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Things you can't get used to in your new country

Alien  25 | 6353
27 Mar 2024   #91
cut potatoes and deep fry them rather than buy frozen ones?

But they would have to freeze them anyway, otherwise they wouldn't be able to be stored.
jon357  72 | 23361
27 Mar 2024   #92
Why store them?

Most people just cur the taters and use them. If it's a restaurant or canteen that need a lot they just put them through a rumbler to peel a lot in one go, (or peel by hand if it's the army - they call it spud bashing) cut them and put them in a big bowl of water until needed.
pawian  224 | 27236
27 Mar 2024   #93
When I stayed in America, I couldn`t get used to cockroaches roaming freely across human dwellings - those small and giant ones. Previously I had seen a cockroach in Poland only once, in a hospital, that is why that American experience was such a shock to me.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
29 Mar 2024   #94
When I stayed in America, I couldn`t get used to cockroaches

They aren't bad deep fried with ketchup.
pawian  224 | 27236
29 Mar 2024   #95
deep fried with ketchup.

Do you consume your roaches like that?? And how do you know whose toilet they visited before and what they did there??? :):):)

Home / Off-Topic / Things you can't get used to in your new country

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