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Polish Gazette in Brazil

Rummenigge  2 | 3
2 Dec 2007   #1
Cześć !

I've just got a nice news.

I discovered that there is a Polish Colony in Brazil which releases a newspaper fortnightly, written half Polish and half Portuguese. The name of this newspaper is Polska w Brazylii and it can be freely download on their site: (po portugalsku)

There are about 1.5 Million Polish and Polish descents in Brazil and I'm very glad to know that Brazil makes a very small part of the Polish History, a country of which I appreciate so much.

(Detail, the Polish written in the newspaper doesn't have signs. Like: cześć would be czesc, OK ?)

Na razie.
Zeze  9 | 79
3 Dec 2007   #2
1.5 Million Polish and Polish descents in Brazil

start to think there are more Poles outside Poland them within..
OP Rummenigge  2 | 3
3 Dec 2007   #3
Maybe you are right, Zeze.

Since Polish people are everywhere and I'm glad to know that you are here, too.
7 Oct 2008   #4
here is a video on youtube showing some polish culture in Brazil.

jessekodacki  1 | 1
21 Nov 2008   #5
that's a cool newspaper, i live close from that colony of polish descend. but the brazilian girl in they last number is not so good.
20 Jan 2010   #6
Not sure,but i thought you might enjoy this little bit of polish art & Social D

(checkout the Olean Polish Squirrel video at

Above is the local newspaper article about the newest Olean community art project squirrel / statue,a tribute to Gen. Casimir Krupnik, sponsored by the Olean ,N.Y. ,Pulaski Club.

And below is the youtube link to the video of the making of the statue (it includes some early paintings of General Pulaski).This was just a little video created during the making of a charity / community art project.Being my 3rd squirrel, for Woodland in the city (Olean NY), i've done ,i wanted to somehow document its making.The projects eventual goal, is a childs interactive history museum,so this squirrel combines american history (General Pulaski) with a little art & fun. If you decide to check it out and like it,maybe you could pass it on .Hope you at least enjoy it,if not sorry to have bothered you. Jim Thanks, Jim
Zgrabne_Kopyto  1 | 1
4 Mar 2010   #7
Hi Everyone,

I am currently in Brazil (in RIo), looking for Polish people, in order to see culture blends (my favorite ... :-) ). Can anyone on the forum help me?

Take care,

Klara Wojtkowska
26 Mar 2010   #8
Hello! I am researching the history and culture of Polish people in Brazil. I am not finding much about this people group. Can anyone help me? If you are a polish person living in Brazil, I would love for you to teach me what you know about you culture!

Thank you so much! I appreciate any help you can give.
3 Jun 2010   #9
I am looking for my ancestors in Curitiba/Uniao de Vitoria area; my family on my great-grandmother side were Witoslawski (Estephano - he married bronislawa Birnbaum, Wladyslawa - she married Jose Preiss, Maximiliano, Helena - she married my great-grandfather Casimiro Hominski) and their children were Wlodek, Czesiek, Wanda ( she married Fredolino Wolf), Hela - (she married a diplomat in 1934). My great-grandfather returned to Poland in 1925 with his wife Helena Witoslawska - Hominska and thei 4 kids Tomira, Sedziwoj, Budzislawa, and Bratomila. My great-grandmother was from Wrzesnia region in Poland and my great-grandfather from Lwow area in Poland. he was a doctor in Uniao da Vitoria - he was married in Abranches in 1905 in the iglesia santa anna. I am looking for any information anyone may have on those names.
Trajano Budola
2 Jan 2011   #10
Olá Magdalena. Sou de Curitiba, bisneto de Wanda Witoslawska e Fredolin Wolf e tataraneto de Josef Wolf. Minha avó se chamava Helena (Helka), assim como sua bisavó. Se tiver interesse em informações sobre a família me envie uma mensagem para o email trajanobudola@gmail. Será um prazer conversar sobre a história de nosso antepassados. Um grande abraço e até logo.

Please post in English thanks!

