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Let's talk about shoes

Cargo pants  3 | 1425
4 Aug 2023   #121
It is a very common problem I think,as most my friends say that after the wash they sometimes have a sock missing.Not only in the States but in Poland also with me.I wonder is it the machine,sometimes I find them wrapped in some other cloth and sometimes its gone forever,so irritating.
OP Alien  25 | 6415
14 Aug 2023   #122
very common problem

Just like the holes that appear in T-shirts. I don't know where they come from?
jon357  72 | 23560
14 Aug 2023   #123
I don't know where they come from?

I don't have a problem with holes in tee-shirts since I don't wear them, however a good way to stop losing socks is to wash your socks in one of those fine drawstring bags for washing delicates, and always either hang them to dry together or if you use a tumble drier, put them together in your sock drawer right away.

Nobody darns socks these days. When they get holes in people just chuck them. Seems wasteful.
OP Alien  25 | 6415
15 Aug 2023   #124
Nobody darns socks these days.

Today's socks cannot be darned because they have too much polyester. In the past, it was possible because they were only made of cotton.
jon357  72 | 23560
15 Aug 2023   #125
they have too much polyester

Mine don't.

Foster Barry are a good brand

Cotton only or wool mix for cold winters.
OP Alien  25 | 6415
15 Aug 2023   #126
Foster Barry

Pretty good expensive.
jon357  72 | 23560
15 Aug 2023   #127
Buy a pair from Primark, and you'll buy another as soon as the first hole appears. Buy decent ones, use a needle and thread if needed, and they'll last for decades.

I've got socks older than the Polish Third Republic (and white shirts that are older than the Prime Minister).
OP Alien  25 | 6415
16 Aug 2023   #128
white shirts that are older than the Prime Minister).

Interestingly, in long-sleeved shirts, these holes do not appear, but the collars and cuffs wear out. Holes in short shirts are now a real nightmare even in very expensive brands. This wasn't there before. It must be the fault of the new, different cotton additives. It's the same as shoes falling apart that usually don't pay off to give to a shoemaker because they don't have original glues.
jon357  72 | 23560
16 Aug 2023   #129
Interestingly, in long-sleeved shirts, these holes do not appear, but the collars and cuffs wear out

There's a brand of shirts called Double Two. They don't do it nowadays but got the name because they used to supply a second collar (and I think cuffs) with each shirt. I used to spend a lot of time near their factory and bought a lot from the factory shop. Mostly slight seconds but you couldn't tell. They're still going, still a family firm and have a good reputation as an employer.

Holes in short shirts are now a real nightmare even in very expensive brands

I'd guess that's because the fabric is lighter usually
OP Alien  25 | 6415
17 Aug 2023   #130
There's a brand of shirts called Double Two.

These shirts look pretty good in the pictures and are not even expensive. Unfortunately not available in stores in Germany.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
26 Aug 2023   #131
Hey Alien would you bid on them?I tried to bid 100$ it didnt even accept my bid lol.
OP Alien  25 | 6415
27 Aug 2023   #132
would you bid on them

No, that price is crazy. I still have old Pumas from the 90s in the basement. They cost 100DM back then. They are very similar. I wanted to throw them away a long time ago, but now I still need to think about it.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
27 Aug 2023   #133
1000DM,I remember was 500$ in early 2000s b4 Euro kicked in.I would never pay that kinda money for freaking shoes.My max limit is 100$.

LOL better keep those Pumas man and try to auction them,lol now I feel used old shoes can also fetch good money like old wino btls.
OP Alien  25 | 6415
27 Aug 2023   #134
@Cargo pants
But it wasn't DM 1000, it was DM 100, which was the normal price in those days for branded sports shoes.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
27 Aug 2023   #135
But it wasn't DM 1000, it was DM 100

Ahh,OK I read it wrong,but knowing Euros they do spend that kind of money on freaking shoes and keep them for life.
OP Alien  25 | 6415
31 Aug 2023   #136
keep them for life.

I actually throw away old stuff on a regular basis.
jon357  72 | 23560
31 Aug 2023   #137
Me too. I generally send things to charity shops.

Good shoes though, last for ages if you look after them.
OP Alien  25 | 6415
12 Sep 2023   #138
I generally send things to charity shops

I just read an article about a couple in Poland who buy luxurious branded items in second-hand stores and then sell them at auction for a huge profit. As you can see, this is also a way of life.
jon357  72 | 23560
12 Sep 2023   #139
As you can see, this is also a way of life

An old one and a somewhat scuzzy one.

I wonder if they also steal from tramps or sell hair for wigs.
OP Alien  25 | 6415
18 Sep 2023   #140
An old one and a somewhat scuzzy one

I wonder if they will become millionaires?
OP Alien  25 | 6415
26 Sep 2023   #141
This war could slowly end. Since the beginning of the war, I have been wearing blue and yellow clothes in my free time. Unfortunately, my blue and yellow T-shirts are terribly washed out, my blue and yellow sweater has worn-out sleeves, and my blue shoes have worn-out heels. All I have left are yellow Wellington boots and a yellow rubber raincoat. The problem is that when I put them on, I look like Freddy Krueger from a horror movie. I still have some nice white, blue and red shoes, but I can't seem to wear them 🇺🇦
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
26 Sep 2023   #142
LOL good time to get white Tshirt,blue pants and red sneakers:)Bobko group might send you as a present.
OP Alien  25 | 6415
27 Sep 2023   #143
white Tshirt,blue pants and red sneakers:)

I take it you mean the French flag? 🇲🇫
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
27 Sep 2023   #144

Does that mean "Mother Fu.cker"???lol
NO,I meant ruski rag flag.
OP Alien  25 | 6415
23 Oct 2023   #145
However, I will not buy a blue striped uniform with a six-pointed star 🇮🇱
OP Alien  25 | 6415
2 Dec 2023   #146
I hate shoelaces breaking. Naturally, they always break when you're in a hurry. This happened to me twice in the last week.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
2 Dec 2023   #147
LOL thats what happens when Euros buy expensive shoes and keep them for life long or decades repairing them often.Americans mostly never repair shoes,just go buy a new one.I never in my life had that problem.

I generally send things to charity shops.

I hope you sign a disclosure about your AIDS disease.
OP Alien  25 | 6415
2 Dec 2023   #148
repairing them often

I stopped repairing shoes a long time ago, the heels wear out after a short time, and they are asymmetrical, so it is not worth repairing. But laces breaking are annoying.
OP Alien  25 | 6415
10 Dec 2023   #149
Has anyone already bought an ugly sweater for Christmas? This year I gave up the sweater and instead bought pajamas with a big 'Santa' sign on them. 🎄🎅
pawian  226 | 27583
10 Dec 2023   #150
Has anyone already bought an ugly sweater for Christmas?

No. I bought myself a beautiful sweater with an ugly monkey image.

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