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How much would it cost to build a house in Poland?

MajaKochaMuminka  1 | 1
21 May 2017   #1
I am Polish and I speak it fluently, however I moved to the UK at the age of 3 but I plan to move back soon. I would love to build my own house, preferably near-ish to Pruszków (Komorów, Michałowice, etc)

I would like to have a house that has 2 floors (Base, 1st floor, 2nd floor) with each floor being 500sqm as I plan to buy a plot of land that is 1500sqm to make sure that it is a house with a garden that has ample space for any future children/changes.

Many Thanks!
polishlawyer  - | 6
21 May 2017   #2
Hmm, it will be a big house, maybe think about smthing smaller :) ? The price for buidling house in Poland is around 2500-3500 zł per sqm (estate ready to move in ) plus u have to pay for land. U also need to pay notary costs etc.
OP MajaKochaMuminka  1 | 1
21 May 2017   #3
Thanks for that information! I suppose that I could always extend the house if there was ever need for it :)
peterweg  37 | 2305
21 May 2017   #4
Are you sure you aren't confusing feet for meters?

1500m2 in an office is enough to support 100 people.

Its 30 x one bedroom flats.

How many children are you going to have - 50?
polishlawyer  - | 6
22 May 2017   #5
Exactly. She probably wants total 450~~ sqm house. :)
peter_olsztyn  6 | 1082
22 May 2017   #6
a house that has 2 floors (Base, 1st floor, 2nd floor) with each floor being 500sqm

Heating cost will lead you to bankruptcy ;)
DominicB  - | 2706
22 May 2017   #7

If you have the money to build such a home, you can easily afford to pay a qualified architect to do a proper cost estimate.
6 Jun 2018   #8
for future reference, as a fellow Pole born in England, although speak like a kn*bhead in Polish ,p a square foot is ~ 1/9 of a sq. meter.

So Maja was asking for actually a very humble sized plot less than 150 sq. m which sounds too little in my opinin;however with a perfectly normal (economical even) size of ~45sq.m. per floor.

Wow, look up feet next time lads.

In the meantime, you can attempt to give numbers, rather than flouting bankruptcy at such a fairly small house.
Richthecat  8 | 69
8 Jun 2018   #9
Houses cost can vary allot but If you are talking in feet i/e around 150 square metres I built mine including the price of the Land for around 70k english it was cheap in my opinion but there is allot more involved than just a rough guess. I would say have a look at a site that sells plans for houses as they normally have an estimate of how much the cost will be. There will be two prices look at the bigger one as one will be just the elevation and the other will be a rough cost of a finished home but I think that you should come and check and ask as the land price etc will have an impact. I could write a book about all the pitfalls but not on this site for the regulars to pick it apart and tell me I don't know what I am talking about.

If you need any specific advice message me and I will be happy to help.
cms neuf  1 | 1914
9 Jun 2018   #10
Thats a good price Rich - where was the land ? Was the electric and water already there ?
Richthecat  8 | 69
10 Jun 2018   #11
The land was cheap because of no water or drains but we had to invest in our own well and septic tank. Once you have invested I think you are better off because then your water needs are almost free other than the electric to pump the water up and the 4 times a year pump out of your tank.

We do live in a village well sort of next to a forest but technically in a village. Also the price was cheap as we built a wooden house all the Pole think we are crazy and that we would freeze to death in the Winter but it is very warm and totally comfortable.

Wooden houses are cheap here because wood is plentifull
13 Aug 2020   #12
hi how much could be the cost for building a 2 bedhouse less than 100 sqmetres? very simple and with basic things with all essential needs in the house
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
18 Aug 2020   #13
how much could be the cost for building

I dont know about residential but to build a A grade commercial building costs around 2 k PLN per sq meter without land costs(That was in 2017)I suppose it has gone up a bit..I think residential cost can vary with what you want to put in.Lately I see lots of modular homes being built and sold in Poland which are I wonder if you can take Amish people who would build your house in weeks,but I doubt they will fly a plane to Poland.
pawian  226 | 27583
19 Aug 2020   #14
hi how much could be the cost for building a 2 bedhouse less than 100 sqmetres?

About 100.000 PLN. Without the cost of land.

google : "koszt budowy małego domu." You will find designs of small houses with rough estimates.
Roibeard79  3 | 39
11 Jun 2021   #15
Anyone recommend a building company they have used or know of that can take a house from development stage to completion. Located close to Katowice/Krakow
pawian  226 | 27583
11 Jun 2021   #16
About 100.000 PLN.

Now I read articles on rising prices and this amount is possible only if you contribute a lot of your own work and hire specialists from your family who will work for free.

So, let`s be honest - the price is factual with one little difference - it is 100.000 $, not PLN. :):):)
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
11 Jun 2021   #17
if you contribute a lot of your own work

Dont Poland require work to be done by certified electricians,masons,roofers,plumbers installers etc for residentials???I built a commercial there and every step was inspected and approved just like in the USA starting from approvals & architects.Yes money played a roll in it too....still the law is there.
pawian  226 | 27583
12 Jun 2021   #18
Dont Poland require work to be done by certified electricians,masons,roofers,plumbers installers

Tell it to PiS. Their latest concept is to change the law so that one can build a small house without a construction site supervisor (kierownik budowy) or construction site logbook. They claim such a small house up to 70 square metres can cost around 100.000. But I read experts` opinions and stated them in my previous post.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 964
12 Jun 2021   #19
I think the proposal still requires some professional assistance, but no permits from the local government for building. Just a notice to them that its taking place. I asked a friend who is a builder and he said, while its still new territory that his understanding is electricians, plumbers, and licensed people are still required, but that the owner can manage the project.
pawian  226 | 27583
12 Jun 2021   #20
electricians, plumbers, and licensed people are still required,

Yes, exactly. That is why I wrote: hire specialists from your family who will work for free. By specialists I meant licensed electricians etc. Sorry if I was too equivocal on it.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
12 Jun 2021   #21
who will work for free

LOL in Poland??? Can you help me find them family members?Mine are fooking greedy ones and might charge me more.I even wrote a will there(Testament I think its called by a notariouz)in case they come after my death and fight with my kids or wife.
13 Jun 2021   #22
it is 100.000 $, not PLN. :):):)

New house full up to date cost in Katowice 1000000-1200000 zl. You can buy one for 600000 zl but it is old or not ready. It is still half price compared to Germany.
10 Feb 2022   #23
Hello, can someone recommend a good pre-fab house manufacturer in Poland?

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