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What do Poles think of how they are treated in Germany, in comparison to the Muslim migrants

11 Feb 2019   #1
I see young Polish migrants working in awful jobs (together with other eastern nationalities) , tiring and health damaging manual jobs. Imet a polish guy working in a factory. He did a 3 shift job in a town 2 hours far away. Another girl I met, she had a degree in Poland and worked full time in a factory. She siffered from a bad backache and se was relly young (I guess 20). Poliah migrants have no right to attend German language courses for free (unless they pay like, 1200€.). A syrian, iraqi turk etc whatever muslim person doesn't work at all and they are financially supported by the state funds. They go around in sposts far, their women just male babies and don't work. They are apparently paid to be housewives. Cool. These migrants can repeat the german courses like, endless times and still don't have to pay a single cent. Same the Polish to th other EU countries. What do Poles think of it? Why don't they complain? I talked with a polish guy and he told me 'it's like this and se can't help it'. He seemed designer but not so upset. I was more than him.
Shitonya Brits
25 Feb 2019   #2
That's easy,

German investment: Tens of billions of euros spent each year to attract and provide welfare for its burgeoning Muslim population.

German resentment: Refusal to pay even a penny towards the very reasonable $1 trillion it owes to Poland in WWII reparations.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
25 Feb 2019   #3
What is the market value of the ex-German land now being part of Poland?
Shitonya Brits
25 Feb 2019   #4
Sorry, Herr Kraut, but there will be no discounts given for previous land swaps which Poland had no say in.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
25 Feb 2019   #5
Poles have been living and working in Germany since the first coal miners migrated there to the Ruhr Pott region
in the 18th century.
Crow  154 | 9535
22 Jul 2020   #6
Well, Poles, forget Germany. It just moving in war with Russia again. I read in the news. This time that s it. The end game.
Alien  25 | 6397
30 Nov 2021   #7
Well, Germans, forget Poland. It just moving in war with Russia again. I read in the news. This time that's it. The end game.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
30 Nov 2021   #8
I hear from German friends and acquaintances in Germany at present that most younger Poles already know considerable German from having studied it in Poland long before they ever arrived in the Federal Republic! The only thing, of course, is their accent, rather than their grammarLOL. Just think back a bit to the late Marcel Reich-Ranicki. Execellent to near perfect German. Accent?? UGGH! Furthermore, many educated Poles are remarkably quick studies in terms of language acquisition, particularly German as well as English.

It's essentially the older, less educated ones who tend to give Poland and the Poles a bad reputation:-) Working-class migrants probably from every country, including right

here in the US, are generally those who are a less than flattering advertisement for their respective countries.
Alien  25 | 6397
1 Dec 2021   #9
This ugly accent of Reich Ranicki (R.i.P) was his "trade mark". Anyway, it is said, that he spoke only Polish to his wife at home.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
1 Dec 2021   #10
who are a less than flattering advertisement for their respective countries.

Lyzko  44 | 9713
1 Dec 2021   #11
Reality, dude!
jon357  72 | 23483
1 Dec 2021   #13
are generally those who are a less than flattering advertisement for their respective countries.

Normal enough, however it's more to do with attitude than economic factors.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
1 Dec 2021   #14
here in the US, are generally those who are a less than flattering advertisement for their respective countries

I wonder how German immigrants to Poland fare.
They may be less numerous but I bet very few have mastered Polish.
As a previous poster said, Lyzko, you sound like a snob.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
2 Dec 2021   #15
... and proud of it! At least I have and maintain a standard-:)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
2 Dec 2021   #17
Leave him alone....someone has to know and to value the beauty of language!

I suck in two languages...
Lyzko  44 | 9713
2 Dec 2021   #18
Why so touchy, Cojestdocholery?
You missed my point, apparently. I simply said that I have a high level of social bearing and comportment. Certainly, I didn't mean to cast espursions on anybody.

It's a fact though that those from poorer nations who immigrate to a richer one, will necessarily have to catch up in terms of education and so forth compared, say, with those with little literacy or formal education, that's all. It's scarcely their fault if they weren't born into the social advantages others have.

There's nothing wrong with wanting the best, is there? 'Course not! It's only natural, and yet the way standards have dropped so, it's a miracle people value cultural literacy and things which matter other than stuffing their faces.....or other parts of the human anatomy LOL
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
2 Dec 2021   #19
Why so touchy,

I ask qestions. I don't understand what so great about snobbery?
Snobs are often people with inferiorty complex.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
2 Dec 2021   #20
Allright, "standard bearer" then, as long as we're being politically correct!
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
2 Dec 2021   #21
Allright, "standard bearer" then

As far as I can tell you don't hold any standards. You look down on people.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
2 Dec 2021   #22
I hold people accountable for their bad behavior, if that's what you mean.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
2 Dec 2021   #23
if that's what you mean.

You make mean generalisations about foreigners in Germany. I call it snobbery but some would call it racist or xenophobic.

I hold people accountable for their bad behavior,

Nothing wrong with that but that not what you said.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
3 Dec 2021   #24
Snobs are often people with inferiorty complex

With fake superiority complex.
jon357  72 | 23483
3 Dec 2021   #25
hold people accountable for their bad behaviour

Of course, and important to do so.
Alien  25 | 6397
21 Nov 2023   #26
What do Poles think of how they are treated in Germany, in comparison to the Muslim migrants

Nowadays they are certainly treated better than Muslims.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
21 Nov 2023   #27
@Cojestdocholery, it certainly is what I said!
As a non-native English speaker, you might not have caught my entire

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