Trajano Budola
Hello Magdalena. I'm from Curitiba, great grandson of Wanda Witoslawska and Fredolin Wolf and great-grandson of Joseph Wolf. My grandmother was named Helena (Helka) as well as your great-grandmother. If you are interested in information about the family send me an email message to trajanobudola@gmail. It will be a great pleasure to talk about the history of our ancestors. A big hug and goodbye.
27 Jun 2011   #11
im watching a great show on Canal Brasil called "Sangue e Vida de Polaco" about the Polish community that formed in state of Párana. Very interesting documentary. Date On tv June 27, 2011 07:10-08:15am Canal Brasil.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
27 Jun 2011   #12
WITOS£AWSKI: patronymic tag from first name Witosław or toponymic nick from (the village of) Witosław or Witosławice.

CHOMIŃSKI: patronymic nick from Ukrainian pet form of of Tomasz - Choma or Foma. Equivalent of English Thomson.

PREISS: from German or Yiddish word meaning price, fee, reward or prize; also used by ethnic gentile Poles.origin

WOLF: from German or Yiddish word meaning wolf; also used by ethnic gentile Poles in this spelling or with double F (Wolff).
4 Feb 2013   #13
Search for São Mateus do Sul and Curitiba, PARANÁ in BRASIL polskaaaaaaaaaa... BRASIL LOVES YOU MANY THANK UUUUU...
23 Sep 2023   #14
Good morning, see, my name is Joao Estevão Witoslawski, I am the son of Estephano Miecesslaw Witoslawski, Franciszka Drank Witoslawski, I live in Curitiba, my grandfather was also called Estephano, and my paternal grandmother was Bronislaw, their children are: Estephano, Boleslaw, Wladyslaw, Tadeu, Wanda who married Fredolim Wolf, Helena who married Conrado Bonn, Uncle Jose Preiss and Aunt Preiss lived with my grandfather in the Abranches district of Curitiba, Aunt Hela and Uncle Conrado lived in Curitiba, Fredolim and Wanda also lived in a district in Curitiba called Tanguá, at home there was a lot of talk about the Hominski Family, I met Aunt Preiss, her house still exists today, then my grandfather moved inside and got involved with Fredolim Wolf,

The Santa Ana church still exists, my grandfather's house still exists, my aunt Preiss's house still exists, the Witoslawski and Grande family in Parana and Florianopolis probably numbers over 200 people,

My email is I live in Curitiba, give us your phone number and we will be in touch via WZ

Hugs to you, Estenho
Alien  26 | 6527
24 Sep 2023   #15
Hugs to you

Who did you actually respond to after 10 years?
pawian  226 | 27817
24 Sep 2023   #16

To everybody interested in contacting Polish diaspora in Kurytyba, Brazil.
Alien  26 | 6527
25 Sep 2023   #17
Polish diaspora in Kurytyba, Brazil.

Do they read PF or just dance samba
Novichok  4 | 8677
25 Sep 2023   #18
How many generations does it take for Poles to become Brazilians?
jon357  72 | 23654
25 Sep 2023   #19
About 10 minutes with a Phillips Ladyshave.
Alien  26 | 6527
25 Sep 2023   #20
About 10 minutes

Next 10 minutes to use some self-tanner.
pawian  226 | 27817
25 Sep 2023   #21
About 10 minutes with a Phillips Ladyshave.

You mean that Brazilian natives don`t grow facial hair like beards etc??
jon357  72 | 23654
25 Sep 2023   #22
Brazilian natives don`t grow facial hair

Google "Brazilian lady wax".

But not at work.
pawian  226 | 27817
30 Sep 2023   #23
Google "Brazilian lady wax".

I did and it`s funny, indeed.
Why was it called Brazilian? For a good reason coz those natives don`t have facial hair. So I was right...... :):)
Alien  26 | 6527
30 Sep 2023   #24
those natives don`t have facial hair.

There were no enough hormones?
pawian  226 | 27817
30 Sep 2023   #25
I didn`t go into such details while reading traveller books. I just enjoyed reading about scenes when a white traveller is shaving his facial hair to astonishment and joy of the native audience.

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