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Stock Market and Trading Talk

OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
16 Mar 2022   #151
Did anyone buy Moderna (MRNA) a week ago last Monday @ $126 and sell it today @$169 ? :-)
My tanking MOS ate most of my profit up though. :-(
Lazarus  3 | 364
17 Mar 2022   #152
Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy, you really should stick to boasting about your fantasy wins rather than tipping stocks.
Boeing now 186.34, down 15%
Got any more sure-fire winners for us?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
17 Mar 2022   #153
Hey Harry, welcome back you old sleazeball.
You are lucky you only got six months for buggering those little boys.
How is the bicycle repair shop going or did they take that in your foreclosure too ?

Boeing now 186.34, down 15%

Never panic Harry.
And as I said:

Do your research on as many articles as you can find on Boeing, like this one, before you buy a 100 shares

Have you ever owned a stock in your life ? Hahahahahahaha

Boeing now 186.34, down 15%

Just researched BA for you.
Excellent opportunity to buy Harry/joun.
Buy low, sell high.
Grab a 1000 shares at $186. :-)

Boeing now 186.34

Grab a 1000 shares at $186.

See if you would have done what I told you, you would have made $4000 today.
Boeing closed at $190.

It will be down tomorrow so you missed your opportunity.
No more stock tips for you.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
18 Mar 2022   #154
It will be down tomorrow

Opps, I was wrong, BA opened at $192, up another $2 a share this morning

Never panic Harry.

See Harry joun, you can't be a Nervous Nelly and play poker or the stock market.
The Reb has nerves of steel which gives him the edge and makes him a winner more times than not. ;-)
jon357  72 | 23654
19 Mar 2022   #155
Since all you can do is make ups lies and mimic others

Basically a lot of fantasy about investments (some of them frankly dodgy) and boasting about investments he can't afford and wouldn't buy if he could..

rattled his cage today

Not difficult, is it....
Lazarus  3 | 364
19 Mar 2022   #156
Since all you can do is make ups lies and mimic others.

Be fair, he can also boast about buying shares that promptly lose an eighth of their value when the market index goes up. Jimmie is a jenuine jenius.
jon357  72 | 23654
19 Mar 2022   #157
shares that promptly lose an eighth of their value

As it says at bottom of the page on every stockbroker's marketing material "the value of your investments can go down as well as up".

Day trading is risky; basically small hobbyist investors losing their shirts.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
19 Mar 2022   #158
Welcome back the joun & Harry/Lazarus tag team.

Day trading is risky; basically small hobbyist investors losing their shirts.

Except for two things joun.
The first being, I make an modest income at it as do most people who have their I.R.A.'s invested in the stock market.

The second is that you keep dodging the part about me posting it being a six month investment in Boeing which is not Day Trading is it.

It was a Pawian pick, not mine, Slimy Limy.

Will check back in six months and see how well you did.
Thanks for your input Pawian.

Your buddy Dirty Harry is not smart enough to understand and projects that all stock picks are 100% guarantee to make money and wanted so bad to diminish me after just 30 days.

Lets ask Harry what stocks he thinks is a good pick and which ones he owns. (Crickets)
Harry is very jealous of Americans, made fun of by buffaloing him about me owning a huge cattle ranch that he sucked up like a two dollar hore, got egg on his face when he claimed his Googling skills found my identity that was most laughable, and now back with his defense attorney joun to only make posts to gang up on, attack, diminish and shame game again.

Guess he likes eating egg.
Well F-ya Harry, bring it on you drunken old troll.
Hell, Harry still owes money back in Warsaw before he split after his eviction.
(Cargo Pants bought one of his debts from a collection agency just to say that he owns Harry) lol
He even changed his name here from Harry to Lazarus in fear the debt collectors would find him.
So now he is back sitting in Pubs in Poland that have free Wi-Fi while he sips on the cheapest beer that they have harassing people on the P.F.

You're a "Has Been" Harry, go back into hiding.
Lazarus  3 | 364
19 Mar 2022   #159
small hobbyist investors losing their shirts.

Be fair, Jimmie has never lost his shirt buying or selling shares. Partly because you can't lose with fantasy share deals, and partly because he doesn't have one to lose, just a grubby vest, once white but now very grey. The garment they call a "wife-beater", which is appropriate, given the testimony of his first wife.
Joker  2 | 2447
19 Mar 2022   #160
They live in your head rent Free! Hahahahahaha! I doubt, they even bother to read your incoherent manifesto! As its just a bunch of gibberish! LOLOL

Hey Jimmy, the stock market is closed on the weekend so are you going to be here all day again?

