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School meals in Poland

Atch  21 | 4139
6 Feb 2021   #121
Except she'd presumably know how to handle the situation in Poland

Unless she wasn't Polish :)
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
6 Feb 2021   #122
I don't think this article was posted here, was it?

Meat (except on Friday), potatoes, fatty and fried foods still dominate. They lack raw vegetables, groats, fish, healthy fats... light soups or creams.

Atch  21 | 4139
8 Feb 2021   #123
What bothers me about that article is the bit about the vegetarian family who were told by the director of the pre-school that their child could just 'not eat' - ?? seriously?? and their older daughter at primary school simply doesn't eat the school lunch. Are these two children going without food all day??
Lenka  5 | 3471
8 Feb 2021   #124
older daughter at primary school simply doesn't eat the school lunch

Most kids don't eat the school lunch. They have sandwiches and fruit/snack that they bring from home.
Pre-school is trickier.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
8 Feb 2021   #125
Are these two children going without food all day??

It's a great example of the poor relationship that Polish people have with food. It's treated as an afterthought, something that is designed for calorie intake and little else. Things are changing among the younger generation, but the mentality in the public sector is that food is something that should be made as cheaply as possible, consequences be damned. It's the same problem in public hospitals.

They have sandwiches and fruit/snack that they bring from home.

We don't talk about my battle to eliminate crap from lunchboxes. Or more specifically, my battle with stupid teachers who thought that it was fine for kids to be bringing large amounts of sweets daily.
Lenka  5 | 3471
8 Feb 2021   #126
Shouldn't it be parents?
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
8 Feb 2021   #127
You'd think so, but some of them had very curious ideas about nutrition. My favourite situation involved a PE teacher telling a parent straight-out that her daughter was obese and needed to go on a diet, and the mother claimed that her nutrition was "correct". It turned out that the mother's idea of nutrition involved two "pizzerki" bought from BiedroĊ„ka and a packet of crisps!
Lenka  5 | 3471
8 Feb 2021   #128
You'd think so, but some of them had very curious ideas about nutrition

Stilo it's The oarents WHO preparat The Good so if you nawet to have A Light with someone about it it would be them

Omg, sorry about that, my phone was set on Polish.

Still it's the parents who prepare the food so if you had to have a fight with someone about it it should be them
Lenka  5 | 3471
8 Feb 2021   #129
Omg, sorry about that, my phone was set on Polish.

Still it's the parents who prepare the food so if you had to have a fight with someone about it it should be them
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
8 Feb 2021   #130
...Lenka? have you got a cat crawlling all over your keyboard? :D

But no - the teachers should be enforcing the rules. We had a rule about reasonably healthy food only, but the teachers were unwilling to do the right thing by confiscating the junk (the kids could get something from the kitchen if they didn't have anything else) and writing to the parents to come and collect it from the school office. There was a clear policy in place, but several teachers from 1-3 thought it was 'cruel' to force them to only have healthy things.

Parents were told repeatedly, but some of them were incredibly stubborn on the topic and unwilling to listen.
Lenka  5 | 3471
11 Feb 2021   #131
If you want, let me know and I'll write the letter for her

Im going to take you up on this offer. She said she spoke with few teachers and it was the same argument 'she will be sad if she is the only one without something sweet' and it has been 3 dentists advice that the kid shouldn't eat sweets.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
11 Feb 2021   #132
Send me an e-mail with as much details as possible (preferably with the names of the dentists in question - it'll be useful to refer to their advice) and I'll write you a very strongly worded letter that says "either stop it, or this is going further". ;)

To be honest, if the teachers are being twats about it, the only thing to do is to go in hard. If the headteacher requests a meeting, she should also make a very clear point that there should be an independent person there (preferably one of the school governors) to take the minutes of the meeting so that the school can't backtrack later.
Lenka  5 | 3471
11 Feb 2021   #133
I will do although I don't think the mother is prepared to push any harder than the letter. The hope is that it will work
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
11 Feb 2021   #134
Don't worry, I think some references to government policies and so on will do the trick nicely ;)
Alien  22 | 5460
25 Oct 2023   #135
I remember that the food at the university canteen was so cheap and so good that many residents of the nearby housing estate came to the canteen with portable food containers and bought dinners for themselves and their families.
Novichok  4 | 7630
27 Oct 2023   #136
I noticed the same thing at the hospital cafeterias where we live.
Alien  22 | 5460
28 Oct 2023   #137
Are there still cheap milk bars in Poland with super good Polish food?
Atch  21 | 4139
28 Oct 2023   #138
Yes, sort of. The 'bar mleczny' has become a trendy thing amongst hipsters etc. There's a kind of fashion for PRL stuff as a retro cool vibe. The gentrified milk bars aimed at that market are more expensive but still cheap enough. Then there are the 'jedzenie domowa' type places for ordinary working people who want a filling lunch. I don't know what you personally consider cheap, but they're affordable. The food is ok, if you're hungry it will fill you and that's about it in my opinon. It's acceptable.

I've eaten in this one,food is very basic, quite salty. Interesting article:
Alien  22 | 5460
28 Oct 2023   #139
I don't know what you personally consider cheap

When we go to Poland, we regularly go to "Food by Weight". In the meantime, it seems to me to be expensive, especially since the plates are large and one always puts more than enough.
Cargo pants  3 | 1443
28 Oct 2023   #140
"Food by Weight".

I go the the one called "Marche" in Zlota trasay & Arkadia mall,pretty good variety.

it seems to me to be expensive, especially since the plates are large and one always puts more than enough.

LOL My experience with taking Europeans on all you can eat buffets in the US is they fill up there plates so much that they cant even stuff they took,while most Americans will go 3/5 times to pick up stuff,same here I see people not use to that fill up there plates and then leave some food or stuff themselves.Whenever if I am with a lokal,there bill is 40/50/60 zlots compared to mine 25 to 35 and I am full lol watching them struggle to eat the whole food they took lol.
Alien  22 | 5460
28 Oct 2023   #141
bill is 40/50/60

My last bill was PLN 200 for 3 people.
Cargo pants  3 | 1443
28 Oct 2023   #142
bill is 40/50/60 zlots

PLN 200 for 3 people.

lol almost there must be including drinks(compot,juice etc) lol almost 66.66 pln:)
Alien  22 | 5460
28 Oct 2023   #143
almost 66.66

However, since our son especially took too much, we packed the rest and took it home.
Cargo pants  3 | 1443
28 Oct 2023   #144
we packed the rest and took it home.

Might as well as you already paid for it lol but strictly not allowed in buffets.
pawian  219 | 24592
28 Oct 2023   #145
Four days out of the five have red meat as the main course. Not good.

This is Poland and its time honoured traditions. If in the past Poles had eaten like Italians, they wouldn`t have survived harsh winters in Eastern Europe.

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