The BEST Guide to POLAND
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johnny reb  49 | 7927
19 Oct 2024   #211
We went on another color tour yesterday and had a great time.
Do people in Poland take cruises around the country side in their cars just to relax and enjoy the scenery ?
Here are some photo's we took yesterday just down the road from the house.
I love this time of year.
Click on the pictures to take note the horses in the field.

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Alien  25 | 6397
19 Oct 2024   #212
Do people in Poland take cruises around the country side in their cars just to relax and enjoy the scenery ?

Certainly not, but they go on holidays.
johnny reb  49 | 7927
19 Oct 2024   #213
Certainly not,

Why are you speaking for Poland while you live in Germany ?
Are the roads that bad in Poland that people don't go on road trips for the day to get out and relax.
I like visiting small towns around N. Michigan to try new restaurants and meet people.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
19 Oct 2024   #214
@johnny reb
I think most people in the countryside in Poland. Prepare meal at home, while those in the cities either drive or go by public transport to a restaurant.

Diners aren't really a thing in Poland, closest you get to it is maybe visiting a favorite Karczma on a special occasion.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
19 Oct 2024   #215
Are the roads that bad in Poland that people don't go on road trips

The roads are getting better every year. 15-20 years ago, when I went to Czechia I was impressed with their roads; these days I'd say our roads are the same quality, maybe even better.

As for countryside cruises - sure. Where I live (Kaszuby) there's a lot of places where you can take them but one, called Droga Kaszubska, is especially famous and the views are breathtaking...

If you want to see even more of Kaszuby, including more of the famous Szwajcaria Kaszubska (Kashubian Switzerland), then you can take the entire driving/walking Szlak Kaszubski (Kashubian Trail) - about 140km long.

Sometimes on the weekends I drive to Szarlota, Kościerzyna, or take the countryside road from Gdańsk to Słupsk through Kartuzy (avoiding most of the main roads). It's a lot of fun especially in the summer with all the cultural events going on, local agricultural fairs etc. When one lives in such a beautiful part of Poland, it would be a sin not to enjoy it. :)
OP Atch  22 | 4299
19 Oct 2024   #216
Do people in Poland take cruises around the country side in their cars just to relax and enjoy the scenery ?

No. Poles don't drive for pleasure. They drive to get from one place to another. Too much dangerous driving and exceeding the speed limit on comparatively narrow roads so you can't relax while driving in Poland.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
19 Oct 2024   #217
No. Poles don't drive for pleasure.

I am a Pole and I do. :)

Too much dangerous driving (...) so you can't relax while driving in Poland.

Well, we are a country of cavalrymen. If you don't have balls and bravery of a winged hussar, or proper reaction time, you better stick to trams and buses. ;)
johnny reb  49 | 7927
20 Oct 2024   #218
Diners aren't really a thing in Poland,

Thank you Mr.G
Here in the U.S. people depend on them including pizza door dahings.
Too much dangerous driving and exceeding the speed limit

People like that in the U.S. lose their drivers license and go to jail.
If you don't have balls and bravery of a winged hussar,

Many drivers in the U.S. have dash cams both in the front and rear of their cars.
If someone runs you off the road you have a video of it which you turn into the police and an arrest is made for wreckless driving.
Two reckless driving citations you lose your driving privileges for a year and your car insurance double from $2000 U.S.D. per year to $4000 per year.
Sounds to me like Poland needs to implement stricter sentences and fines for these idiots.
Eventually they end up in prison which gets their attention that their bad driving will not be tolerated.
Alien  25 | 6397
20 Oct 2024   #219
Here in the U.S. people depend on them including pizza door dahings.

Poles may be eating less and walking more, and Americans should do the same.
OP Atch  22 | 4299
20 Oct 2024   #220
Well, we are a country of cavalrymen.

Not anymore you're not. You don't have much of a reputation as horsemen these days, oddly enough.

As for driving, you know quite well that it's a misery compared to your experiences in Ireland and you didn't even go outside Dublin much. You can drive the whole way along the Irish coast at a moderate speed and enjoy the experience without having some ignorant arsehole tail-gaiting and some moron approaching you at speed on the wrong side of the road. Then let's talk about the number of single vehicle accidents in Poland where drivers on completely empty roads end up dying after crashing into a tree or a wall - tells you quite a bit about Polish driving 'skills'.

As for reaction time, that's a bloody laugh. Poles have no concept of reaction time. They don't drive defensively, never watch the road ahead or use their mirrors properly. Useless, useless drivers.
pawian  226 | 27475
20 Oct 2024   #221
Kania, you have just learnt that you are a useless driver.
It is recommended that you dump your car and start walking more. For the safety of all of us. Especially the Irish in Poland. hahahaha
jon357  72 | 23483
20 Oct 2024   #222
Then let's talk about the number of single vehicle accidents in Poland where drivers on completely empty road

You probably know the name of the worst driver in Ireland...

