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Carpetying style? - question to Brits living in Poland

12 Jan 2020   #1
Hi all! I wonder how is this carpeting called, the one you have in British houses on the stairs. Looks like shag carpeting. Can one buy it in Poland?

  • carpet
Miloslaw  22 | 5229
12 Jan 2020   #2
Wall to wall carpeting is a very British thing. I have even seen carpets in British bathrooms!
Poles, like most Europeans are not so mad on wall to wall carpeting, Preferring rugs instead.
Lenka  5 | 3549
12 Jan 2020   #3
I guess it has a lot to do with cleaning :) Carpets are harder to clean. Not to mention that carpet in bathroom is a bad idea. Disgusting almost.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
12 Jan 2020   #4
Love carpeting. I remember those in my childhood home and being in a cocoon.I have carpeted stairs, so no chance of slipping. Love a warm home, and wouldn't go for this overdone parquet style if I had the choice. Can't have carpets in downstairs rooms though because of the cat and dog(s) :( So I flagged my sitting room with stone.
Miloslaw  22 | 5229
12 Jan 2020   #5
. Not to mention that carpet in bathroom is a bad idea. Disgusting almost

Not almost!
Is disgusting....... only Brits do this.....but not me :-)
Jake Ryan
13 Jan 2020   #6
Yeah but good for grips on stairs. A famous Bulgarian lady recently slipped on her stairs and died. She didn't have British-style carpet as bare stairs are popular here.
Atch  22 | 4299
13 Jan 2020   #7
Can one buy it in Poland?

The probem is not buying it but fitting it. It needs to be done by a professional carpet fitter and you're not likely to find many of those in Poland for small domestic jobs. There must be some who do hotels etc but it's not like the UK where you can get a thousand square foot house fitted from top to bottom in a day! They can even do it with the furniture in the room, I've seen them in action.

Carpet on a stairs can actually be quite dangerous especially if it's too thick and smooth in texture. You need a nice hard wearing corded Berber or similar that's not to thick and gives a bit of grip underfoot.

I have even seen carpets in British bathrooms!

It used to be very common, you hardly see it at all nowadays. It was popular in the USA too, especially in the 1970s, considered a sign of luxury.
mafketis  38 | 11277
13 Jan 2020   #8
. It was popular in the USA too, especially in the 1970s

I don't know if it was that popular. I only remember seeing one motel bathroom with it (and the next year it was gone). Where I'm from (hot humid south) it would turn into an algae fungus factory within a matter of days...
Joker  2 | 2458
13 Jan 2020   #9
Is disgusting....... only Brits do this.....but not me :-)

Are you serious? Brits have carpeting in their bathrooms! LOLOL Oh, that must stink!

It was popular in the USA too

Total BS! I have never seen this in my entire life.

I have carpeted stairs, so no chance of slipping.

This is common in the US as well, but in the bathroom is crazy.
Miloslaw  22 | 5229
13 Jan 2020   #10
Brits have carpeting in their bathrooms!

Most don't, but I have seen it.
The carpet must go rotten after a while with all that water and steam.
Atch  22 | 4299
13 Jan 2020   #11
Total BS! I have never seen this in my entire life.

You didn't know that Rory Gallagher fronted Taste either :)) Obviously you weren't moving in executive circles. Otherwise you might have been aware of the bathroom carpet craze in the USA :D

Here you go:

The ad below features not only carpeted bathrooms but the dreaded toilet cover.
Lenka  5 | 3549
13 Jan 2020   #12
I like wall to wall carpeting in bedrooms. Generally wooden floor always look more elegant in my opinion and are easier to keep clean so perfect for living rooms, dining rooms . Putting them in hallways is not very practical. Not to mention carpets in pubs...Will never like that :)

Most of the time people put their carpet down themselves in Poland. That's what we did anytime we were changing them. No stairs though.
Joker  2 | 2458
13 Jan 2020   #13
Well it was heavily marketed and advertised in the USA so

Yet, nobody wants it or has purchased it, but in The UK sales are booming or should we say stinkin!

Renew your bathroom with our extraordinary range of bathroom carpets.

The British have an obsession to carpet. Carpet can be seen in entering the British airport in pubs and administrative buildings, to bathrooms.

a lovely, lovely person, God rest his soul.

Why so lovely?

