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Alien  26 | 6527
22 Oct 2024   #241
It's a shame how no enterprising Pole hasn't brought the chippy to Poland

They didn't have to, because even as a student I ate fish and chips and drank beer by the Polish seaside. It tasted great.
jon357  72 | 23654
22 Oct 2024   #242
It's a shame how no enterprising Pole hasn't brought the chippy to Poland.

A few have tried but without much success. Most were dear, some had breaded goujons and worse, some were fancy, all had Union Jack flags around. There wasn't the market.

The best fish and chips were in that rather nice restaurant near pl Pilsudskiego in Warsaw. The guy who ran it was from London. There was Boston Port run by that guy who'd lived in America; it was always good for fish but has gone now. That was nice but not like my local fish and chip restaurant back home. That has a huge picture of Gail from Corrie in reception. Or did before the fire.

There used to be a nice smazalnia ryb that did beer and was often busy in the park by the river but when LK was Mayor he closed it and some of the other small bars in parks too. There's a tradition of fried fish, usually a bit on the tough side compared to fish & chips but still good and it's a shame to see it less popular than it was. Maybe should open a retro smazalnia with beer and tables outside.

You don't see any decent plaice here eithe

They don't distinguish between sole and plaice much. Similar enough. There's decent halibut sometimes but I wouldn't batter it or bread it at that price. We usually buy frozen. Warsaw's too far from the sea to expect much fresh. Different to Doncaster Market where the fish in the morning was swimming four or five hours earlier.
Lenka  5 | 3548
22 Oct 2024   #243
It's a shame how no enterprising Pole hasn't brought the chippy to Poland.

Hmm, the fish is nice but 98% time the butter is soggy and the chips- after few you have enough grease for a week.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
22 Oct 2024   #244
98% time the butter is soggy and the chips-

That is why chips have to be fried in a high heat oil and you have to eat them first while they are hot fresh out of the oil.
Even then a handful is well enough for a week unless you want to pack the kilo's on and feel sluggish.
They are definitely artery pluggers.
Lazarus  3 | 364
22 Oct 2024   #245
There was Boston Port run by that guy who'd lived in America; it was always good for fish but has gone now.

It's still operating, but on Okolska. Or at least it certainly was the last time I was in Warsaw. Have you checked their FB page?
jon357  72 | 23654
22 Oct 2024   #246
The secret to chip shop chips is to not have the oil too hot.

The real reason they've kit taken off is the cost. Plus of course the skill in cooking them well and presenting the shop.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
22 Oct 2024   #247
Very true jon, if a shop has good chips generally the rest of their food is good too.
They always give you a heap of chips because they are cheap to make and fill you up sending you away with a gut pack and happy.
OP Atch  22 | 4299
22 Oct 2024   #248
Plus of course the skill in cooking them well

And of course you need the right variety of spuds. .
johnny reb  49 | 8003
22 Oct 2024   #249
I thought my yesterday afternoons color tour may be of some interest to the Catholics here.
This little old Catholic Church in my neighborhood is quite unique.
It is 134 years old.

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OP Atch  22 | 4299
23 Oct 2024   #250
Pretty little church, beautiful setting. On further research I discovered that rather amusingly it's located in the diocese of Gaylord.
jon357  72 | 23654
23 Oct 2024   #251
Didn't Dick Emery play a character called that?

A sort of 70s nihilistic Bovver Boy.

Probably a boomer now with a conservatory, vertical blinds, a Toyota Yaris, an Asda loyalty card, a habit of referring to the Farage person as 'Nigel', an unused chiminea that was a ruby wedding present from Shirley and Dave and a selection of instant 'coffees' on a marble effect worktop.

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johnny reb  49 | 8003
23 Oct 2024   #252
On further research I discovered that rather amusingly it's located in the diocese of Gaylord.

Yes it is.
Why do you find it amusing ?
The diocese of Gaylord covers over 11,000 square miles with 66,000 Catholics and 77 parishes.
Here is another picture of it as it is located out in the middle of nowhere.

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Barney  19 | 1755
23 Oct 2024   #253
It is 134 years old

A mere sapling, is everything so young in the USA. I know there was civilisation before the invasions but you lot destroyed that.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
24 Oct 2024   #254
but you lot destroyed that.

Actually it was the Brits that destroyed that.
We, the good guys, finally kicked your ass and sent you packin' back to Europe.
Novichok  4 | 8677
24 Oct 2024   #255
I know there was civilisation before the invasions but you lot destroyed that.

Look, moron, that "civilization" was too fvcking stupid to invent a simple thing like a wheel.

They would not get into canoes to save your stupid Euro asses. Three times so far...
OP Atch  22 | 4299
24 Oct 2024   #256
They would not get into canoes to save your stupid Euro asses.

But the Choctaw, themselves virtually destitute, gathered money to send to the starving Irish during the Great Hunger of the 1840s. Civilisation is not about science and inventions. The mark of a civilised human being is empathy and compassion- by a strange coincidence qualities of which you seem to be especially devoid.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
28 Oct 2024   #257
This water is free and the best on the face of this earth.
It is ice cold year around with zero impurities.
It runs under ground through limestone and sand for well over a 100 miles to purify itself naturally.
Originates from Lake Superior, runs underground across the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, under Lake Michigan, and resurfaces about 30 miles inland of the Lower Peninsula of Michigan.
The sweetest, purest, and freshest water in the world.
I thank God every time I fill my containers there.

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Feniks  2 | 857
12 Dec 2024   #258
Books, puzzle solving, cryptic crosswords, chess.

Chocolate. Especially Toblerone, Fry's chocolate cream bars, Just Brazils.

