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Which country is better SPAIN or POLAND

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
21 Jul 2021   #91
Africans (North and Sub-Saharan) are the ones that end up in petty crime:

Same story around the entire world... and then they wonder why white people, asians, even latinos not to mention cops (including black ones) are extra cautious around them...

Spain is a beautiful country though. I'd probably take vacationing in Spain over Poland, but nonetheless Poland is and always will be the motherland...
Crow  154 | 9485
21 Jul 2021   #92
Spain can`t be even compared to Poland. Poland never in its history harmed heritage of humanity. Never. Spain did and therefore deserve oblivion. How harmed? By burning 5000 ancient books of South American natives in the name of Christ. Books were about history of continent before Spaniards arrived. That was, is and will remain forever one of the greatest crimes ever committed against human kind.
mafketis  38 | 11164
22 Jul 2021   #93
built by the Germans in Poland, yes. That's so obvious it's a given

Yet some seem to never learn (cough cough lyzko cough cough)

I love Spain beyond all reason but in many ways Poland is more interesting. One of the reasons I've stayed so long was just the pure fascination of seeing a civil society slow emerging from the communist wreckage, not a smooth or linear process at all but one that's still progressing despite PiS's dogged determination to recreate the PRL (down to being sucked into the Russian 'sphere of influence').

Spain was starting at a completely different place after the death of Franco (not really a true fascist at all but something else - his own creation) and has made progress too but is too intent on looking backwards. The last time I was there the soaps were still obsessing about the godammd civil war (they are still not over it at all...). Poland (or at least the younger generations) are moving on while young Spaniards are still fighting their grandparents' battles.
AntV  3 | 670
22 Jul 2021   #94
It would be good to see a memorial and an official apology in Poland though

Maybe, I don't know enough about it to have an opinion.

Why were the camps built by Sikorski? Why did he think they were needed?

One of the reasons I've stayed so long was just the pure fascination of seeing a civil society slow emerging from the communist wreckage

It is fascinating. I've been going over since 2001 and the transformation has been remarkable. A lot of positive. However, the attitudes if some of the younger folks has changed from previous generations. Some of it good, but some bad. The younger generation is much more arrogant and disrespectful. When I first visited I was impressed by how the youth treated their elders with respect. That is disappearing.

Closest I've come to Spain is reading Hemingway.
mafketis  38 | 11164
23 Jul 2021   #95
Another interesting thing about Spain is regional variation. A friend had been to the Costa del Sol (around Malaga) a few times and then went to Mallorca (Palma) and thought it seemed like a completely different country. Then he went to the Canaries and.... yep, different again.

Even leaving the regional languages aside, the architecture, dress, dialect of Spanish cuisine etc is all markedly different by place. Poland has variation but it's a lot more subtle and you have to know the country and language to perceive it, while in Spain you can't not notice how different the various regions are from each other.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11979
23 Jul 2021   #96
Would be Spain better off when the regions would go separate if they are so different to each other (Basque)???

I mean....there are different regionalities (like Poland Germany has them galore) which add to the flavour of a still whole country... and then there are people who (sometimes) hate each others guts (English-Scots etc.) but are more or less for historical reasons pressed into the same borders, totally different people secretly (or openly) yearning for independence from each other....
mafketis  38 | 11164
23 Jul 2021   #97
Would be Spain better off when the regions would go separate if they are so different to each other (Basque)???

Short answer: No.

Even the Catalan Independence movement was a mistake, those in charge never intended for things to get so far. For the leaders the idea was to use it to get leverage with the central government so they could get more money and power for themselves - then it got out of control and they're stuck trying to put the toothpaste back in the tube (subject of another thread).

Intense regionalism has always been part of Spanish reality, which is why every single region has a functioning independence movement (Valencia and the Balearics have their own separate from Catalonia's....) but there are unifying forces as well (which is why most of these movements are extremely marginal). Even the Basques haven't been serious about secession for years and years now and the Galicians have never really pushed for anything but a little more autonomy.

I don't fully understand what's going on with Scotland but it seems a little similar to the traditional Catalonia Madrid dynamic - I've almost never heard English people say a bad word about Scotland or Scottish people but this good will is met with puerile, reflexive hostility (without any real desire for independence which is back on the 'not gonna happen any time soon' burner)
mafketis  38 | 11164
23 Jul 2021   #98
weather in Spain is warmer

I've been in places where the temperature is higher but nowhere _feels_ as hot as Andalucia to me. It's like the heat just.... pounds at you from all angles.
Ironside  50 | 12987
23 Jul 2021   #99
Scotland but it seems a little similar to the traditional Catalonia Madrid dynamic

Catalonia is a province, Scotland is a country an a nation bonded by a union with England in a away that never addressed England's overwhelming numbers and economical power in fact Scotland become a tail that has to follow the dog - England.

I think there lays the reason for underlaying anti-English sentyment
. For not being treated like a fully fledged partner but an underlaying.
On the other hand it could be less about factual treatment but more about some complexes as in Poland and Literacina union even though their interests oft took precedence they still harbour resentyment or it is because nationalists in today Litwa don't understand their past? Questions.....
Atch  22 | 4299
23 Jul 2021   #100
I don't fully understand what's going on with Scotland

without any real desire for independence

The Scotland/England relationship is complex. Despite being separate and distinct countries, there is a connection to England going back centuries due to the intermarriage of the Stuart and Tudor royal houses. The Stuart line were monarchs not only of Scotland but of England too for over a hundred years and spent quite a long time after that trying to retrieve the English throne.

