Hi all, we are planning to build a relativity compact home (40m2) next year. I am keen to self build it. Is there any restrictions that I cannot not? The property would initially be for rental but move to full time living in a few years. Thanks in advance
Self Build in Malopolska
any restrictions
Are you familiar with planning laws in Poland? There are quite a few magazines in the shelves that touch on this. Murator is one of the more useful ones.
Thanks Jon I will look for them. We are working our way through a build at the moment with trades but wondered if the laws allowed myself to take this on instead of the trades
Thanks Jon I will look for them. We are working our way through a build at the moment with trades but wondered if the laws allowed myself to take this on instead of the trades
we are planning to build a relativity compact home (40m2) next year.
You need a permission for anything larger than 35m2 (plus paperwork, building inspector etc.).
So, if you want to cut 5 square metres and deal with fewer formalities, here are examples of projects of under 35m2 houses...
... and some detailed information about the requirements...
@torq thanks what about homes with planning permission can I build myself?
No probs. Sure you can build yourself, many people do that. If your project is approved and you get the permission, you can do everything yourself as long as it's according to regulations. You will need to check with your local authorities anyway for details.
@torq great thanks
*thumbs up*
Let us know when you finish the house and tell us about the experience. Best of luck.
Let us know when you finish the house and tell us about the experience. Best of luck.
PolAmKrakow 2 | 939
25 Jun 2024 #9
I think it was two years ago that the law was changed and allows for up to 70 sqm for self build homes. Not sure on the details, but PiS made this change with the intent of making home ownership more affordable for everyone.
for up to 70 sqm for self build homes
I just checked and it looks like the law changed and allows up to 70m2, but it has to be for your own accommodation needs ("Wznoszony budynek musi być wybudowany na własne potrzeby") or, in case of summer houses, it has to be for your individual recreation and can only have one condignation (parterowy budynek, który służy do rekreacji indywidualnej).
Bez pozwolenia wybudować dom do 70 m kw może każdy, pod warunkiem, że inwestycja zaspokaja jego własne potrzeby mieszkaniowe lub potrzeby rekreacyjne.
Jasonty mentioned that it's supposed to be a rental property, so he would have to check with his local authorities not to get into any trouble.
PolAmKrakow 2 | 939
25 Jun 2024 #11
Just re-read the post. You are correct. That said, building 40 sqm is not going to be a really attractive rental if its allowed to be done. Anything outside of the city would make it very difficult to find renters.
Just re-read the post. You are correct. That said, building 40 sqm is not going to be a really attractive rental if its allowed to be done. Anything outside of the city would make it very difficult to find renters.