`t welcome in Poland.
obsessed with history. Simple
The 20th century is history too.
She is too leftist
She's a moderate whose views were shaped by gross oppression.
If you want political censorship, try Jung Chang. or Meera Syal instead. Her "Anita and me" would be perfect for Polish teens.
Bimbarding them with information.
Exactly. However, that`s the way it has to go. It is a high school exam students take at 19 years old which is comparable to Advanced exams in British system. Students who do well can enroll at elite universities to study popular courses like Law or Psychology.
Advanced exams in British system
A Levels? Done at 18 usually, though the brightest kids (I'll not boast) could do one or more at 17. Usually rigorous, a lot of essays, however I suspect they're not as hard now as they used to be.
However, that`s the way to do it
Sometimes it can be overkill. Better understanding deeply rather than memorising.
Done at 18 usually,
Yes, coz British kids start education 1 year earlier than Polish ones. They aka Polish kids thank rightist PiS for that. :):):)
Sometimes it can be overkill. Better understanding deeply rather than memorising.
Exactly. That is required at the exams here. I have a Polish class exam before my eyes coz I am working on it with my youngest kid. Soon I will post some excerpts in another thread.
education 1 year earlier
Usually 4 or 5. I started several weeks after my 4th birthday. Many nowadays have pre-school as well.
Soon I will post some excerpts in another thread.
It would be interesting to see.
Usually 4 or 5.
Yes. I heard of British kids` reactions when they learnt about the difference: IT IS SO UNFAIR I HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL 1 YEAR EARLIER THAN POLISH KIDS!!!!!!
Polish kids thank you, PIS!!!!! ):):)
It would be interesting
Thank you for the encouragement. :):):)