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75 Years of Israel and the War - part 3

GefreiterKania  29 | 1366
25 Sep 2024   #1

Wasn't pretty much everything better in 1960s? In Israel too (yes, I know - those pesky Arabs all around kept invading, but still).

Herbert, Różewicz, Szymborska, Mrożek, Barańczak in their prime, Kuncewiczowa and Wańkowicz coming back from emigration, Stanisław Lem writing Solaris, Summa technologiae and Cyberiada, and the theatre... my God... high culture was truly popular! There were 600 radio dramas a year (600 a year!) produced for Polskie Radio throughout the 60s and 70s... and music... Breakout, Niemen, Skaldowie, Trubadurzy, Irena Santor, Anna German, Czerwone Gitary, and the industry, and the farming, and we had a proper f*cking army! And no retarded internet, social media etc. :-/

And what do we have now that we didn't have back then? Money. And that's it. Kurwa... perhaps Putin should drop the fuckin' bomb. :(
jon357  73 | 22694
25 Sep 2024   #2
Wasn't pretty much everything better in 1960s? In

Same for us.

Profiteer 'investors' weren't sucking the life out of society by making as much as they can out of it and keeping it.
Ironside  50 | 12305
2 days ago   #3
Refugees from Isreal occupied Palestine making a difficult situation in that country into a mess it is today. Also Isreal raids in this country did not help it either,
So BB I doubt that Christians or what is left of them are happy to be killed by IDF.
Also, Hamas and its ties to Iran are mostly BS Mosad stories. However, Hezbollah is Iran's proxy, and this time Iran might decide that enough is enough and there is going to be a war. I wonder if the US will decide to join it.
Barney  17 | 1611
2 days ago   #4
There is a load of bollox talked about Muslims and Palestinians in that region by people who hate everyone not dressed in leather shorts.

The percentage of Christian Palestinians is dropping because they are being forced out by Israel. Israel exploited most of the more extreme Christian population to create a civil war in Lebanon. Up to that point rich cosmopolitan Lebanon still existed then the Israelis invaded with their US paymasters and we ended up with Hezbollah.

The destruction of Lebanon has nothing to do with Muslims vs Christians, the people of the Levant were writing their history when the Teutonic hoards were still living in trees.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11582
2 days ago   #5
I wonder if the US will decide to join it. would be "the war to end all wars". Frankly all others are only proxy wars....only possible with the massive support from Teheran. You cut that snake's head and peace will be possible...and if only because the fanatics lost their means!

The destruction of Lebanon has nothing to do with Muslims vs Christians,

No.....absolutely everybody and their grandmom knows about the muslim tolerance for non-muslims....especially Jews, and of course Christians! 🙄
Ironside  50 | 12305
2 days ago   #6
nd if only because the fanatics lost their means!

I wonder if your hate is not misdirected. Iran is not behind terrorist attacks and is generally a phenomenon that is called Islamic terrorists. They are a different branch of Muslim they do not do it. Your guys are the SA and all other Gulf states.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11582
2 days ago   #7
The phenomenon of large-scale migration of Christians is the main reason why Christians' share of the population has been declining in many countries. Many Muslim countries have witnessed disproportionately high emigration rates among their Christian minorities for several generations.[1][2][3] .....

....Lebanon has experienced a large migration of Lebanese Christians for many generations. Currently, the number of Lebanese people who live outside Lebanon (8.6[34]-14[35] million), is higher than the number of Lebanese people who live within Lebanon (4.3 million). ....


The Lebanese Civil War has further fed the higher Christian emigration rate. Higher Muslim birthrates, the presence of Palestinians in Lebanon and the presence of Syrian migrant workers have all contributed to the reduction of the Christian proportion of the Lebanese population. Lebanese Christians are still culturally and politically prominent, forming 35-40% of the population. Since the end of the Lebanese Civil War, Muslim emigrants have outnumbered Christians, but the latter remain somewhat over-represented compared to their proportion of the population.[37].....

I wonder if your hate is not misdirected.

I wouldn't call it "hate"....maybe "broad dislike"? :)
Novichok  4 | 7520
2 days ago   #8
The destruction of Lebanon has nothing to do with Muslims vs Christians,

You are right. It has to do with the toys Lebanese kids play. They fly far, mostly to Israel, and go boom.
Miloslaw  21 | 4878
2 days ago   #9
@Bratwurst Boy

You make some very good points, a broadly Christian country has been overwhelmed by Muslims.

