Has there been any recent property reports on Cracow
Any recent property reports/studies of Cracow / Krakow property market?
nierozumiem 9 | 118
22 Apr 2010 #2
There are a number of recent / fairly recent reports out there:
- Ober Haus - available on their Polish website
- RedNet
- Szybko
The Sybko reports are fairly objective, but are not available in English. I'm not sure how wide their statistical base is. The other 2 reports always include a bit of pro market hype. They are interesting reads, but I'm not sure if there is much neutral value to them.
What information are you looking for?
- Ober Haus - available on their Polish website
- RedNet
- Szybko
The Sybko reports are fairly objective, but are not available in English. I'm not sure how wide their statistical base is. The other 2 reports always include a bit of pro market hype. They are interesting reads, but I'm not sure if there is much neutral value to them.
What information are you looking for?
Any report made by a real estate agency, at any month, any time of any year, will always have the same "conclusion":
"Now it is the best time to buy a property blablabla"
Because real estate agencies will go bankrupt if people would not be brainwashed
at buying all the time.
However, people are starting to use their own head, and prices of the highly bubble inflated real estate in Krakow are falling down crashing at a high speed.
Further fallings in prices are expected at a rate of between 30% and 60% before the end of 2011
"Now it is the best time to buy a property blablabla"
Because real estate agencies will go bankrupt if people would not be brainwashed
at buying all the time.
However, people are starting to use their own head, and prices of the highly bubble inflated real estate in Krakow are falling down crashing at a high speed.
Further fallings in prices are expected at a rate of between 30% and 60% before the end of 2011
wilhelm_wundt 1 | 15
18 Mar 2015 #4
Merged: Cleanest Part of Kraków?
What do you think is the cleanest part of Kraków? I know it's generally a polluted city, but I'm curious as to know which parts are more polluted than others.
What do you think is the cleanest part of Kraków? I know it's generally a polluted city, but I'm curious as to know which parts are more polluted than others.
I think as far away from center as possible. I am not sure if it shows average or just a day:

wilhelm_wundt 1 | 15
18 Mar 2015 #6
Thanks for the map, Monitor! :-)
The center really isn't a nice place to live, I see.
The center really isn't a nice place to live, I see.
which parts are more polluted
It doesn`t matter. Krakow is situated in a valley surrounded by hills which prevent winds from removing smog. The pollution level differences between city parts are so insignificant that it is senseless to choose better ones.
20 Aug 2020 #8
What about other Southern towns like Bielsko Biała, Tarnów and Tzeszow?
10 Sep 2024 #9
I'd prefer Rzeszow, but consider it's close to the Ukrainian border if you care and it's far from other places in Poland since it's situated in the South-East "corner."