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If you pay a property reservation fee in Poland, can they sell it from under you?

Ant63  13 | 410
9 Nov 2020   #1
A quick question. If you pay a reservation fee, in this instance, the estate agents full fees, can they sell the property from under you.
Atch  22 | 4299
9 Nov 2020   #2
By a reservation fee, do you mean a deposit on the property you have agreed to buy?
OP Ant63  13 | 410
9 Nov 2020   #3
A reservation fee with the agency. Not a deposit.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
9 Nov 2020   #4
The only thing that matters is if it's a valid pre-sale contract with the seller. Your agreement with the estate agent - well, of course they'd have to return the fees, but I doubt they'd be liable for anything else. They could simply say that the seller refused to sell to you, after all.
Atch  22 | 4299
9 Nov 2020   #5
A reservation fee with the agency.

I'm not aware of such a thing as a reservation fee. You pay the agent's commission, as it's called, when you're completing the sale with the seller of the property you're buying. Do you mean that you paid their commission upfront and they now say the property is unavailable? In that case they have to return the money.
OP Ant63  13 | 410
9 Nov 2020   #6
Do you mean that you paid their commission upfront

Sure did. I feel it was a ruse to get more cash out the deal. It's resolved now. Thanks for your input.

Good to see the same old folks on here. I pop in from time to time. Thanks again.
Atch  22 | 4299
10 Nov 2020   #7
Sure did.

Gosh, Ant, don't do that again! Never pay for anything, be it goods or services until you have it in your sweaty little hands ;) Estate agent's commission should only be paid on the day you make the final exchange of contracts, on the day that you get the keys of the house, and make sure you do everything via the notary at his office. Be very careful when doing business in Poland and don't trust what people tell you, always do your own research. It's not as bad as it used to be, it's much improved, but there are still people who will try to rip you off. Glad it's all sorted out anyway. Best of luck for the future.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
10 Nov 2020   #8

Now these kind of people dont even know how to buy a lil property and I think they should learn by experience and guiding them will not help.I have met plenty of agents who have asked upfront some money and claim they will be working for me till they find me one,what a BS to fool anyone and if anyone falls for it,I think its his fault.
OP Ant63  13 | 410
11 Nov 2020   #9
@Cargo pants

I think its his fault.

Not really read the first post properly. TBH the only issues I've had in the past are with buyers trying to circumvent the agent hence some are now charging a fee both ways. I like the self defeating practise of showing the property location on a map, up to 30km from where it is really. Nuts.

Having a Polish wife and spent 12 years travelling back and forth between the UK and Poland, I think I have a fair measure of the place. Certainly not my first property in Poland either.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
11 Nov 2020   #10
are now charging a fee both ways

Most were,for the last 20 years that I know of.I always agree to there comission and when I like the property I negotiate it,which most agree or if the property is very hot I pay the commision.

30km from where it is really

Yes,they all do it so you cant approach the seller by cutting them out,they will take you to the place when you have signed for it.

. Certainly not my first property in Poland either

And you still didnt know the norm?

Home / Real Estate / If you pay a property reservation fee in Poland, can they sell it from under you?
BoldItalic [quote]
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