It has to do with the toys Lebanese kids play. They fly far, mostly to Israel, and go boom.

Unfortunately for them the Jewish kids toys will be in the majority and be going boom in Lebanon.
Novichok  4 | 7520
2 days ago   #10
As US president, I would let it be known to all that Israel's existence is not negotiable and that will defend it as if it were another US state.

Or get out of this mess and mind our own damn business. This balanced half-ass approach is bullshit.
Alien  22 | 5410
1 day ago   #11
What always catches the eye in reports from Gaza or Lebanon is the large number of young people. There must be a large birth rate there, after all.
johnny reb  46 | 7425
1 day ago   #12
I would let it be known to all that Israel's existence is not negotiable and that will defend it as if it were another US state.

Don't think Israel's enemies don't know this.
Iran is supplying weapons to Gaza and Lebanon to use against Israel.
Iran has death squads trying to kill Trump as we speak because they know Trump will bomb Iran and its nuclear ambitions to hell and back.
That is why Iran refuses to tangle with the U.S. in the Middle East right now.
The U.S. is just itching to level the trouble maker Iran who houses and backs these terrorist groups.
That is why Iran wants Trump dead now is because they know Trump is going to do it when Trump becomes president.
The first assassination of Trump was investigated and the trail led straight back to Iran who was responsible for it.
Wait until that book comes out.
Alien  22 | 5410
1 day ago   #13
srael's enemies

For now they are on the defensive.
johnny reb  46 | 7425
1 day ago   #14
And it will stay that way as long as the U.S. has aircraft carriers to support Israel in the area.
The US Navy intercepted a barrage of Houthi missiles and drones launched at three of its warships in the Red Sea on Thursday, two US defense officials said.
The attack was one of the largest yet on US warships in the Middle East
I can't help but think that the U.S. and Israel are staging to give Iran a whooping.
Iran is where the terrorist organizations of the worst kind train and hide.
Dozens Of UN Delegates Walk Out In Protest Ahead Of Benjamin Netanyahu's Evocative Speech.
Netanyahu said that the UN is nothing more than a putrid swamp of anti-seminist.
Miloslaw  21 | 4878
1 day ago   #15
I can't help but think that the U.S. and Israel are staging to give Iran a whooping.

I think you are spot on.Iran is on the brink of nuclear power, support Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis plus they are arming Russia in their war in Ukraine.

It is in everyone's interests to take Iran out.
Novichok  4 | 7520
1 day ago   #16
It is in everyone's interests to take Iran out.

Go ahead. Your country has the means and oppo.

BTW, why should the US go to war with Iran? Is Iran planning to invade the US?
Novichok  4 | 7520
1 day ago   #17
'Israel is going to war': Beirut is left in ruins after IDF 'targets Hezbollah's leader Hassan Nasrallah' with major strike, flattening a huge part of the Lebanese capital - as US Secretary of State dubs it a 'precarious moment for the world'

That's what happens when your guests annoy your next door neighbor.

I want to see Season 5 of Fauda.
johnny reb  46 | 7425
23 hrs ago   #18
why should the US go to war with Iran? Is Iran planning to invade the US?

They already have.
Iran supports terrorist groups and finances them.
Iran lets them train in their country.
I remember all too well watching live t.v. back in the day before most of the people here were even born.
You must remember Novi.
The Munich massacre was a terrorist attack during the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, West Germany, carried out by eight members of the Palestinian militant organization Black September.
The militants infiltrated the Olympic Village, killed two members of the Israeli Olympic team, and took nine others hostage, who were later killed in a failed rescue attempt
Iran supports this kind of scum and has tried to assassinate Trump.
Iran has stated that they want to erase Israel off the map.
Iran is giving arms to Russia to kill Ukrainians
Iran has hacked Trumps private e-mails and gave them to the Democratic party to influence our elections.
Thats why we should go to war with Iran, Novi.
Novichok  4 | 7520
22 hrs ago   #19
Thats why we should go to war with Iran, Novi.

We can always start a war. How would we end this one?
Alien  22 | 5410
21 hrs ago   #20
How would we end this one?

Another win.
johnny reb  46 | 7425
17 hrs ago   #21
How would we end this one?

By taking out Irans underground nuclear facilities with our new bunker buster bombs.
The GBU-57A/B Massive Ordnance Penetrator (MOP) is a precision-guided, 30,000-pound (14,000 kg) "bunker buster" bomb used by the United States Air Force.
The U.S. could go home and let Europe go in on the ground and clean up the mess.
Done deal.

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