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Ukraine, Belarus, Russia in EU in 2030?

Vlad1234  16 | 883
31 Oct 2018   #1
What do you think about Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus and Russia prospects to become EU members in 2030-2040-th? Doesn't it seem to you that the time came ultimately to make economic unification of Europe complete? Long live Europe with no borders! EU government needs to do the last most decisive step in history!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
31 Oct 2018   #2
It depends on the next 10-20 years, I think....

In the wake of Trump Europe needs to come to grips what it wants to be, where it wants to go...

Back to a more loosely connected trading bloc or the beginning of a "United States of Europe"...with a common government electable in all member states, common laws and rules, a common army, a common foreign policy etc.

Becoming a member of the first should be imaginable once you go through the accession protocol...the second is to far in the future to see.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
31 Oct 2018   #3
What do you think about Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus and Russia prospects to become EU members in 2030-2040-th?

Moldova, possibly. The rest, no chance. Ukraine might get a Turkey style agreement with the Customs union, but that's as far as it'll go.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
31 Oct 2018   #4
, Belarus and Russia prospects to become EU members in 2030-2040-th?

You are having a laugh mate!!!!!!!

Not ever!

And some of us are trying to leave this awful club anyway!
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
31 Oct 2018   #5
Just as so many Americans would like to leave the UN, NATO and other goofy "mutual" (my a**) defense treaties.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
31 Oct 2018   #6
Agreed....all useless and toothless.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
31 Oct 2018   #7
If not "toothless", the teeth are all American.
On the other hand, with all the deficits and the Latino invasion, those teeth seem to have too many cavities and are too yellow, so I wouldn't count on them to have the sufficient bite if I were Poland or Albania.

Yeah, the US going to war over Albania because Albania is in NATO. That's a good one. I mean as a joke.
OP Vlad1234  16 | 883
1 Nov 2018   #8
You are having a laugh mate!!!!!!!Not ever!

Do you think their economies are too weak to even get close?
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
1 Nov 2018   #9
They would fail on human rights alone.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
1 Nov 2018   #11
Just Google it.There is tons of data from reliable sources.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
1 Nov 2018   #12
You already did it. Too much effort to copy and paste just one link?
Crow  154 | 9531
1 Nov 2018   #13
Forget it. Russia would never accept to enter EU if Britain isn`t in EU.

Blame Britain.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
1 Nov 2018   #14
Going by one of your previous posts on a different thread,I'm surprised you didn't blame The Jews......
Your anti semitism is now clear to me.
Maybe you think Jews hold too much power in Britain and America?
Is that why you hate us?
OP Vlad1234  16 | 883
2 Nov 2018   #15
Ukraine might get a Turkey style agreement with the Customs union, but that's as far as it'll go.

Why stop just at that?
OP Vlad1234  16 | 883
24 Nov 2018   #16

Merkel set timeline for Ukraine EU membership

Angela Merkel said during her visit in Kiev that Ukraine may become EU member in 5-8 years.'s-timeline-for-ukraine's-accession-to-the-eu-.rJnnHFUCX.html
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
24 Nov 2018   #17
Not Merkel said that!

...the first deputy head of the Petro Poroshenko Bloc faction, Igor Kononenko, said....

And's quite unbelievable!

Alone the accession protocol takes longer...even for stable new prospects. For difficult ones like Ukraine it could take decades (aka Serbia, Turkey)....

That's more realistic:

In July, it was reported that the Ukrainian leader Petro Poroshenko said that the goal of Ukraine is to join the EU by 2025. At the same time a month before that, he called another date - the year 2030.

OP Vlad1234  16 | 883
24 Nov 2018   #18
So, you think Igor Kononenko is lying? This info appeared in Russian media as plausible.
mafketis  38 | 11137
24 Nov 2018   #19
In other words, it is not plausible...
Tacitus  2 | 1255
24 Nov 2018   #20
If Merkel said that, it would be easy for you to find a link to that.

Naturally the country that wants to join will want to portray things as more positive than they really are. Just like e.g. Serbia continues to claim that they won't have to acknowledge Kosovo, though European politicians have stated the opposite.

As BB explained, this timeline is highly unlikely and thus are probably not from Merkel or her entourage.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
24 Nov 2018   #21
This info appeared in Russian media as plausible.

Why is that plausible? That man Kononenko could also say the moon is made up of joghurt...would that be plausible too? Who is that guy?

