I signed a contract with me saying that I need to get a lease starting from November 1. I said that I need this contract from that date and he didn't even insisted on that and started the date from this month that I signed the contract. Because of these reasons and being not rightfully made contract that is not made within my rights and requests. What can I do with it and what I should say that is within my rights? As I know from the starting date it's my right to resign from the contract within 15 days.
Resigning from a rent that is not rightfully made
being not rightfully made contract that is not made
Sorry, you signed it so it is valid and legal. Now you can only claim you were being insane at the moment of signing it but you need a certificate from a doctor proving it.
it's my right to resign from the contract within 15 days.
Not in your case.
Translate this page which explains why you can`t do it:
It means you can only send a notice today and terminate the lease after 3 months. On condition you chose the indefinite lease time option.