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Buying an Apartment in Poznan, Im Irish

OzinPoz  2 | 4
21 Feb 2020   #1
Hi All, Im taking the plunge and buying a small 40M2 apartment in Poznan, Its been renovated, im sold after renovating in the UK, so know the amount of work hes done, time and happy it sgood value, well for me, i had the first meeting with the estate agent today , which was weird, as they bought out the vendor too, half way into the meet....i wasnt expecting to buy so soon, so a bit lost as to the process, im going back on Monday...i haven't signed anything yet...what i dont understand is , when the prelim contract is signed, or arranged vi athe noterary I hand over 10%, OK...but on the second part of the contract, Im expected to pay nearly all , but have been asked to wait a month for keys??, after this payment...?!..that cant be normal
cms neuf  2 | 1959
21 Feb 2020   #2
No that is not normal. Normal way is a small advance followed by the rest and you get the keys immediately when everything is paid. I would insist on getting the keys with the second installment.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
21 Feb 2020   #3
It's not normal, but it can be the case if the seller is using the proceeds to buy another property.

Don't accept it, as it's likely going to lead to problems.
OP OzinPoz  2 | 4
22 Feb 2020   #4
Yeah Thank you...they brushed over this and said it was a "nuance" in the contract, and expained as CMS NEUF noted..i will insist on keys and vacent possesion, to be in the the Prelim contract...
Atch  22 | 4299
22 Feb 2020   #5
Hi OzinPoz I'm Irish too :)) Buying a place is really weird compared to Ireland. I bought an apartment here about 13 years ago and the process hasn't changed since. I'm sure you've checked things out on the internet but just to recap for you:

a) Sale is only legal if it's witnessed and stamped by a Notary.

b) The same notary can be used by both vendor and buyer. The notary is only there to make the sale a legal transaction. He doesn't represent your interests or protect you in any way like a solicitor does in Ireland.

c) As a foreigner you're supposed to have a translator with you when you sign the paperwork. You must get a 'sworn translator'. They are authorized to translate in legal situations. The translator may ask you for a copy of the contract to have a look over it. They then attend the notary's office with you and read out the contract to you so that you're aware what you're signing.

d) As others here have told you, no way should you hand over money without getting the keys.

e) On the day of the final contract signing, we signed the papers in the notary's office. The vendor handed over the keys to the notary. Then I went with the vendor to the bank and transferred the money. Then we returned to the notary's office and he gave me the keys.

f) You get a copy of the contract on the day and the notary keeps the original.

g) Your name has to be registered as the new owner with the relevant court. The notary takes care of that and a couple of months later (maybe six months) you get a piece of paper from the court that confirms your name has been entered into the register, 'księgi wieczyste' .

h) You don't get any deeds to the property like you would in Ireland. Your ownership is confirmed, not by posession of deeds, but by entry into the księgi wieczyste.

Just be careful that you get some evidence from the vendor that the czynsz is paid up to date and that there are no other outstanding debts on the property. Good luck!
OP OzinPoz  2 | 4
22 Feb 2020   #6
Brillaint good man....Thx Atch
Atch  22 | 4299
22 Feb 2020   #8
That's right, I'm a 'cailín álainn' :))

OzinPoz, just to clarify, you should get a paper from the vendor that shows that there is no outstanding mortgage on the property or any loans secured against it. It should be produced by the time you sign the final contract.

One final thing, sometimes estate agents will be on a backhander from solicitors if they recommend them, so they may try to convince you that you need one. You don't. You just need the notary and the translator. The solicitor will do sod all - that bit is pretty much the same as Ireland anyway :D
OP OzinPoz  2 | 4
22 Feb 2020   #9
Thx U my dear!...Exciting times...great to have you all for a bit of a resource with this...ill keep you posted
Atch  22 | 4299
22 Feb 2020   #10
Not a bother ;) "Gwan, you good thing!" - and yeah, definitely get back to us, I won't rest easy in me bed until I know how it all turned out :D
OP OzinPoz  2 | 4
15 Nov 2020   #11

Poznan, Im Irish, Biz steps help

I need a "cheat sheet list" and some help, Im an Irish Passport holder, Ex sailor, leaving the UK, to start a small
business(sole trader), and buy an apartment in my beloved Poznan
(been a few times now).I know i probably have mountain of steps to go through.
here,s what I have...

Step One - register your stay in Poland
Step two - register your place of residence, (will be buying), renting first
Step 3 (starts to fall apart!!!)????
Register business in Economic register
Register for ZuS..(24 months, small rate)


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