I will wait for the german press to pick that up...till now there is
OP Vlad1234  16 | 883
24 Nov 2018   #22
If Merkel said that, it would be easy for you to find a link to that.

This is very new info and it looks like that if it is true she said it during private conversation with a group of Ukrainian politicians in Kiev, so it wasn't a public statement for mass media. Just her private behind the closed doors opinion.
mafketis  38 | 11137
24 Nov 2018   #23
during private conversation.... private behind the closed doors opinion

In other words, there's either a Russian mole or the Russians bugged the meeting... (if it's true which I rather doubt).

Why can't Russia ever do anything honestly? It's just lie and spy all the time. No wonder Poland can't get along with Russia...
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
24 Nov 2018   #24
Just like e.g. Serbia continues to claim that they won't have to acknowledge Kosovo, though European politicians have stated the opposite.

I do think we need a sensible solution in this respect. It would be easiest to come up with some legal fiction that Kosovo is still an integral part of Serbia, but that for the purposes of administration, the province is temporarily administered by the provincial government in Pristina pending a final settlement.

Serbia then wouldn't have to recognise Kosovan independence, while Kosovo could join the EU at the same time as Serbia.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
24 Nov 2018   #25
Frankly I don't want any Balkan country in the EU...we have to many differences right now since the latest enlargement as it is...
Tacitus  2 | 1255
24 Nov 2018   #26
Serbia then wouldn't have to recognise Kosovan independence, while Kosovo could join the EU at the same time as Serbia.

I very much doubt that. It is against the interest of the EU to allow countries with existing territorial disputes to enter the EU. We got already burned with Cyprus, and not insisting on solving the issue permanently between Croatia and Slovenia lead to another unnecessary conflict. The EU will demand a permanent settlement of the issue, including a binding treaty , and since the EU holds all the cards, it seems very unlikely that they will settle for less. Large countries like Germany and Poland - who have experience with border questions - have said so in the past, and there are other countries like Croatia who have even more reasons to not make any concessions on the matter.
Crow  154 | 9531
24 Nov 2018   #27
For the sake of EU and western Europe, if I am them, I wouldn`t f*** with us Serbs. If they move us now, nothing will ever be same as it is now or ever before. And think who have more to lose.

Serbian interests must be respected.

And yes, to hell with EU membership. Really, f** it. Keep that b***.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
24 Nov 2018   #28
It is against the interest of the EU to allow countries with existing territorial disputes to enter the EU.

It's true, but getting the entire Western Balkans into the EU has to be considered the "end game" for the EU as far as expansion goes (okay, there's Georgia, but I think realistically, they'd be better off in EFTA along with Israel eventually), and an obvious red line for Serbia is being forced to accept Kosovan independence. Perhaps it again goes back to legal fictions - perhaps it could be agreed that electors in Kosovan territory are responsible for the administration of Kosovo and that status cannot be changed without the agreement of voters there.

Forcing Serbia to agree to Kosovan independence will never work, and from the EU's point of view, it's much better to have Serbia inside than outside. Realistically, there's no way for Bosnia to join the EU without Serbia at the same time (not that it's likely to happen anytime soon...), and likewise with Kosovo. If Kosovo doesn't join, then it also keeps the door shut on Albania, so it effectively leaves only Montenegro and Macedonia as potential members anytime soon.

Frankly I don't want any Balkan country in the EU...we have to many differences right now since the latest enlargement as it is...

I still think the 2004 expansion was stupid and misguided. Estonia and Slovenia were ready, possibly Malta too. The rest? No.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
24 Nov 2018   #29
but getting the entire Western Balkans into the EU has to be considered the "end game" for the EU

...they have the potential to destabilize the whole EU. Not every country needs to be an EU member!

I still think the 2004 expansion was stupid and misguided. Estonia and Slovenia were ready, possibly Malta too. The rest? No.

One thing is for sure, the differences were widely underestimated...and that's why I think we shouldn't make that mistake again with the Balkan countries. We have time!
Crow  154 | 9531
24 Nov 2018   #30
People, let your friend Crow tell you something. If EU was honest and without second thought on the region, EU would back in time accept Yugoslavia in EU. It was one of most progressive states in Europe. But EU gave up. Instead, EU- western Europe, financed dissolution of Yugoslavia.

Now, for example, you have `Deautsche bank` operates with Bosnia-Herzegovina money. Germany wanted colony, that`s it, while rest of EU and NATO supported that.

So now, we, all Europeans, have what we have and will yet will have more.

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