Please keep to the topic, two pages of off topic have already been cleared from this thread
Alien  25 | 6373
27 Sep 2024   #101
weather in Spain is warmer

The weather in Spain has been too hot lately.
jon357  72 | 23434
27 Sep 2024   #102

So many Poles (including people I know) have bought flats in Malaga over the past few years. Apparently Poles are rising up the statistics of buyers. I suspect that in Malaga means near Malaga since the city itself is very expensive near the town beach, and the resorts like Torremolinos just the other side of the airport are much cheaper.

It's a nice city, lovely gardens, historic buildings and great restaurants. The resorts have English pound shops and full breakfast cafes though.
Alien  25 | 6373
28 Sep 2024   #103
So many Poles (including people I know) have bought flats in Malaga over the past few years

This only proves that prosperity in Poland is growing, and apartments in Malaga are still cheap. The question is, however, whether they bought it on credit, a credit that is supposed to "pay itself" with the increase in the value of the apartment, which usually does not work. 🤔
jon357  72 | 23434
28 Sep 2024   #104
a credit that is supposed to "pay itself" with the increase in the value of the apartment, which usually does not work. 🤔

Even hardly ever, and in Spain, almost never. There's a lot of nearly empty apartment complexes, usually build by r*SSian mafia as a money laundering thing.

I'd like an apartment in Malaga by the town beach, Plaza Malagueta, however they're bought by rich Spanish people as holiday homes. They tend to hold on to them for years, if not generations, and prices are crazy.

The cheaper places round there, Torremolinos and the resorts, are often a bit depressing in parts.
Atch  22 | 4299
28 Sep 2024   #105
The resorts have English pound shops and full breakfast cafes though.

And now they have Polish shops too! I was reading an article recently discussing how Poles nowadays prefer to buy a holiday place in Spain rather than in the traditionally popular resorts of Poland. Some of those interviewed said that apart from the holidays they wanted a home elsewhere in the EU in case Russia invades Poland at some point down the line.
mafketis  38 | 11164
28 Sep 2024   #106
I'd like an apartment in Malaga

Malaga's lovely but so hoooot, I've been places that are hotter in temperature but nowhere that _felt_ so subjectively hot..... parrots on the beach are nice. People are nice but the accent takes getting used to... I'd like to remind them of the existence of the consonants s and d (and sometimes l and/or r) makes Spanish a lot easier to understand.

I've only been to Lanzarote and Fuerteventura in the Canaries but strongly prefer Fuerteventura, the locals are just a lot nicer. A Polish acquaintance who'd worked on both islands said she had the same idea... Lanzarote people were kind of closed and weird (and her mainland Spanish boyfriend agreed).

My favorite parts of Spain are probably those with connections to Catalan culture (not the full independiste model) but Valencia or Mallorca are great. I'd love to visit Mallorca again but it's become a symbol of over-tourism and so I'd feel guilty.....
jon357  72 | 23434
28 Sep 2024   #107
I've been places that are hotter in temperature

I've only been in spring (last year actually). There's a reason why traditional houses in Spain often have tiny windows and they sleep in the day and go out after dark. Much like where I am now.


Alicante is underrated. Not the mile after mile of housing estates along the coast, where everyone is Dutch, German or British (usually cockney or Essex) but the city itself. Valencia's on the bucket list, as is Murcia which is apparently lovely.
gumishu  15 | 6227
28 Sep 2024   #108
PiS's dogged determination to recreate the PRL (down to being sucked into the Russian 'sphere of influence').

where did you get that from, if I may ask? I especially mean the last bit
johnny reb  49 | 8008
28 Sep 2024   #109
Just by reading and looking at picture, San Sebastián would be my first choice.
jon357  72 | 23434
28 Sep 2024   #110
I've only been to Lanzarote and Fuerteventura in the Canaries but strongly prefer Fuerteventura

I've not been to those islands however people do recommend Gran Canaria.

Gibraltar always sounds interesting too, especially as it's an outlier with a complex history.
mafketis  38 | 11164
28 Sep 2024   #111
Gibraltar always sounds interesting too

Maybe, but once is enough....
Feniks  1 | 793
28 Sep 2024   #112
It's a nice city, lovely gardens, historic buildings and great restaurants.

It is. I was quite surprised at just how nice Malaga is. Now I understand why so many pensioners retire there.

Malaga's lovely but so hoooot,

I've only been in the winter but I did make the mistake of going to Seville and Cordoba in August a few years ago. 43C......was a tad warm.

I do like Spain and I've visited many regions of it but I still prefer Poland. The only way I can explain it is that I feel at home when I'm there.
pawian  225 | 27353
28 Sep 2024   #113
I feel at home when I'm there.

Especially when you meet those socially dysfunctional Poles/ Polesses. :)::):) I thought Atch had already warned you to keep wary of them.
Ironside  50 | 12987
23 Jan 2025   #115
pain 100 %

Indeed that country is more woke, there are more LGBT, more terrorists, and more foreigners like 60% of the population are a descendant of sand nigges, but that counts for something.
Oh, they speak Spanish mostly, like the Spanish Inquisition the greatest institution ever, without it those people went to the dogs or BRICS.
jon357  72 | 23434
23 Jan 2025   #116

What do you mean by that term?

spain 100 %

It's a very nice place.
espana  17 | 951
23 Jan 2025   #117
sand nigges

where did you learn this ? sand nigges????

sound racist ......
Ironside  50 | 12987
23 Jan 2025   #118
sound racist ......

nah, racist, it is not racist it is a standard usage of the US military.

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