Well, we are a country of cavalrymen. If you don't have balls and bravery of a winged hussar

Better to drive safely than have Sarmatian Fantasies.
OP Atch  22 | 4299
20 Oct 2024   #223
You probably know the name of the worst driver in Ireland...

I think I know the incident you're referring to :)
jon357  72 | 23483
20 Oct 2024   #224
Yes, this one went viral.

He had been wanted from counties Cork to Cavan after racking up scores of speeding tickets and parking fines.

However, each time the serial offender was stopped he managed to evade justice by giving a different address.

But then his cover was blown.

It was discovered that the man every member of the Irish police's rank and file had been looking for - a Mr Prawo Jazdy
Lenka  5 | 3530
20 Oct 2024   #225
file had been looking for - a Mr Prawo Jazdy

That is hilarious and shows a level of incompetence.
pawian  226 | 27475
20 Oct 2024   #226
the Irish coast at a moderate speed and enjoy

Goddess bless the English for their decent education they brought to Ireland in the past cos it gave amasing effects. Under wise English reign and leadership, the Irish became useful for society.
Also, Goddess bless the Irish for being such obedient students who dilligently learnt from wise and civilised educators.

And in Poland?? We had lousy educators like imperial Russians and were lousy students who refused to learn.
jon357  72 | 23483
20 Oct 2024   #227
Goddess bless the English for their education they brought to Ireland

They had it already.


St Brigid?

She worked as a goddess before she switched contracts.

a level of incompetence.

Police be police. If anything, it shows bad driving and lucky escapes.
OP Atch  22 | 4299
20 Oct 2024   #228
shows a level of incompetence.

Certainly shows a level of incompetent driving by Poles in Ireland back in 2009. They've improved a bit since then. Incidentally, wonder how Polish police of that time would have dealt with 'Ceadúnas Tiomána' ;)
Lenka  5 | 3530
20 Oct 2024   #229
Certainly shows a level of incompetent driving by Poles

One Pole.

Many policeman being fooled.

That being said I do not like the driving in Poland. It's just really funny in a shocking way that he got away with it. It's not like he used some elaborate scam.
OP Atch  22 | 4299
20 Oct 2024   #230
One Pole.

No, that's the whole point. It wasn't one Pole.
johnny reb  49 | 7927
20 Oct 2024   #231
Maybe the Mod could move the last dozen posts to the correct thread, "Driving in Poland."
Lenka  5 | 3530
20 Oct 2024   #232
However, each time the serial offender was stopped he managed to evade justice by giving a different address.

All that is singular. So if I missed something - sorry.

Even then it still wouldn't reflect well on the police if they got fooled that easily.
jon357  72 | 23483
20 Oct 2024   #233
All that is singular

The article is tongue in cheek.

it still wouldn't reflect well on the police

Indeed it doesn't. I'm not sure how they recruit there.
OP Atch  22 | 4299
20 Oct 2024   #234
When the chips are down the Guards as we call them are a very efficient and generally well respected police force and they have unmatched physical courage, that's without a doubt. Like our British counterparts they are unarmed and although there are armed response units available to them, there have been several incidents of Gardaí, often off-duty, tackling and disarming gunmen. So, that's more important to me than fifty guards being 'fooled' by a foreign driving licence.

I can also happily report that they're very good at rooting out Polish criminals, in particular drug dealers, operating in Ireland.
Alien  25 | 6397
21 Oct 2024   #235
When the chips are down

Cool phrase
OP Atch  22 | 4299
21 Oct 2024   #236
When I was a kid I thought it meant the kind you eat :) My mother also used to use a phrase 'to have had your chips with' someone. I remember her saying it to my sister when she'd been in some bother in school. It was very civilised bother, something to do with her harp and complaining to them about the storage facilities or something and she was only eleven 😂My mother said, 'that's it for you now, you've had your chips with the nuns!'
johnny reb  49 | 7927
21 Oct 2024   #237
Chips has many different meanings.
I think it originated in America when the wood cutters were chopping wood.
(Let the chips fall where they may)
Alien  25 | 6397
22 Oct 2024   #238
Chips has many different meanings.

E.g. fish and chips..... Johnny, do you still say "french fries"?
jon357  72 | 23483
22 Oct 2024   #239
fish and chips

OP Atch  22 | 4299
22 Oct 2024   #240
Chips has many different meanings.

I think that in the case of 'when the chips are down' it probably refers to chips in gambling ie. a risky situation which could have a bad outcome.

It's a shame how no enterprising Pole hasn't brought the chippy to Poland. I mean enough of them have been in the UK and Ireland and they must know how yummy good fish and chips are. At least we can make them at home Jon :) though I do get tired of being restricted to cod. I'd love some hake. You don't see any decent plaice here either.

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