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Top managers in Russia - why so many suicides?

Ziemowit  14 | 3936
1 Sep 2022   #1
Another puzzling death of a senior Russian manager. Several such cases have occurred since Russia's attack on Ukraine. This time, Ravil Maganov, chairman of the board of directors of the private fuel giant Lukoil jumped from the sixth floor of a hospital. Immediately after the start of the investigation it was announced that the probable cause of death was the manager's suicide. He was said to be diagnosed with severe cardiovascular disease. Investigators have not decided yet whether the investigation would continue or whether the case would be dismissed quickly.

On April 18, the information about the discovery of the body of the former vice-president of Gazprombank, 51-year-old Ladislaus Avajev and his wife and daughter was made public. According to the preliminary version of the investigators, the banker was supposed to shoot his wife and two daughters, and then committed suicide.

The day after this, the family of the former vice-president of Russia's largest private gas company, Novatek, died in a similar way. The body of Sergei Protosenia, 55, his wife and daughter were found on 19 April in their home at the seaside resort of Lloret de Mar in the Spanish region of Catalonia. A Spanish website reported that the mother (53) and daughter (18) were stabbed to death, while Sergei Protosenia probably hanged himself.

In May, it turned out that the first vice-president of Russia's largest bank had been on vacation for two months. Officially, he was about to resign. Andrei Sheemetov (48), senior vice president of Sberbank and president of the corporate branch of the bank, SberCIB, decided to leave the bank. His whereabouts is unknown.

Source: Rzeczpospolita daily
Alien  25 | 6397
1 Sep 2022   #2
No one normal believes in suicide.
Novichok  4 | 8485
1 Sep 2022   #3
Top managers in Russia - why so many suicides?

For the same reason why others kill themselves, including the US military.

How many suicides in the US military this year?
In 2021, there were 176 confirmed or pending suicide deaths in the active-duty component of the Army. That's a slight increase from the 174 confirmed suicide deaths in 2020

It's Putin.
Paulina  19 | 4458
1 Sep 2022   #4
@Alien, Russian workers/soldiers smoke cigarettes and so things blow up or catch fire... And Russian men kill themselves and their families all the time... Nothing to see here... Move along...


Alien  25 | 6397
1 Sep 2022   #5
Ha,ha, now I know, Litvinienko must also have swallowed polonium himself.
OP Ziemowit  14 | 3936
1 Sep 2022   #6

Did Boris Nemcov commit a suicide as well?
Novichok  4 | 8485
1 Sep 2022   #7
Suicide rates per 100k:

Russia 21.6
Lithuania 20.2
Ukraine 17.7
US 14.4

But, it's always Russia, Russia, Russia...You, guys, need a shrink real bad...Or at least Xanax.

This time, Ravil Maganov, chairman of the board of directors of the private fuel giant Lukoil jumped from the sixth floor of a hospital.

It's a lie since RT reported it, too. Quoting - the best news org anywhere:

Russian oil giant executive falls to his death
Lukoil's vice president was in a Moscow hospital for treatment when the incident happened

If it's from RT, it's a lie. Simple.
Paulina  19 | 4458
1 Sep 2022   #8
@Novichok, now give us the statistics for the suicide rate among former and present CEOs of oil companies and banks in Russia, Norway, Ukraine and the US - I'm curious to see those too :)
Novichok  4 | 8485
1 Sep 2022   #9
I will do it after you explain the data in Post #7 and admit that there is nothing unique about Russia.
For now:

Those were the beautiful people with everything going for them and rich, too.
jon357  72 | 23483
1 Sep 2022   #10
One of those mysteries of r*SSia.

Like all those journalists critical of Putler dying in mysterious explosions (maybe they all left the gas on) or in poisonings (so careless having Polonium accidentally drop into their teapot in London hotels).
Novichok  4 | 8485
1 Sep 2022   #11
Like all those journalists critical of Putler dying in mysterious explosions

If Joe in Iowa can up and go to U to kill Rs for "democracy" why not Ivan offing some "unpatriotic" journalist a-hole on Soros payroll...
pawian  226 | 27475
2 Sep 2022   #12
Another puzzling death of a senior Russian manager.

The so called serial suicider of RuSSists is at large!!!
Alien  25 | 6397
17 Sep 2022   #13
Maybe they play russian roulette too often...?
OP Ziemowit  14 | 3936
27 Dec 2022   #14
There has been another wave of mysterious deaths among Russian oligarchs. In a new wave of this epidemic, Grigory Kochenov, the director of the large ICT company Agima, died on December 7, then Dmitry Zelenov, co-founder of the construction giant Don-Stroy, died on December 9, the director of the Admiralty Shipyard, Aleksandr Buzakov, died suddenly on December 24. And finally, on December 26 in Calcutta, India, Pawel Antov, one of the richest deputies of the Duma, fell out of the window. In the meantime, on December 22, Army General Alexei Maslov, the former commander of the Russian Land Forces, also died suddenly. All of them had one thing in common - they criticized Putin, but it was not the kind of criticism approved by the Kremlin, such as that of, for example, a licensed critic, Col. Igor Girkin, a retired FSB officer. Since in Russia, Putin can be criticized only by those who receive such an order with detailed guidelines, of course. Criticism has to be constructive in Russia, and that's it.

Meanwhile, jokes about these tragedies are already appearing on Russian social media. They refer to the fact that many of the oligarchs accidentally fell out of the window, although they did not hang curtains or wash them.
pawian  226 | 27475
27 Dec 2022   #15
Criticism has to be constructive in Russia, and that's it.

Now wonder other Slavic nations like Ukrainians, Poles, Czechs etc etc are turning their backs on Russian Order by tens of millions. :):)
Novichok  4 | 8485
27 Dec 2022   #16
Criticism has to be constructive in Russia, and that's it.

Just like in the US. Opposition must be "loyal" to be tolerable. Hence, "loyal opposition" aka RINOs.
The other term is "controlled criticism" aka "safety valve". See Fox and Tucker Carlson.
pawian  226 | 27475
27 Dec 2022   #17
Just like in the US.

In Russia they pay with their lives for disloyalty - the disease called the serial suicider is extremely contagious. . How about the US??
Alien  25 | 6397
5 Jan 2023   #18
How about the US??

In America everything is real, even suicides.
pawian  226 | 27475
8 Jan 2023   #19
even suicides.

Especially on the infamous Black Friday.
Alien  25 | 6397
8 Jan 2023   #20
6000 more suicides alone in USA after last economic crisis 2014.

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