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How Belarus counts the visa-free days?

globetrekker  3 | 10
16 Feb 2017   #1
I know Belarus only started new 5 days visa-free days ago at Minsk airport, there is not much official info about how the 5 days are counted. For example, the arrival day is Day 0 or Day 1? If I arrive on Monday, do I have to leave on Friday or Saturday? I need to know this to book flights and hotels. 5 days are precious and I really want to maximize the time.

Belarus had 5-days visa-free in Polish border area before, has anyone used it and have an idea?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
16 Feb 2017   #2
Day 1 starts on arrival. You have to leave (or at least, pass through passport control in Minsk Airport) by 23:59 on Day 5.

Belarus had 5-days visa-free in Polish border area before, has anyone used it and have an idea?

Yes. There are two zones, one around Belovezhskaya Pushcha and one around Grodno and the Augustów Canal. They have slightly different requirements, but both require advance booking online to obtain the visa waiver. It's painless, but you have to be careful as, for instance, the visa free regime does not apply to the Augustów Canal zone if you travel by train.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
16 Feb 2017   #3
Hi Delph! Nice to see you on the Polish Forums again. Have you been staying in Belarus for sooo long?
OP globetrekker  3 | 10
16 Feb 2017   #4
It's pity Day 1 starts on arrival, that makes the actual stay in Belarus only 96 hours (4 days) unless there is flight arrive at 00:01 on Day 1 and depart 23:59 on Day 5.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
16 Feb 2017   #5
Nice to see you too Ziemowit, looks like nothing has changed around here ;) No, I haven't been there yet, but I'm hoping to make a trip within the next couple of months. Grodno seems like a fascinating place, and it has the large Polish minority too.

Globetrekker, assuming Warsaw is your departure point, there's a flight via Kyiv at 05:50 that gets you into Minsk at 11:50, and you've got a return flight from Minsk at 19:30 local time. That gives you nearly 5 full days there, so it's not so bad. If you really want to push it, you can get a flight to Kyiv at 10:30pm, or Kharkov at 11pm.
OP globetrekker  3 | 10
16 Feb 2017   #6
Thank you for the advises.

Does Minsk airport have restriction how early one can enter the departure zone? Do they accept online boarding pass? Do they allow overnight stay in the departure zone? For example, I have 6am departure flight, can I pass the passport control before the midnight and stay in the departure zone till morning?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
16 Feb 2017   #7
In theory, it is possible, as you can use the Sleepboxes located in Minsk Airport 24/7. There's some information here about them - - and here - .
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
13 Jan 2021   #8
These days, Belarus offers 30 days visa-free if you enter through Minsk Airport.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
13 Jan 2021   #9
can you even get high speed internet in Belarus or free wifi?
jon357  72 | 23482
14 Jan 2021   #10
Yes. They have usable internet in hotels and they have hotspots and cages.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
1 Mar 2021   #11
Im thinking of going checking it out soon.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
1 Mar 2021   #12

You must be nuts.....experience Africa in Europe.....
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
2 Mar 2021   #13
going checking it out soon.

The hotel prices are different for the citizens and foreigners.if the citizen pay 5$ for a room you will pay 100$.

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