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Ukraine, Belarus, Russia in EU in 2030?

OP Vlad1234  16 | 883
24 Nov 2018   #31
Why not to create some powerful EU organization body which would help a newly accepted EU members (such as Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania) and potentially Ukraine to fight their internal problems and develop economically? Some Marshall Plan of 21 century?
Crow  155 | 9700
24 Nov 2018   #32
Why not? Because Germanics and France want to dominate. That`s why. Why invest money in colonies?

Why do you think that Britain tries to escape?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
24 Nov 2018   #33
Some Marshall Plan of 21 century?

Some problems can't be solved with money...the EU had to learn that the hard way (Greece).
Ironside  51 | 13086
24 Nov 2018   #34
Why not to create some powerful EU organization body

Are you for real?
EU is shrinking and divined onto two parts, a center where they do everything to keep their standards of living to keep people in line. In the contrast to countries in the eastern Europe which are treated as semi-colonies of the EU - mainly Germany.

That is a direction it all that goes.
You're babbling something about giving money to Ukraine? That country is not even a part of the EU. Run by the post-commie oligarchy (thieving few) who in their right mind would sink money into such a ****-hole?
OP Vlad1234  16 | 883
24 Nov 2018   #35
They can give long-term low-percent credits to those talented and honest Ukrainian entrepreneurs who create working places and develop agriculture and manufacturing in Ukraine. It may include small and medium business. Credits aren't completely free lunch, so it may return profits. But this is not only money. They may open large-scale training for Ukrainian administrators, entrepreneurs, lawyers, etc., to improve their skills and bring their mentality to the best EU standards. A joint administrations may be established throughout Ukraine in which Germans may take part as an observers and trainers or play more active role. Even some retired skilled administrators from EU may take part in it.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
23 Jun 2021   #36
The Russian Defense Ministry said Wednesday, (23-6-21) that a Russian warship fired warning shots and then a warplane dropped bombs to drive a British missile destroyer out of waters near Crimea in the Black Sea.

Looks like Russia is just itching for war.
Russia also flew bombers within 25 miles of Hawaii, U.S.A. today.
I think Putin is testing scatter brain biden.
Novichok  4 | 8682
23 Jun 2021   #37
Dumb Russians wasting bombs...They should have dropped them on that destroyer and followed up with an email: Go patrol your own waters. There are a million refugees about to drown there. A-holes!
mafketis  38 | 11263
23 Jun 2021   #38
Looks like Russia is just itching for war.

The average Putin supporter is low information and belligerent and likes the idea of other countries fearing Russia (see vatnik*)

He has to rattle his sword here and there so they won't think he's going soft. They don't care about the astronomical drug addiction rates or insane levels of violence in the home and on the roads or the fact that the government raided pensions to fund the Crimea takeover, as long as Russia seems scary they're happy.

Novichok  4 | 8682
23 Jun 2021   #39
He has to rattle his sword here and there so they won't think he's going soft.

Rattling one's sword is better than sh*itting in your pants which is what the Americans would do if they saw the Russian navy 13 miles off of Key West.

After the clean-up, they would bring the world to the brink and make a lot of speeches at the UN. Later, to show their machismo, they would bomb the defenseless Serbs.

Weasel - a weak loud mouth that does nothing when Russia organizes a peaceful and well-supervised referendum and walks away with a nice chunk of very strategic real estate.

Full disclosure: I respect Putin more than I do Biden and like that so-very-unAmerican bridge from somewhere to somewhere.

As far as itching, it's the West with its encircling that is itching. Can you spell Warsaw Pact? I wonder what happened to it...Hmm...Oh, it got dissolved but it's Russia with all the embargos that has the itch. Sure.
mafketis  38 | 11263
23 Jun 2021   #40
when Russia organizes a peaceful and well-supervised referendum

In violation of all kinds of international law.... (including soldiers in unidentifiable uniforms) but I guess there was popular support, some places reported more votes than residents.... the sheer beauty of Russian math...

And look how well Crimea has done under Russian rule... the droughts have been relieved by flooding (and nb, Russia usually does not compensate victims of natural disasters). Maybe the floods will wash that bad chemical spill into the sea to wash the land....

I respect Putin more than I do Biden

there's the problem.. you don't have to like either of them (for very different reasons, of course).

Putin is a crook and killer and a dictator

Biden is oatmeal-brained puppet

No call to like either.
Novichok  4 | 8682
23 Jun 2021   #41
In violation of all kinds of international law....

