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75 Years of Israel and the War - part 3

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
1 Oct 2024   #61
The urban population in Teheran and the ethnic Georgians, Armenians etc in the far North East would be delighted at that.

That reminds me always about the brave women who refused to wear the full head scarfes the Mullahs demanded...they are still there everywhere, even if they have to hide from the fanatic "guards".
jon357  72 | 23654
1 Oct 2024   #62
the full head scarfes

Facial coverings are optional. Headscarves of some sort are required outdoors but can be loose. They are very much a norm, and covering more of your body is just how things are in hotter places where the sun can damage your skin. Also, paleness is associated with status, something that helps perpetuate coverings.

The Iranian leadership however are right wing and ultra conservative and think they can tell people what do do and think.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
1 Oct 2024   #63
Facial coverings are optional.

Maybe we are talking about different things?

Iran is responsible for the "physical violence" that led to the death of Mahsa Amini in September 2022 and sparked nationwide protests of the country's mandatory headscarf, or hijab, laws and its ruling theocracy, a United Nations fact-finding mission said Friday....

Outrage in Iran after woman whipped for refusing to wear hijab

....possible target?

Iran's largest power plant:

This power plant produces a total of about 2880 megawatts of electricity
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
1 Oct 2024   #64
Israel will attack Iran extensively tonight

*gets popcorn*
Vesko Vukovic  1 | 257
1 Oct 2024   #65
Of course taking out some of their worst clerical leader with a well placed bomb

And the mullah says:
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
1 Oct 2024   #66
....they could at least translate their *** if they want to score some propaganda points! ;)
pawian  226 | 27817
1 Oct 2024   #67
What should Israel do prevent another 10/7?

Negotiate a truly free Palestinian state. Simple.

Israel doesn't F around with rules of engagement

Exactly!! This and the stupidly stubborn refusal to negotiate with Arabs will bring Israel to its doom.

your Polish students with your anti-sematic beliefs

Yes, I teach them to ignore traditional semantics and focus on natural expression. Ha!!! hahahahaha
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
1 Oct 2024   #68
Irans Khamenei has been moved to a secure location

Nanu? Someone gets wet pants?
jon357  72 | 23654
1 Oct 2024   #69
Maybe we are talking about different things?

We're talking about optional facial covering, not to be confused with the traditional headscarves that social and political conservatives in Iran insist on. Most wear the headscarves through choice, however the radical left often prefer to go without to make a point about the regime.

At least if it kicks off there, there'll be an influx of refugees. As usual the minorities will suffer. At least there'll be some new blood in Europe where there are existing settled populations from that region.
Alien  26 | 6527
2 Oct 2024   #70
180 rockets and one Palestinian killed. Iran, was it worth It?
Vesko Vukovic  1 | 257
2 Oct 2024   #71
🇮🇷🇮🇱 Iran demonstrated three things today:

- Iran can penetrate the Israeli air defense easily
- Iran can hit anything in Israel if they want to
- If Iran had the intention to perform a nuclear strike, they easily could

The message is clear.
jon357  72 | 23654
2 Oct 2024   #72
Iran, was it worth It?

It means they've 180 fewer missiles left and they know they they've wasted many millions and that the iron dome very evidently works.
Vesko Vukovic  1 | 257
2 Oct 2024   #73
180 rockets and one Palestinian killed. Iran, was it worth It?

The spitting image of Judeo-Nazism in one post.
If 100 civilians are not killed -> the attack is unsuccessful.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
2 Oct 2024   #74
If Iran had the intention to perform a nuclear strike, they easily could

You Ruskie's like the fear of using nuke's and we are all tired of it.
Quote: "The only thing to fear, is fear itself."
Do it then and see what the consequences are.
Iran can hit anything in Israel if they want to

And NATO can slip one down Putin's chimney if they wanted to and there would be no stopping it.
Take your nuclear threats elsewhere because we are tired of hearing about them.
Rumor is that Poland alone could turn both Moscow and St. Petersburg into glass in ten minutes if they had to.
Now stfu with your nuke threats.
Bobko  27 | 2215
2 Oct 2024   #75
Israel will attack Iran extensively tonight

My God... how many countries has it already attacked?

