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Photos from Poland's osiedle (housing estate) from street level

29 Sep 2019   #1
Hello, please can anyone post street-level photos from residential neighborhoods in Polish cities? Like the nowe osiedle ones but also mixed new and old buildings are OK although I prefer modern apartments. By modern I mean built after 1990, specifically after 2000 (the 90s were often a miss, I prefer architecture from circa 2003-2013).

Photos from property websites and Street View often don't give a realistic impression (surprisingly lots of new residential areas look better in real life and from street level than on real estate sites). I like both posh old-timey 'hoods nearby the inner city and new ones buipt next to the fields on the outskirts like Osiedle Derby in Wawa. Dzieki.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
29 Sep 2019   #2
No problem...except that the built dates are not what you want.
I used to live there. I guess paint was expensive then 'cause those walls used to be clean. Boring and clean. Or was it because the commies had less sense of humor or forgiveness and didn't consider such things as art or civil rights.

  • AL.jpg

  • Warecka.jpg
OP Zlatko
29 Sep 2019   #3
Do I sense some anti-Polish bias? Not saying you didn't live there or it doesn't look like that but I bet it has other redeeming qualities like a park, shopping district or tree-lined street nearby. I hope you don't take it personally but there's this effort to portray Poland as a drab, gray country (even by some locals). Some old buildings are really drab but that's not the whole truth. ;)
pawian  226 | 27561
29 Sep 2019   #4
. I guess paint was expensive then 'cause those walls used to be clean.

Spray paint was hardly available in communism.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
29 Sep 2019   #5
Life is funny how it works. In the town of a thousand houses, it's the one that is on fire we notice, not the 999 that are not.

Do I sense some anti-Polish bias?

I hate stupid. In this case, they happen to be Polish. No bias.
Actually, "stupid" is too mild here because these moronic vandals can't claim anything as the reason. No slavery, no communist oppression, no sexual assaults or bad childhood. Just being Polish.

shopping district

Those are clean because there is money to be made there and there is somebody to clean up. Plus, they all look like ours here in the US. Including store names and the ads.

Character is what you do when nobody is watching. That is what Poles do when nobody is watching.

From pawian: Spray paint was hardly available in communism.

We had buckets and brushes. Mindless vandalism was not invented along with spray paint.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
5 Apr 2021   #6

Check out some of my photography of Poland

Im thinking of becoming a photographer. Im really good at capturing stark pictures of reality or powerful images and finding the perfect filters to give the scenes meaning:

I call this one "Poland in a Nutshell" or "Welcome to the Post Postapocalypse of Poland"

lol I may even add a quote or tafline for good measure: "People actually live like that"
Joker  2 | 2449
5 Apr 2021   #7
Not bad dude! Keep it up! I take a lot of long exposures "nightshots"..

I strictly use Canon cameras, hate Nikon! LOL
Strzelec35  19 | 830
5 Apr 2021   #8
im thinking of doing some editing with these too:

What u guys fink of my creativity here?
Strzelec35  19 | 830
7 Apr 2021   #9

Home / Real Estate / Photos from Poland's osiedle (housing estate) from street level

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