Puddings and desserts. Crème brûlée, Panna cotta, Sernik, sponge puddings with custard, especially treacle. Gutted that Heinz no longer do their large sponge puddings in tins:(

Actually, I just love food.
Novichok  4 | 8677
13 Dec 2024   #259
Actually, I just love food.

What is your weight now and what was it when you were 20?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
13 Dec 2024   #260
I'll bet less than your wife's.
Feniks  2 | 857
13 Dec 2024   #261
What is your weight now and what was it when you were 20?

Why is that important? I'm lucky in that I'm extremely slim and have always been able to eat what I like without gaining weight.
OP Atch  22 | 4299
13 Dec 2024   #262
Gutted that Heinz no longer do their large sponge puddings in tins:(

Oh God! I remember them! I loved them. Also loved sponge and stewed apple with Birds custard. Never liked Toblerone. Wasn't allowed to have Fry's Cream bar when I was little as there was some bizarre idea from my mother and grandmother that I'd choke on them!
have always been able to eat what I like without gaining weight.

I'm the same as is my sister. I think it's partly genetic. As a child I was underweight for years despite eating like a horse. Were you the same? The danger of it is that you can end up eating a lot of unhealthy food because you can get away with it.

When I was teaching I used to have Weetabix, toast with butter and marmalade and tea before leaving the house. Then I'd buy a Danish pastry and a doughnut on the way to school and eat them before lessons started at nine! I remember one morning another teacher commenting, 'Look at her, stuffing her face on cakes as usual and she's tiny, tiny, tiny!' She made a motion with her hands that was supposed to indicate my small size but actually it looked like she was picturing throttling me!

But I think even eating cakes, pastries, chocolate etc. in the UK or Ireland is not too bad because the quality of our food is so much higher than the US where a lot of the stuff you buy in the supermarket is just chemicals and ingredients that are banned in Europe. American chocolate is vile. Cheap, sugary shite.

Plus of course we tend to be much more physically active. We walk much more and don't drive everywhere. I walked a few miles every day just getting to and from my teaching job.
Novichok  4 | 8677
13 Dec 2024   #263
Why is that important?

I respect people who can live well and keep their weight what it was at 20. So few do...
and have always been able to eat what I like without gaining weight.

I am happy for you. Can you post how you do it?
American chocolate is vile. Cheap, sugary shite.

Exactly. This is why I avoid sugar in all forms.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
13 Dec 2024   #264
I respect people who can live well and keep their weight what it was at 20. So few do...

Those people usually have erectile dysfunction and become bitter and hateful.

I always liked Ms. Atch's diet the best, "Eat less and move more."
That stuck in my head for some reason.
our food is so much higher than the US where a lot of the stuff you buy in the supermarket is just chemicals and ingredients that are banned in Europe.

Trump has appointed Robert Kennedy to fix that problem.
Kennedy's slogan is, "To make America healthy again".
You will be seeing a lot of these cancer causing dyes, food enhancers, chemicals, and toxins being taken out of the market that cause health issues.
I can't argue with you Eurps on this one as I shutter when I go in for my free coffee for seniors at McDonalds and see parents feeding their young children a pile of fake chicken nuggets and cancer causing french fries because they are fast, easy and cheap.
America is stuck on salty, crunchy deep fried foods.
My downfall is a loaded pizza.
Feniks  2 | 857
13 Dec 2024   #265
Were you the same?

Yep. By the time I left school I was only 6 and 1/2 stone. I think I have hollow legs!

The danger of it is that you can end up eating a lot of unhealthy food because you can get away with it.

I don't actually. I do love sweet things but don't eat them every day.

What helps is that I loathe any type of fast/junk food and never eat it. Don't like fried food either so I think it's quite easy for me not to gain weight. I have always cooked from scratch which I think helps as it's easy to avoid lots of processed foods. Basically, I don't eat crap. I do think weight is partly genetic and all my family are slim. Everything in moderation is the key and I also do a lot of walking and hiking.

I used to have Weetabix, toast with butter and marmalade and tea before leaving the house. Then I'd buy a Danish pastry and a doughnut on the way to school

Well you started off with a healthy breakfast! I used to buy a couple of topic bars on the way to school. Something else I loved but can no longer buy!

We walk much more and don't drive everywhere

True. I drive when I have to but prefer walking.

Can you post how you do it?

I don't do anything special Novi. Read what I wrote in reply to Atch. I think I'm lucky and have a fast metabolism. Avoid junk food and cook proper meals. I think the weight problem in the US is also down to portion size as well as unhealthy eating habits. No-one needs to pile their plate high as if it's their last meal. Walk as much as you can. Don't deny yourself a treat now and again! It's not going to kill you. If I remember rightly you don't have a weight problem anyway.
Alien  26 | 6527
20 Dec 2024   #266
toast with butter and marmalade and tea before leaving the house.

So you had breakfast offered in British hotels as a 'continental breakfast'.
Novichok  4 | 8677
20 Dec 2024   #267
If I remember rightly you don't have a weight problem anyway.

Thanks for responding.

I do exactly what you just described. I learned not to crave anything sweet, salty, and I don't drink alcohol. In the last 60 years I gained 6 kg.
pawian  226 | 27817
20 Dec 2024   #268
I learned not to crave anything sweet,

why you don`t crave me???? :(:(:(

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johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Dec 2024   #269
In the last 60 years I gained 6 kg.

Sounds like a thyroid problem.
Novichok  4 | 8677
20 Dec 2024   #270
Yes, doctor, if a man keeps his weight steady his is sick.

How much did you gain from 20 till now?

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