It's clear to me, that if we don't stop Netanyahu now in the Lebanon - it will be the Baltics and Poland next!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
2 Oct 2024   #76
My God... how many countries has it already attacked?

Oh please....if the stupid neighbours would leave Israel alone that whole thing would be over tomorrow!

That massacre was now a year ago and I bet the fanatics around are regretting mightily already!
OP GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
2 Oct 2024   #77
if the stupid neighbours would leave Israel alone that whole thing would be over tomorrow!

Indeed. There are so many Arab countries in the region and beyond, with c*ntillions of Arabs living in them - it should make very little difference if they accepted a couple of million of their Arab brothers from Gaza and solved the problem. Israel is a tiny country, with population lower than Czechia and territory smaller than Szczecin Vojvodship (zachodniopomorskie). Why don't everyone just f*ck off and leave them alone? It's a feckin Szczecin Vojvodship in the ocean of Arabs.

it will be (...) Poland next!

Hell yeah! We should extend a heartfelt invitation, and they should bring their IDF and atomic weapons with them. Our nations should never have been separated by the nazis. Jews coming back to Poland would be the final defeat for Hitler! Imagine Poland with 10 million more citizens and atomic weapons (and all the money he he).
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
2 Oct 2024   #78


That's even better than my "gazillion"!!!

PS: It's all about leadership....the last night showed it again: Half of Jordan is Pali but Jordan did help Israel and got some iranian missiles down....thumbs up to them! So it is very well possible to live peacefully and supportive side by side....once you get rid of the fanatics, that is!
OP GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
2 Oct 2024   #79
Well, I use simple peasant's language. ;) Of course, it's merely for expression, not with any intention to insult anyone.

Fanatics are the worst scum, there should be no mercy for them. They chose their fate.
Bobko  27 | 2215
2 Oct 2024   #80
if the stupid neighbours would leave Israel alone

The stupid neighbors just want to be free of the Jewish Huns.

Ukrainians are free to worship Stepan Bandera, why are Gazans then forbidden from worshipping Muhammad Qutb?

Let me remind everyone - Lebanon was a gleaming center of Middle Eastern cultural life, when the Jews still lived in the swamps of the Białowieża. Lebanon claims the legacy of the ancient Phoenicians - the founders of Carthage! Where was Israel when Carthage reigned supreme in the Mediterranean? That's right, living in caves and eating squirrels.

Compared to the highly moral Arabs, the Jews are a bunch of incompetent drunks. Their F-35s can't fly, their missiles explode on the ground, and their economy is about to collapse.

We must provide the maximum possible amount of weaponry and other aid to Gaza and Lebanon, in order to empower these poor defenseless souls to defend themselves against the Jewish Leviathan.

F*cking Jews! How much land do they need?! Gaza has a territory of 5,000 square kilometers... while Israel has a whopping 20,000! They could not simply focus on improving the lives of their citizens, but instead they had to go and invade a much smaller and weaker neighbor - FOR SHAME! God sees all, and he will punish the wicked.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
2 Oct 2024   #81
The stupid neighbors just want to be free of the Jewish Huns.

I guess they already killed and expelled any Jews on their territories, so they are quite "free" of them....what they want to do now is to kill them in their own country....

Jewish Leviathan.

Good joke! Just look at a's again the jewish David against the islamist Golilath. Even the undecided cheer for Israel!

PS: And it sounds truly curious to invade Ukraine to fight ukrainian Nazis and on the other side support the same powers who want to repeat and this time fulfill for good the jewish holocaust!
Something doesn't add up here....
OP GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
2 Oct 2024   #82


Stop going cms_neuf on Israel! I know it was always like that - our Jews against your Arabs, but come on :)
Bobko  27 | 2215
2 Oct 2024   #83
Stop going cms_neuf on Israel!

Do you mean iSSrael? Land of the Shekel Counting Goblins?

