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Problems with Father's property in Poland - inheritance

Robbie M  1 | -
3 Dec 2021   #1
Hi guys,

I want to know if someone can help me. My father owns property in Poland, and I would like to know how to make sure that I get my rightful inheritance. My father has a severe drinking problem, as he spends weeks at a time holed up in his Warsaw apartment drinking vodka.

Is there any way that my sister and I can secure our inheritance before he drinks everything? Our mother is not interested in the problem (Polish citizen) as she does not want to make our father angry, but we are worried. Our father spent our entire childhood working in his small store, and we rarely saw him growing up. He also does not financially provide for us, as my father in law had to make the downpayment on my apartment.

Please help.
cms neuf  2 | 1959
3 Dec 2021   #2
Well if the apartment is in his name in the Ksiega Wieczysta then it is up to him what he does with it. His house, his rules.

So you probably have to wait for nature to take its course.

If you are a Polish citizen you also need to be careful not to inherit his debts - might be a nasty surprise, so check that out.
jon357  72 | 23666
3 Dec 2021   #3
then it is up to him what he does with it. His house, his rules.


If he's elderly and the alcoholism is problematic the city may be able to make an intervention. Does he live alone or I'd there someone else in the apartment?
Lenka  5 | 3549
3 Dec 2021   #4
Is there any way that my sister and I can secure our inheritance

There is no inheritance yet. Just his money. He is free to drink it all away or give it away.
jon357  72 | 23666
3 Dec 2021   #5
my sister

What does you sister say? Is he in Poland or elsewhere.

And is your father harming himself and/or others directly? Does he do (or try to do) internet dating?
Robbie Mal
4 Dec 2021   #6
Does he do (or try to do) internet dating?

Father has never been loyal to Mom. She came from a very poor Polish family and married Father for the Green Card to the US.

We think he uses fake internet profiles to meet women. Mom told me he has a friend called Mike who likes young girls, but Father is in his 60s.

Does he live alone or I'd there someone else in the apartment?

He is by himself. He spends months in that apartment drinking by himself.

Home / Real Estate / Problems with Father's property in Poland - inheritance
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