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Cost to build in Eastern Poland - Ideally per m2

peterweg  37 | 2305
27 Sep 2011   #61
Well, if they are friends or family of yours, they're unlikely to have discovered the ceiling amount.

No, they are Polish, so of course not. What is it?

We agree to disagree. My company is Polish, I can buy what I want.

Not disagreeing, I don't know your company situation.
Avalon  4 | 1063
27 Sep 2011   #62
Not disagreeing, I don't know your company situation.

So you "assume", without knowing the facts.
29 Jan 2015   #63
Hi all,

Wondering what are building costs for industrial plants per square meter? Lets say a warehouse or a little production plant. Turning internet upside down and still can't find reliable answers.
26 Jan 2016   #64
with a very heavy heart , i would advise anyone to be extremely careful about trusting any so called builder/handyman in the east of poland.................i live in a tiny village called mierzwin and even though im happy to pay well above the minimum wage for work to be done here............i have been let down so many times..........folks say they know how to do something very confidently , yet when they do it it is so often a **** door that doesnt fit , tiles that fall off the wall a day after they have been done , ew double glaxed windows that allow the draught through.......i could go on and on................i cant talk for the big cities but here in waht is called poland b , vodka seems to take preference over dignity and doing an honest job......its a sad situation and i wish i was being racist or nationalist , but the fact is if you want anything doung here , even though like me you are prepared to pay over the have to stand over tham to make sure its being done well , really sorry to post this but ive lived here 6 years and i truly despair
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
26 Jan 2016   #65
vodka seems to take preference over dignity and doing an honest job

That's because anyone that can do an honest job has already left.
Levi  11 | 433
26 Jan 2016   #66
Delphiandomine your hate against Poles never cease to stop?

Why do you hate them so much? Did they put haram bacon at your sandwich?

If you hate Poles so much why you don't go back to Turkey?
Roger5  1 | 1432
26 Jan 2016   #67
winky, I feel your pain. I live 300-odd km north of you, not too far from BiaƂystok. While I agree that tradesmen can be extremely unreliable, if you use only recommended guys, you'll get much better service. We built a house here, and had very few problems. Perhaps our secret was to vet the people first. There are lots of skillful guys around. The trick is in finding them. Hope you have better luck in future.
polishinvestor  1 | 341
26 Jan 2016   #68
1 Good timekeeping
2 Completion to stated standard for stated price
3 Teetotal on the job

Anyone that can start tomorrow will have only one of the above. Anyone that can start in a week will only have two of the above. If you want someone with all three qualities then you have to expect them to be in demand and have workbook 2 or 3 months.
DaveLFC  - | 1
19 Feb 2021   #69
Hi Graemeh I dont know if you will still be reading this. My Polish wife is from just north of Ziebice and we are looking to relocate back to that area in a couple of years. Would appreciate a contact in the area

tuskacz  - | 5
23 Feb 2021   #70

That's because anyone that can do an honest job has already left.

Exactly. Funny thing is poland paid for education of those people but later did nothing to prevent them from leaving.
jon357  72 | 23666
23 Feb 2021   #71
did nothing to prevent them from leaving.

You think countries should prevent people from leaving?

Home / Real Estate / Cost to build in Eastern Poland - Ideally per m2
BoldItalic [quote]
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