They are butchers, that relish in the taste of human flesh.

Their gnome leader is already judged by the ICC for war crimes. Hopefully his people will soon erupt in a revolution and he will meet the swinging fate of Mussolini.

Israel - veritable death cult. Instead of joining the rest of the civilized world, and finding a way to live in peace with its neighbors - it insists on constant warmongering and intimidation. I find nothing attractive in this culture of willing obeisance to the worst form of modern Apartheid.

The rest of the world is designing machine learning algorithms and surgically changing their genders, whereas these troglodytes still insist on firing artillery and dropping bombs as if it is the 19th century. Pathetic.

Also, I heard they steal consumer electronics from the houses of fleeing Palestinians.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
2 Oct 2024   #84
....somehow I think that post was not meant for us, me and Torqi....
Bobko  27 | 2215
2 Oct 2024   #85
I think that post was not meant for us, me and Torqi....

Yes, apologies. Trying to copy CMS Neuf and wanted to see how it feels.

I feel I have to take a shower after that.

In reality, I don't give a sh*t what happens in Israel. They can all bomb each other to the point of annihilation. My life won't change - so long as they don't start WW3.

I only care about Ukraine and Russia.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
2 Oct 2024   #86
I feel I have to take a shower after that.


Better to keep our eloquent Bobi!
Bobko  27 | 2215
2 Oct 2024   #87

You know what is very funny indeed?

Many Russian "liberals", fled Russia two and a half years ago... to go to Israel.

The EU and America were harder to get into, but Israel was always a working option. Many of our business people, creative persons, and other bright people left.

When they were leaving, as explanation they would offer "We cannot live in a country that invades its neighbors!"


Now they live in a country that has invaded not one, but two neighbors! It's also planning to start a war with a third country, slightly further away.

Watching them practice true miracles of mental acrobatics to explain how they ended up in such deep sh*t - again - is a source of great pleasure.

Now they can enjoy air raid sirens, and hide in bunkers so that a missile won't fall on their head. I imagine this is not what they planned for, when they departed Mordor.

This is why I wrote my first joke, that after Lebanon the Baltics and Poland are the next target of Israel. Because that's what these idiots had been telling us at home, before they left.

Home is where it is best, BB. Don't go chasing the greener grass on the other side.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
2 Oct 2024   #88
Many Russian "liberals", fled Russia two and a half years ago... to go to Israel.

....maybe jewish roots?

Don't go chasing the greener grass on the other side.

I live still in the same home my grandparents build with their own hands, after resettling from the East in a destroyed after war Berlin...I survived the commie GDR and will probably die here! :)
OP GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
2 Oct 2024   #89
Trying to copy CMS Neuf and wanted to see how it feels.

Comedy gold :)

I only care about Ukraine and Russia.

... and at least a little bit about Poland - admit it!

Many of our business people, creative persons, and other bright people left.

There was a time when Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv spoke Polish and Hebrew, today it's Hebrew and Russian. Maybe one day those people or their descendants will come back to our respective countries. It's their home too. Better than to allow the Arab mob to overrun them (and it's bound to happen eventually - Demographics 101). That would be a great posthumous victory for Hitler. :-/
Bobko  27 | 2215
2 Oct 2024   #90
...maybe jewish roots?

Yes, by some strange coincidence, 80%+ of our musicians, actors, opposition politicians, and other activists are Jewish or have Jewish roots.

I suppose Russians are too stupid to put together a few notes to make a song, or to make the mental leap necessary to portray a fictional personage.

But also, many absolutely Russian people have managed to emigrate to Israel - either because they are a spouse, or they had some great-great-great-great grandmother from Poland.

will probably die here! :)

Loyalty and honor. Forgotten concept among the people that shop for the warmest place to park their ass.

and at least a little bit about Poland - admit it!

I am like my brate, Crow - a lover of Poland to the last. No amount of foreign policy retardation will make me stop loving Poland. Russia is my father, and Poland is my mother. I told you, yes, that I have Polish blood?

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