Wasn't he a drunk and drug attic that died from liver failure? Just because he happened to be Irish doesnt make him a Saint!

keep to the topic of the thread please
kondzior  11 | 1026
14 Jan 2020   #14
I wonder how is this carpeting called

In Polish it is called "wykładzina dywanowa".
Joker  2 | 2458
15 Jan 2020   #15
Heres an interesting article...."Bacteria's Paradise" or British Carpets

I never see a carpeted bathroom in America. However, there is plenty of evidence about the popularity of carpeted bathrooms in the UK.

"As slippers are unusual in Great Britain, having a soft carpet while you are sitting in the "throne", make us feel like kings and queens."

"You become a royalty person when visiting a British carpeted bathroom"

Does it really make you feel closer to Royalty????

  • BritishBathroom.jpg
Atch  22 | 4299
15 Jan 2020   #16
Heres an interesting article.

Written by a foreign student who thinks Brits don't have slippers - hilarious!

Does it really make you feel closer to Royalty????

It seems that was the case for Americans with their fake 'historic' homes and carpeted bathrooms.

"When I was a young girl living in Lafayette, Louisiana, one of my favorite things to do was go with my mother to the Parade of Homes. Those early '90s show houses were wonderful in my eyes: soaring foyers, big Palladian windows, and giant, luxurious bathrooms-covered in carpet. "
johnny reb  49 | 8003
15 Jan 2020   #17
It was popular in the USA too, especially in the 1970s, considered a sign of luxury.

Atch, hardly.

Lafayette, Louisiana

Lafayette is Cajun country. (Blacks mixed with the French people) so I guess it is possible as they aren't the brightest people in America.

NEVER have I seen carpet in a bathroom and I used one at least six times a day in the 70's living in at least six different States.

I have tile in mine, with a small throw rug, so I can use bleach water to clean and kill any bacteria or mold that may want to grow in a damp area.

The water tank on the throne sweats in the hot summer from the ice cold well water that fills it, the shower always splatters water out of it and boys can't help but splatter when they take a leak just inviting bacteria and mold to grow.

The stench after a month would be unbearable and most likely encourage the house dog and cat to start using it for their relief also.

Only one word for a carpeted bathroom......"YUK !" especially if you have kids.
OP Boleslav1
15 Jan 2020   #18
Guys, thank you but we've gone offtopic. I like both Polish and British cultures, so a I'd like a fusion in my home of both.
Joker  2 | 2458
15 Jan 2020   #19
. I like both Polish and British cultures,

Same here and I find very interesting to see the differences in the way we live.

I like how they build homes in Poland, nice and solid, all brick instead of wood.

Americans with their fake 'historic' homes and carpeted bathrooms.

More rubbish from the old decrepit UK where the sun seldom shines, lol

encourage the house dog and cat to start using it for their relief also.

Hahaha, but would they really notice or would it blend in with the rest of the stank.....
Atch  22 | 4299
22 Jan 2020   #20
I never see a carpeted bathroom in America.

  • House in Minnesota, built in 1980, was on the market in 2014 with this lovely carpeted bathroom :)
Joker  2 | 2458
23 Jan 2020   #21
Aye, what a lovely Shamrock Green color, must have been Irish expats that designed it. A must for St. Paddys day! LOL

How did you get the mods to delete the line in ur pervious post about drunk Rory?
Atch  22 | 4299
23 Jan 2020   #22
what a lovely Shamrock Green color,

Ever seen a shamrock? A real one? Evidently not.
But if you don't like green how about a nice purple bathroom carpet, once again from Minnesota. They do seem to like their carpeted bathrooms there. This house came on the market in 2013. The carpet was laid in 1962. Note how nicely fitted it is around the base of the toilet.

Joker  2 | 2458
23 Jan 2020   #23
Ever seen a shamrock? A real one? Evidently not.

Ive been to Ireland several times, its nothing special at all.

Nice pics, you seem like a bathroom carpet troll as well as a grammar troll! LOL
Atch  22 | 4299
23 Jan 2020   #24
Ive been to Ireland several times

Where and when? Take this to off-topic if you like but beware, you'll be plucked and roasted and anything left of you afterwards will go under the grill ;)

Btw if it's nothing special, why did you keep going back?
Joker  2 | 2458
23 Jan 2020   #25
Where and when?

Why? Are you writing a book about me?

, why did you keep going back?

Only to visit some relatives, that's all. It certainly isn't the horrible food, thats for sure, double potatoes with

You must have a really boring life to keep looking for pictures of carpeted bathrooms, get a job!!! lol
Atch  22 | 4299
23 Jan 2020   #26
Only to visit some relatives,

Yes but where? What part of Ireland and tell me more about the spuds. That's an important detail.

Home / Real Estate / Carpetying style? - question to Brits living in Poland
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