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Marxist-lead BLM Revolutionaries' Assault on Polish Landmarks

Poloniusz  5 | 969
15 Jul 2020   #1
Apparently the BLM radicals have unquestioned public and even institutional support worldwide. At least that is if you only follow the main stream media which have been totally owned and manipulated by leftwing demagogues for decades.

But if you were to discover that historical Polish statues and iconography have been targeted, defaced and desecrated by these violent anarchists would you still continue to give them your own moral or even financial support?

Within recent weeks the 110 year old statues of Tadeusz Kościuszko and Kazimierz Pułaski were attacked and heavily vandalized by rampaging mobs of BLM thugs and their fellow ANTIFA terrorists.

Both great men are inspirational heroes in Poland and America. Both great men were true and honorable revolutionaries in freedom's cause both in Poland and America. Kościuszko himself is distinguished too as being a committed abolitionist. An impressive replica of his monument in Washington DC also stands proudly in Warsaw.

Shockingly, this is what the brainwashed BLM cultists think of these great men:

Thankful Poland's ambassador to the US was quick to denounce these vile attacks:

Polish ambassador "disgusted" by defacing of Kościuszko and Pułaski statues in Washington

Link to the Headline:

And many Polish Americans and Polish American organizations were quick to clean and restore the statues just in time for President Duda's recent visit to the US where he paid his respects and laid a wreath:

But these unforgivable assaults on Polish symbols aren't limited to within the US.

In the Netherlands too a mosaic replica of Our Lady of Częstochowa dedicated to Polish soldiers who liberated the city of Breda in 1944 was also defiled and daubed with ugly BLM graffiti.

So if you believe in and support the global BLM insurrection (which is an openly declared Marxist-lead operation by the way) then ask yourself why that is and share your answer here on PolishForums.
pawian  226 | 27817
15 Jul 2020   #2
So if you believe in and support the global BLM insurrection share your answer here on PolishForums.

What if sb is against? Can they share, too??? hahaha
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
15 Jul 2020   #3
??? hahaha

This is no laughing matter especially where statues commemorating Polish soldiers lives were lost in the defence of Europe against fascism, are defiled.

Quite frankly you disgust me.

Our Lady of Częstochowa

The irony being is that if you look at the monuments Mary and Jesus are portrayed as black ! go figure , well Christianity is a target for Marxists I guess.
pawian  226 | 27817
15 Jul 2020   #4
that historical Polish statues and iconography have been targeted, defaced and desecrated

That`s sad. Did those anarchists do it because they were anti-Polish???
Vesko Vukovic  1 | 260
15 Jul 2020   #5
Animals do not know about tools. Everything they do they do only with their strength. Humans know about tools. Man multiplies his strength with various tools. This is probably the main qualitative-visible difference between an animal and a human. The Jews used this power of man in their political goals. Only with their strength could they achieve quite little. They would have to disappear as a people a long time ago, because they would be convinced that their fifty-century aspiration of ruling the world is unattainable. They therefore themselves do little directly. They use their tools, their levers.

In its social structure and dynamics, Marxism or Bolshevism serves as a lever. Jewry sees a triple benefit from this lever.

Christianity is a target for Marxists I guess.

Marxism first attacks the spirit of the people, biting and killing the paternal faith: There is no God, no soul, everything is just matter: Everything is reduced to the earth and everything only on the earth has to play out. Materialism and atheism are not jewish creations, but Marxism used them en masse, it made them the religion of the masses.

Marxism then attacks the national unity of the people, introducing the place of the nation, as an inseparable community of destiny and life, where the whole is affected, if one part is affected, the notion of class struggle. The history of one nation is therefore not the history of one blood, spirit and destiny connected into one union of brothers, but the history of one bloody yarn ball, in which destiny entangled two blood enemies who have been oppressing, biting and killing each other for centuries. Marxism, in the end, thus separating its members from the people's spiritual and blood whole, creates a strike force loyal to the Jews, which should, in the final assault, serve it in the lap of every nation, in order to destroy its national and spiritual self-consciousness.

This is how even in such a small number, Jewry manages to make huge movements and achieve its far-reaching, all-encompassing goals.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
15 Jul 2020   #6
Jewry manages to make huge movements and achieve its far-reaching, all-encompassing goals.

Oh not the old it's the Jews fault story, I am bored bored bored to death with this incessant crap that rises on this forum to blame the jew blame the jew blame the jew...... for everything that is wrong, Deal with the Marxists..
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
15 Jul 2020   #7
I am bored bored bored to death with this incessant crap

This is a disease, Dolno. Anti-semites will talk talk talk about Jews incessantly. Rather than going to a psychiatrist, they choose to find someone to talk talk talk their to their crap to him.

But be careful, Dolno. Your hero Dirk digger is not only anti-Muslim and anti-gay, but anti-semitic as well.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
15 Jul 2020   #8
There is no God,

Satan's biggest lie.
The easiest way to disprove this lie is to watch the movie "The Case for Christ".

Did you know that the two people that started the BLM movement are Communists.
So is it any wonder they want to destroy Poland's landmarks.

I have my reservations, too.

Gees know on my best day that I am borderline.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
15 Jul 2020   #9
Dirk digger is not only anti-Muslim and anti-gay, but anti-semitic as well.

That's not true - I'm an equal opportunity hater.

for everything that is wrong, Deal with the Marxists..

And who do you think provides funding and support to these marxists? Who do you think is ultimately responsible for the flood of human garbage into Europe? Who do you think is pushing the whole LGBT agenda all over the world? It's not the leftists or marxists - they're merely brainwashed pawns.

"Europe has not yet learned to be multicultural... this transformation MUST take place... Jews will be at the center of that... Jews will be resented because of our leading role" - straight from the horse's mouth..

Jews helping bring illegal kebab into Europe - somethign they'd NEVER do in Israel

Never forget it was Polish heros and patriots like Pilsudzki, Dmowski, etc. who all agreed that Jews were a greater threat to Poland than even the Nazis or the Russians - and that's true to this day.
pawian  226 | 27817
15 Jul 2020   #10
So, the true forces behind the vandalisation of the statues are Jews???

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
15 Jul 2020   #11
Of course. Who do you think gives BLM media coverage - the Jew owned media like CNN, MSNBC, etc.? Who do you think gives them political support - the Democrats who are in turn controlled by AIPAC/JPAC? What about Jew run groups like SPLC (run by Jew Mark Potok) who literally has a poster on his wall of the declining white population of the usa? Jews have sought to divide the peoples' of every nation they live in - especially America. They don't want a united populace because then people would rise up against them like in Germany or even Russia, Ukraine, etc. That's why they foment division - it's an old divide and conquer strategy. They'll support any cause that's against white Christian traditional Europeans.They even make fun of and criticize their own "whiteness" when it suits them but then when someone else calls them out on it suddenly they're "not really white, but jewish." I see this **** everyday on twitter and facebook...

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