Welcome back the joun & Harry/Lazarus tag team.
Day trading is risky; basically small hobbyist investors losing their shirts.
Except for two things joun.
The first being, I make an modest income at it as do most people who have their I.R.A.'s invested in the stock market.
The second is that you keep dodging the part about me posting it being a six month investment in Boeing which is not Day Trading is it.
It was a Pawian pick, not mine, Slimy Limy.
Will check back in six months and see how well you did.
Thanks for your input Pawian.
Your buddy Dirty Harry is not smart enough to understand and projects that all stock picks are 100% guarantee to make money and wanted so bad to diminish me after just 30 days.
Lets ask Harry what stocks he thinks is a good pick and which ones he owns. (Crickets)
Harry is very jealous of Americans, made fun of by buffaloing him about me owning a huge cattle ranch that he sucked up like a two dollar hore, got egg on his face when he claimed his Googling skills found my identity that was most laughable, and now back with his defense attorney joun to only make posts to
gang up on, attack, diminish and shame game again.
Guess he likes eating egg.
Well F-ya Harry, bring it on you drunken old troll.
Hell, Harry still owes money back in Warsaw before he split after his eviction.
(Cargo Pants bought one of his debts from a collection agency just to say that he owns Harry) lol
He even changed his name here from Harry to Lazarus in fear the debt collectors would find him.
So now he is back sitting in Pubs in Poland that have free Wi-Fi while he sips on the cheapest beer that they have harassing people on the P.F.
You're a "Has Been" Harry, go back into hiding.