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Possible Green Surge in Germany

Novichok  4 | 8697
29 Sep 2021   #31
Germany isn't by nature a leftist country.

It's worse. It's an obedient country.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
29 Sep 2021   #32
Well....that myth is just destroyed by the obedient country would have a much better vaccination-quota! :)
Novichok  4 | 8697
29 Sep 2021   #33
When obedience is in conflict with fear, fear wins. No proof of anything.
Disobedience is throwing rocks at the cops or setting things on fire. Or at least screaming obscenities at the ruling scum during an unauthorized demonstration. Like BLM and Antifa here.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
29 Sep 2021   #34
Like BLM and Antifa here.

Yeah....well.....thanks but no thanks!

This kind of stupidity will never get you anywhere.....ask BLM and Antifa...(or german radical leftists)...still firmly at the margins of society!

Or at least screaming obscenities

Maybe we Germans as a people are to old for that sh*it?
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
29 Sep 2021   #35
The times of romans when barbarians were screaming at them have long gone, Germans are now a far more orderly people. Followers of law and order, hopefully a more greener future without throwing the society into a nasty turmoil which was the mark of 19th and 20th century.
Novichok  4 | 8697
29 Sep 2021   #36
when barbarians were screaming at them have long gone,

It took the barbarians and a lot of bombs to bring sanity to Germany. It didn't happen because the German ruling gangsters saw the errors of their way.

It will take violence to reverse the white wokeness about refugees and to cure the mental paralysis about getting rid of the crap that already came.
jon357  72 | 23654
29 Sep 2021   #37
german radical

I once went to Kreuzberg on May Day (by mistake; I'd forgotten that people riot there on that day) and was surprised. Worth mentioning that it was all very German and safe and planned and almost felt organised for spectators. It was however a sight worth seeing, though maybe not so much fun for people who live there.
OP Lyzko  44 | 9725
29 Sep 2021   #38
According to today's >Tagesspiegel<, the Conservatives are practically running at an all-time low.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
29 Sep 2021   #39
That's because Germany's "conservatives" aren't in the least bit conservative, just as the CDU has completely ignored the Christian part of their party's name...
Novichok  4 | 8697
29 Sep 2021   #40
That's because Germany's "conservatives" aren't in the least bit conservative,

You are wrong, Dirk. They want to "conserve" money for the refugees. God knows, it takes a lot of it.
On the list of what they want to conserve missing is white Germany.
OP Lyzko  44 | 9725
29 Sep 2021   #41
"Konservativ" means something different in German-:)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
4 Oct 2021   #42
God knows, it takes a lot of it.

The last estimate I read was 25 billion a year - more than the 20 billion Germany spends on its education budget. However, that figure doesn't include all the ancillary costs -medical, education, law enforcement, incarceration, or the money spent every time one of them decides to conduct an act of "cultural enrichment" with a knife, car, or by holding some white woman down in the bushes.

Another statistics pointed out that basically every German worker devotes the equivalent of 1 month of wages going directly to coddling migrants.
Novichok  4 | 8697
4 Oct 2021   #43
The last estimate I read was 25 billion a year -

The money Germans don't spend on their army. Since money is fungible, being on our military welfare, we are paying for their foreign scum.

every German worker devotes the equivalent of 1 month of wages going directly to coddling migrants.

Since Germany is a democracy, their devotion is honest and heartfelt. Otherwise, they would vote for those who are opposed to the invasion.

I read here that this specific invasion is good for the German economy, too.
OP Lyzko  44 | 9725
4 Oct 2021   #44
"Fungible", Rich?
Scholz is currently seen as above all safe, even-keel, not given to inappropriate remarks or behavior and as a man with his own vision, NOT Merkel-lite as with Kramp-Karrenbauer!

He is environmentally aware and with a Western orientation aka America friendly, even if critical of certain policies. He is surely not merely a Merkel clone.

He seems to be exhibiting a general leftist trend which has been gathering force thoughout Western Europe:-) The so-called New Federal Provinces were the ones who voted Right wing instead.

As to German conservatism, I wish to note once again that the German concept of being conservative is markedly different from what is called conservative here in the US!

German uses the word meaning to "conserve consensus", not be somehow independent from government as is what is usually thought in the American version of conservativism.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
4 Oct 2021   #45
Scholz is the male-Merkel.....only her "Raute" is still missing.

It doesn't matter anymore what is CDU (once seen as conservative) or SPD....the leaders have become exchangable....the party programs alignable...

There is hope that the CDU will find it's true conservative core again during the coming 5 years in the opposition...with Merkel gone for good!

wish to note once again that the German concept of being conservative

I'm not so sure about that Lyzko....the biggest difference is the two-party-system in the US compared to the x-party-system in Germany.

