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Toilet seat manners of British and Polish males

Dont gag me yo  7 | 155
21 May 2014   #1
I know brits(most males) dont lift or put down the toilets seats after they go,lately I noticed polish males do same,isnt that very inconvenient and not hygienic for females?
Wulkan  - | 3136
21 May 2014   #2
I noticed polish males do same,

No, we don't.
Wulkan  - | 3136
21 May 2014   #4
I'd say they generally don't either, you must have come accross some dirty people...
jon357  72 | 23654
21 May 2014   #5
I know brits(most males) dont lift or put down the toilets seats after they go


I noticed polish males do same

Maybe the ones you hang with.
21 May 2014   #6
I know brits(most males) dont lift or put down the toilets seats after they go

English men have somebody to do such menial functions for them. Here's a photo showing that:

In this photograph the English gentleman is adjusting his trousers before sitting down while his seat wallah takes care of the menial task. I believe it would rather similar to what Indian people refer to as the caste system.
Wroclaw Boy
21 May 2014   #7
^ha ha^

You strike me as the kind of guy who would deliberately p1ss all over the toilet with seat gag man.
21 May 2014   #8
WB I heard a cracking story the other week. I was having drink with a mate who owns a little place in Warsaw when the manager of the place came over and told us about some old Indian bloke who the evening before had come running out of the toilet shouting "in this weird almost American accent" about how he was going to sue them for having an unsafe toilet and he needed medical treatment after he'd hit his head because of their negligence. Turns out that the said 'gentleman' had been standing on the edge of the toilet so he could squat above the bowl (instead of just sitting on the seat), but instead of lifting the seat up, he'd been standing on the seat. The seat broke and he fell off (managing to sh*t all over the place and on himself). The staff laughed at him at first and then threw him out when he wouldn't shut up about it (and when they realised where the smell was coming from). He was last heard threatening to write negative reviews about the place all over the internet.

Pity I missed all the fun really.
OP Dont gag me yo  7 | 155
8 Jul 2014   #9

dont get upset:)) here have a laugh lil offtopic but will make your day..
Alien  26 | 6543
28 Jun 2023   #10
Since the times of Corona, we have had a toilet seat disinfectant at work. Everyone disinfects themselves before or after and there is no problem.
Bobko  27 | 2218
28 Jun 2023   #11
Since the times of Corona

The coronavirus is not spread through your ass. You are thinking of another disease, surely.
Alien  26 | 6543
28 Jun 2023   #12
another disease, surely.

Currently yes, but this disinfection craze came with corona. Then everything was disinfected.
Lyzko  44 | 9725
28 Jun 2023   #13
Usually German males urinate sitting down and so the toilet seat is never left up!
Alien  26 | 6543
28 Jun 2023   #14
Usually German males urinate sitting

I cannot confirm this.
Lyzko  44 | 9725
29 Jun 2023   #15
Oh, but I can:-)
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
29 Jun 2023   #16
Usually German males urinate sitting down

I cannot confirm this

LOl Its like the brits in Poland do it by raising there one leg lol jon can confirm that:)
Alien  26 | 6543
29 Jun 2023   #17
brits in Poland do it by raising there one leg

Certainly, especially if they're called shetland sheepdogs.
pawian  226 | 27817
26 Dec 2024   #18
I don`t know about British males but as a Polish male ape I take off the seat and wash it thoroughly before major holidays.

Here, I am educating another male how to do it properly.

  • 1943005_1_o.jpg
johnny reb  49 | 8003
26 Dec 2024   #19
Oh, but I can:

When was the last time you were in Germany ?
30 years ago ? 40 years ago ? 50 years ago ?
German males urinate sitting down and so the toilet seat is never left up!

See the chauvinism here ?
Why not ALWAYS leave the toilet seat up until you want to use it ?
Put it down, use it and put it back up when you are done with it.
Makes much more sense to me.
Novichok  4 | 8702
26 Dec 2024   #20
Pissing standing at home is disgusting and without an upside.
Alien  26 | 6543
26 Dec 2024   #21
Pissing standing at home is disgusting

In your own home you can do whatever you want.
Novichok  4 | 8702
26 Dec 2024   #22
Pissing standing at home is disgusting and without an upside.
pawian  226 | 27817
26 Dec 2024   #23
Pissing standing at home is disgusting

You always sit to touch the iron under the seat and only then you feel safe in the toilet. This America!!!! :):):)
Novichok  4 | 8702
26 Dec 2024   #24
In your own home you can do whatever you want.

Do you shlt in the kitchen? It's your own home, right?

Why then do you pizz on the bathroom floor?

OK...your aim is perfect... all the and night ... drunk or sober... I got it...
Alien  26 | 6543
26 Dec 2024   #25
.your aim is perfect

I can still see and aim.
Joker  2 | 2455
26 Dec 2024   #26
Pissing standing at home is disgusting and without an upside.

You got to be kidding?

Dont do it in public or you just might make some new

  • 470171800_5830253210.jpg
Novichok  4 | 8702
26 Dec 2024   #27
You got to be kidding?

I never pizz or crap in public.

At home, I pizz sitting because my aim is not as good as at the range. I hate the smell of urine on the floor - even my own.
Joker  2 | 2455
27 Dec 2024   #28
I never pizz or crap in public.

Ill pi$$ anywhere, side of the road, write my name in the snow, 3am side of a dumpster... Its Miller time! Hahahaha

I never crap in any public bathroom, no way.

I hate the smell of urine on the floor - even my own.

My aim is still good.
Novichok  4 | 8702
27 Dec 2024   #29
My aim is still good.

If you sit down you don't have to aim. In fact, you can even post on PF at the same time...

When you are done with both you can say that you are really pi$$ed off...
Alien  26 | 6543
3 Jan 2025   #30
even post on PF at the same time...

Not with dirty hands.....disgusting.

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