Good. Like killing people that did us no wrong in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. But I guess international laws are elastic but only one way.

Dropping a cruise missile on the "terrorists" and their families is so much easier to explain than one serving of polonium 210. Right?

Putin is a crook and killer and a dictator

It takes a special talent to stop the elections and make dumb Russians believe that those were ballot boxes instead of shredders.
mafketis  38 | 11263
23 Jun 2021   #42
Good. Like killing people that did us no wrong

Why would you ever move to a country responsible for such atrocities?

Why can't you justify Putin's aggressions positively? Putin lovers always look for bad things to compare him with - never anything positive or uplifting....
Novichok  4 | 8682
23 Jun 2021   #43
Because of this:

Putin is a crook and killer and a dictator

Why would you ever move to a country responsible for such atrocities?

Because, like so many Americans, I can separate the ideals the US is based on and the great people who live here from the tumor called DC.

As far as I know, you lived here so I don't have to spend too much time to convince you that no other nationality comes even close to the Americans, their generosity, and many other traits I cherish and enjoy every single day.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
23 Jun 2021   #44
Why can't you justify Putin's aggressions positively?

Now the British ship is saying that Russia didn't drop any bombs and that they weren't fired on by Russia.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
23 Jun 2021   #45

Believe the Russians if you are a moron.
Novichok  4 | 8682
23 Jun 2021   #46
Or the Americans. It was the Americans who came up with the Tonkin Resolution, WMDs in Iraq, and some lame justification to spend trillions and two decades in Afghanistan.
Crow  155 | 9700
24 Jun 2021   #47
Now the British ship is saying that Russia didn't drop any bombs

British fear. That is why they speak so. Russians gave them challenge and Brits retreat. But its proof they are smart.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
24 Jun 2021   #48
British fear.

The British military fear nobody.
Especially not the Russians.
Crow  155 | 9700
24 Jun 2021   #49
Said dangerous madman.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
24 Jun 2021   #50
British fear.

Actually when a British official was asked if they were going to sail into Crimea waters again, his response was, "Yes ... because we never accepted the annexation of Crimea."

Russia is prepared to fire upon intruding warships, a senior Russian diplomat said Thursday in a tough warning.

That ought to be enough to start WW3 and guess who the Brits will be begging again to help them out.
Vincent  8 | 800
24 Jun 2021   #51
If WW3 breaks out, it will be nothing like the last two. It will mostly consist of countries pressing buttons.
Novichok  4 | 8682
24 Jun 2021   #52
The US had the buttons and still lost in Vietnam and Afghanistan by imposing insane rules of engagement on itself.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
24 Jun 2021   #53
The British are just rubbing oatmeal brain biden's face into showing just how weak he is.
biden is in Russia's back pocket in ass deep oil deals.
Why do you think biden shut down the Keystone pipeline and refuses to engage with Putin ?
joey is getting filthy rich so why rock the boat over Crimea ?

It will mostly consist of countries pressing buttons.

Which buttons ?
The cyber war or a nuke war ?
Vincent  8 | 800
24 Jun 2021   #54
I was thinking nukes, which are probably already pointed at targets.
Novichok  4 | 8682
24 Jun 2021   #55
Even with the greedy bastards on K street and their wh*ores at the DoD, the US is not going to a nuclear war with Russia over anything like Crimea, Ukraine, polonium 210, or Novichok. In that sense, MAD works and I am glad that both Russia, China, and NK have nukes. Wish North Vietnam had them in 1955 and 60,000 Americans wouldn't have died for nothing.
pawian  226 | 27817
7 Nov 2021   #56
60,000 Americans wouldn't have died for nothing.

They didn`t die for nothing - they helped South Korea survive the communist onslaught. Can you imagine Asia without South Korea today? One big communist state?

Americans contained communism in various parts of the world and we owe them gratitude for that.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
7 Nov 2021   #57
what do you have against communism? its just a diff ideology and economic system.
mafketis  38 | 11263
7 Nov 2021   #58
The economic and social history of communism has been total disaster and even when a communist dominated society breaks free the damage lasts for decades.
pawian  226 | 27817
7 Nov 2021   #59
society breaks free the damage lasts for decades.

Like in Poland now. PiS men are a good example of that damage - they are literally soaked with the old system and its sick ideas.
jon357  72 | 23654
7 Nov 2021   #60

I've a feeling the world will see it (or some version of it) again. Probably in our lifetimes.

More likely to be via China than Russia. They have plans and Russia will end up cautiously following them as their client state.

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