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Polish Zloty Can't Exchange in France!..

User  1 | 3
8 Apr 2008   #1
Hi to everybody,

I just want to share my bad experience in France. Because it is totaly silly and meaningless situation. Any bank or post office doesn't exchange Polish Zloty to Euro or another moneys in Paris and Strasbourg. So be carefull if you will go to the France, before the France you must be sure you have enough Euro :)
Zgubiony  15 | 1274
8 Apr 2008   #2
Thanks, but why would anyone go to France?

Wroclaw Boy
8 Apr 2008   #3
France is visited more than any other country, suprising as it may seem.
8 Apr 2008   #4
I love France. There is so much the whole world inherited form their culture: democracy (ya, ya, Greeks started it), wine (ya, ya, other countries make better ones), art (no competition), cheese, truffles, lavender fields, Paris, Normandy and my favourite: Provance. Hmmmmm.......

eatining is art
Mali  - | 300
8 Apr 2008   #5
Versaille, South of France, Champagne, etc.

what I don't like about France-> most of the food. I like the cheese and wine but I'm not a big fan of fish, snails, frogs, boeuf, duck, and all the other different types of meats that the French eat at every meal. I hate red meat, so dinners in France are gross to me :(
Zgubiony  15 | 1274
8 Apr 2008   #6
France is visited more than any other country

I'm sure it is. Like M, wine, cheese filet minon ;) What more can you ask for? Not sure about their beer though.

It's possible that not enough PL bring zloty into the country. When I travelled with my gf's family, they always exchange currency before leaving the country. I'd imagine this would also be done at the Airport.

It's not only France. We have a large PL population in NJ, but I can't exchange in a Bank of America or Commerce. If I go to a PL neighborhood, maybe one of their banks would. It's not common here anyway.
OP User  1 | 3
8 Apr 2008   #7
I don't know why you must go to the France actually. That was just my experince and I really surprised. But maybe some people can go there for spent nice times at Paris or another romantic cities :)
ShelleyS  14 | 2883
16 Apr 2008   #8
but I can't exchange in a Bank of America or Commerce

Most places in the UK will exchange, I'm really surprised that you can't do it in America..

And never never never never exchange at an airport...its the worst rate you can get! Unless you are changing £ to euro and everywhere is shite at the moment :( only a week and a half to go before Im in sunny Spain....please let the euro increase....
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
16 Apr 2008   #9
funnily enough, i had real problems exchanging sterling in america last year. and my british passport wasnt considered a valid form of id
9 Mar 2010   #10
nice! please mybe you can til us what you have in poland ? mybe the same like france i think .
what is famouse in pologne!
what pologne can give for a EU!
thanks you
scottie1113  6 | 896
14 Nov 2011   #11
but why would anyone go to France?

For the food, the culture, the history, the scenery, just to name a few. Paris is a beautiful city to visit for a week or so, then it's off to Brittany and Normandy, Alsace, and especially Provence. Villefranch-sur mer is a gem, and there are many more.
22 Dec 2019   #12
Yes France is the most visited in Europe bue the way every one goes on about it ( including the French obviously) you'd think it's the only country in Europe! There are so many other beautiful countries/cities in Europe
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
22 Dec 2019   #13
Yes France is the most visited in Europe

For good reasons.
France has everything.
They are so lucky that most French people rarely holiday abroad.
They just don't need to.
They have everything anyone could want in their own great food, wine etc......
Ironside  50 | 12954
22 Dec 2019   #14
France has everything.

Along with growing discontent about the way things are and an alienation of the ruling elite. Passing more and more draconian laws and attempts at quashing citizens protests.
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
22 Dec 2019   #15
Along with growing discontent

True.France has many problems.
But many advantages too......I can't understand why so many refugees in France want to come to the UK.
It must be because we are an easier touch than France.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
22 Dec 2019   #16
an alienation of the ruling elite

The ruling elite is alienated everywhere and not only in France.
Wincig  2 | 225
3 Jan 2020   #17
It must be because we are an easier touch than France.

In fact, it is because France is (with Poland) the country of bureaucracy.. There is a indeed a very generous benefits system but to be able to use it one must speak and understand French (no forms in Urdu etc available!) and fill in numerous forms and answer many questions (even when done on line).. A deterrent for many foreigners..
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
3 Jan 2020   #18
There is a indeed a very generous benefits system but to be able to use it one must speak and understand French

You are dead right, here in The UK everything is translated and if not translators are brought in!

But even then, we get quite a lot of French speaking Africans anyway!
Lenka  5 | 3539
3 Jan 2020   #19
The UK everything is translated and if not translators are brought in!

The only thing I noticed in Polish is slave labour posters... And as we all know the number of Poles is quite high.
cms neuf  2 | 1869
3 Jan 2020   #20
Another thread about immigration in Western Europe ? Just what the doctor ordered
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
3 Jan 2020   #21
The only thing I noticed in Polish is slave labour posters

I have never seen any of those, but you are right,there is not that much translated to Polish here.
But that may be because many Polish men can speak good English and if they don't then their wives or girlfriends usually do :-)
Lenka  5 | 3539
3 Jan 2020   #22
Let's put it this way- I saw things in English with the option of Welsh. That's it.
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
3 Jan 2020   #23
I saw things in English with the option of Welsh

It depends when you were here.There used to be a lot of stuff translated but in 2015 the government decided this was wasting money and was divisive.

But it still happens in areas with a high immigrant population.
Wincig  2 | 225
3 Jan 2020   #24
I lived in London between 1993 and 2001 and remember seeing forms in all sorts of languages at my local Social Security outlet when I went to get a NI number
johnny reb  49 | 7960
4 Dec 2024   #25
True.France has many problems.

Their economy is on thin ice.
johnny reb  49 | 7960
4 Dec 2024   #26
France is in a world of hurt.
It looks all but certain that France's government will collapse this week, giving it the unwanted distinction of being the shortest-lived government in modern French history.
The ramifications, however, go beyond France.
The collapse is expected to happen on Wednesday or Thursday, whenever parliament holds a no-confidence vote on Prime Minister Michel Barnier. By all accounts, he has virtually no prayer of surviving.
How will this effect Poland and the rest of the E.U.

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