Hello! Let's face it, I'm really rare person visually specially. I come from family with mental illness but some damn ass super powers lol :) I've been mistreated all my life and neglected by my family, and by the Poles too! Now I'm Canadian but I wish I never left Poland, honestly Canadian code of ethic is very low, they say Canadians are nice but seriously I never felt so much harassments in my life esp if it's Police or public employees, they enjoy making me sad, one time got arrested and cop began touching me inappropriately infornt of everyone including my mentally ill family and it was ok he said he was looking for drugs , I think they feel we at war with them.
thinking of writting a book about myself
but I wish I never left Poland, honestly Canadian code of ethic is very low, they say
When did you leave?
in 1995
That's round about the time I moved there. A lot has changed since then.
Canada sounds a very different place.
Canada sounds a very different place.
No shyt. An example of saying something and nothing at the same time. A true literary genius...
Canada sounds a very different place.
There is conspiracy around about Canada being a company not a country. Canadian are not as white as Poles when it comes to community and support. sadly Canada is like a camp.
Colour means nothing, however I was struck by Irvine Welsh's description of Canadians as people who emigrated because they can't get on with their neighbours.
johnny reb 49 | 8003
9 May 2024 #8
Canadians as people who emigrated because they can't get on with their neighbours.
An example of saying something and nothing at the same time.
Plus he spelled color and neighbors wrong.
sadly Canada is like a camp.
In what way?
like government and society, they are cold, there is no social life for anyone in Canada. Doctors are mean and very abusive, one time I was looking for signs in the stars and some werid **** started happening and I ended up in ICU and they were like are you gay, and I said no, he said they you're not coming out lol WTF this land is gay bro
ended up in ICU and they were like
ICU departments ask all sorts of questions. I wouldn't read too much into it.
If you're having a hard time though, it's probably easier there than in Poland. Are there people around you who care about you, even if it might sometimes seem like they don't?
I care about my parents a lot, about my little brother. I'm trying to figure out way to learn CRISPR and get a job in this field, I'm really good with math and science.
The gene sequence?
I'd guess that it would be necessary to have years of experience in medical sciences. Plus of course it's very controversial and may well be heavily regulated soon in most developed countries.
I care about my parents a lot, about my little brother
That's important. Families can be frustrated sometimes however they are still like gold, even if it sometimes hurts.
I cured my father Ankylosis Spondylitis for 4 hours :P he was moving like new lol I'm all about attention to details and patterns
Ankylosis Spondylitis
Ankylosing Spondylitis is fused bones isn't it?
How did you cure it?
To be honest I dont know. he was on free from it for like couple of hours, I think with will power alone you can cure anything. I think he began rotating his lower back freely like he never had fused anything, I have no idea why it didnt last, humans are super creatures they can amazing things beyond any imagination!
Sometimes healing (you can call it faith healing, spiritual healing and a few other things) can bring genuine relief from pain etc.
No but seriously the bible has many facts and Jesus enabled people to walk again. so my stuff is pretty basic.
johnny reb 49 | 8003
9 May 2024 #19
the bible has many facts and Jesus enabled people to walk again.
With crowds of people witnessing it.
All recorded
the bible has many facts
And much more mythology, and of course the NT was written many years after the events it describes/invents and written by believers writing with a purpose.
Nevertheless, healing of different forms done by people with any religion or none does seem to be a real phenomena.
Bible is a book, but there is no substitute to Christianity, it's the religion of wise people from the beginning of time, unlike others, Christians didn't benefit from spreading the gospel, in fact they were targeted, killed and burnt for witnessing miracles of Jesus.
it's the religion of wise people from the beginning of time
There are lots of religions in the world and they pretty well all say much the same sort of things. The religion someone follows is generally the one around them.
in fact they were targeted, killed and burnt for
So were witches.
And healing is generally present in most belief systems.
johnny reb 49 | 8003
10 May 2024 #23
So were witches.
Not true.
Anyway, I have a little bit of telepathic ability, I can speak to people from the past, i know it's one way convo mostly but i have that. The crazy part my offspring check on me sometimes I can hear them clearly. I beat so many laws in this life! It's crazy! :D
I can speak to people from the past,
When you learn how to speak to people from the future tell JR. He would love to know what the stock market will do...Somehow those lying Gypsies for 20 bucks per reading can't predict anything worth knowing except for a tall handsome man you will meet soon if you are a woman or gay.
ahahah i think some of them have real powers, it's not difficult as it sounds, just two people communicating telepathically. they can (here imagination is the thing) think about the past and then send thoughts or message. and then you reply if you can do it.
Anyway, I have a little bit of telepathic ability,
This does seem to exist. One day, science will know how and then why.
just two people communicating telepathically.
Sometimes it's possible to know right away when someone close to you is in danger or has just died.
It's nothing supernatural or magical; just something ordinary that we don't understand yet.
Yes, it's simple yet powerful concept, I believe it's in the ears itself, if you can activate that muscle you're good to go.
Sylvia Browne was one of those freaks who could talk to the dead and predict the future.
She was wrong more than half of the time. A coin toss was better being 50% correct.
She predicted her death at the age of 88. She died at 77.
BTW, this crook charged 2000 bucks per hour...
No, there is no such thing as telepathy. Only probabilities combined with greedy crooks and the suckers who buy this crap... Like those farmers in Arizona seeing green people with horns. Or maybe antennas... who knows...Somehow, those spaceships never land where we all can see them...Always in the middle of nowhere...
Hey, Robin, are you a man or a woman?
She was wrong more than half of the time. A coin toss was better being 50% correct.
She predicted her death at the age of 88. She died at 77.
BTW, this crook charged 2000 bucks per hour...
No, there is no such thing as telepathy. Only probabilities combined with greedy crooks and the suckers who buy this crap... Like those farmers in Arizona seeing green people with horns. Or maybe antennas... who knows...Somehow, those spaceships never land where we all can see them...Always in the middle of nowhere...
Hey, Robin, are you a man or a woman?
Go into fiction. I believe that every work of fiction is largely about the author.