Trump had to infiltrate one of the two parties in the US to make a political career....I read he once tried it with the Democrats first (donated even billions) before he found a better way in with the Tea Party inside the a Republican he became and influenced this party like nobody else did.....he had to change the Republicans and he did!

In Germany Trump could and probably would had founded his own party....a new one from scratch and would had started what we call the "march through the institutions"....similiar to what the AfD is doing in Germany since their foundation 2013. Or Macrons "La République en Marche" in 2016.

That doesn't mean that people generally have different opinions about's just that politics/conservatism works differently in our countries.
mafketis  38 | 11265
4 Oct 2021   #46
the two-party-system in the US compared to the x-party-system in Germany

It's best not to think of them as two parties. Each tends to be more like a very long lasting coalition of diverse unofficial semi-parties (and occasionally a chunk of one party breaks away to join the other for either an election or longer).
OP Lyzko  44 | 9725
4 Oct 2021   #47
Maybe the German system of voting for the party rather than the individual in the end is more equitable.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
5 Oct 2021   #48
Germans are too busy trying to dig up Beetoven's corpse to prove he was really a black guy than worrying about the next mommy figures that will rule over them.

That being said, AfD and preferably NPD (granted they don't have much of a shot) are the only two choices Germany has for becoming German again and not Germanistan.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
5 Oct 2021   #49
Germans are too busy trying to dig up

Well...if they do it's all thanks to your woke USians....

A student-run Minnesota newspaper, The Concordian, had suggested a "white-washing" of the composer's legacy, citing descriptions of the composer as having a "wide, thick-lipped mouth, short, thick nose, and proudly arched forehead"....

Well... thank you! What would we do without you....

On the other hand I find the idea of Jesus looking like a typical middle eastern Arab much more logical than the caucasian projection hanging in most churches....
OP Lyzko  44 | 9725
5 Oct 2021   #50
You seem to have forgotten your German history!
As Germany has been stigmatized at every bend and turn since the end of the War, she's had her nose rubbed in manure so often, I'm surprised her sense of aroma appreciation hasn't been permanently damaged. I guess some have heard of a little-known blog out there which the German gov't has been monitoring for some time, "Die jungen Vikinger" (The Young Vikings), whose frighteningly blunt adage goes "Holocaust? - Schnee von gestern" (The Holocaust? Yesterday's news)

And so now, she's been bending over backwards since who only knows for how long to show that she's finally a decent, well-behaved, multi-cultural neighbor in an ever-changing world, LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT.

As her twentieth century history has been only one of extremes, at present, the FRG's exercising her own constitutional rights to attempt some degree of normalization since the none-too quick demise of the bad old days, so just deal with it, Dirk!

As I'm always fond of saying re: the differences between Germany now vs. Germany then, is that nowadays, Germany's more appropriately interested in her place in the world, rather than her place in the sun:-)
Tacitus  2 | 1269
5 Oct 2021   #51
Yawn, nobody cares Dirk.
Ironside  51 | 13098
5 Oct 2021   #52
Germany needs t

Worry about yourself?
I'm taken aback by the multitude of German patriots on these forums. An Uncle Good Advice in action.
How about a million a day crossing borders of the USA illegally, including drug mules and Kartel soldiers with weapons. You must be all eunuchs by your standards.

Don't worry about Germany they have a very sly and well thought out plan, even if it sometimes doesn't work exactly as planned. Nevertheless, they do what they want to do.
OP Lyzko  44 | 9725
5 Oct 2021   #53
Dirk's an AfD man allright! Can smell it a kilometer away.
Alien  26 | 6543
6 Oct 2021   #54
As I know, AfD dreams of an olympia 2036 Berlin-Warsaw and not Berlin-Tel-Aviv as planned.
Alien  26 | 6543
6 Oct 2021   #56
No but Google
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
6 Oct 2021   #57
Give....I can find only some news from 2019, as one Berlin Senator Geisel (not AfD) said it would be a great sign for Berlin to host the Olympic Games again in 2036....hundred years after 1936...
jon357  72 | 23654
6 Oct 2021   #58
olympia 2036 Berlin-Warsaw

That would be very bad taste.

If Germany wants to host the games, there are better years and more appropriate cities.
Alien  26 | 6543
6 Oct 2021   #59
15.09.2021 AfD Fraktionschef Pazderski fordert Olynpische Spiele 2036 in Berlin und Warschau.
mafketis  38 | 11265
6 Oct 2021   #60
If Germany wants to host the games

Let them host them. They don't mean anything anymore (and haven't for a long time). It's just a big boondoggle now, a way for public funds to be transported to private bank accounts while exploiting impressionable and often idealistic young people to destroy their health for a shiny piece of metal.

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