Nobody is buying this excuse as to why your spend so much time on PF and even on your pretend vacation you never left.

Youre nothing but a FRAUD and everyone knows it!

He even changed his name here from Harry to Lazarus in fear the debt collectors would find hi

Really Jimmy? Is that the reason or did you just make it up?
jon357  72 | 23654
19 Mar 2022   #161
I doubt, they even bother to read your incoherent manifesto!

I can't speak for Laz, however I certainly didn't. Just a few words of meltdown then ignore it as usual.

They live in your head rent Free!

Where business and investments are concerned, Jim's far too ineffective to charge rent.

I wonder how his dodgy friend. the one with the history. pays?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
19 Mar 2022   #162
Jimmie has never lost his shirt buying or selling shares.

Really Harry ? What a liar you are with such a stupid remark.

Yesterdays trade cost me $3,000

Needless to say, I had my worst one-day loss ever today. :-(

I have my losses too, Vincent.

My MOS is at a negative 2% for the day so far. :-(

(As the egg drips off Harry's face)
So what stocks do you own Harry ? lol
Rumor is after you got drunk and beat your wife again because she caught you in a compromised position with your stepdaughter that she left you and quit making your flat payments for you and since you only make a few zloty fixing bicycle flat tires your flat went into foreclosure and left you living out on the streets in Warsaw.

Having a lot of debt you were forced to leave Warsaw and go north to mooch off an old friend.
Is that a pretty accurate account ? ;-)

Hey Jimmy, the stock market is closed on the weekend so are you going to be here all day again?

Do I really need your permission to post here ?
Do I really have to constantly defend myself to you ?
But since I am such a good sport I will tell you.
It's raining here today which makes for shi tty skiing but since you don't know how to ski I understand why you would ask such a stupid question. Hahahaha
Lazarus  3 | 364
19 Mar 2022   #163
the stock market is closed on the weekend

The real stock market is closed, but Jimmie's fantasy market is always open, so he can spend all weekend fantasizing about the shares he would have bought.

I wonder how his dodgy friend. the one with the history. pays?

No doubt with his continued silence about where he got those photos and videos from.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
19 Mar 2022   #164
You ass holes sure have trashed my thread.......Grrrrrr

I can't speak for Laz,

LOL - you echo Harry so what's the difference, joun. Hahahahahaha

I wonder how his dodgy friend.

Does he have a name joun or are you just projecting again ?
And why would it be a concern to you how someone in America pays rent ?
Nobody here in America cares how your boyfriend pays rent. Urg !
jon357  72 | 23654
19 Mar 2022   #165
The real stock market is closed, but Jimmie's fantasy market is always open

He's in meltdown as usual, isn't he...
Joker  2 | 2447
19 Mar 2022   #166
Hes about ready to blow a fuse since nobody believes his lies anymore.....

The meltdowns have become more frequent lately as well, hes losing it for sure!

Someone should call and have an elderly well being check done on him.
jon357  72 | 23654
19 Mar 2022   #167
The meltdowns have become more frequent lately as well

Normal, due to his mental and physical decline.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Mar 2022   #168
The real stock market is closed,

Is that the one that you own no stocks in ?

No doubt with his continued silence about where he got those photos and videos from.

I got them from Pigsy of you.
Still smoking those cigarettes that stain your fingers that deep yellow color ?
Lazarus  3 | 364
20 Mar 2022   #169
He's in meltdown as usual, isn't he...

This one is particularly bad. Jimmy made the mistake of actually tipping a share rather than boasting about buying ones which went up. Of course he posts after the price has gone up. This time he tried to pick a company before the price went up, and he's been exposed as clueless.

He's so badly rattled that he's copy pasting posts which have already been binned. Compare his latest post with this one

Anybody else would get banned for that.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Mar 2022   #170
he's copy pasting posts which have already been binned

You made the mistake of bullying the wrong person Harry.
Oh Harry, I have a ton of your abusive posts in my archives.
Most of them fall under the anti-bully laws of Europe.
If I ever turned you in you would be banned from the internet and arrested.
I just scanned thru them and see a lot of them were you abusing the women here.
Rumor is that you beat your ex-wife, in one of your drunken stupors, so bad that she spent time in the hospital.
The ones where I got under your skin so bad that you had several meltdowns telling me to drink poison, hang myself and kill myself.

Those posts of yours would get you arrested in Europe.
Is that why you changed your name from Harry to Lazarus or was it because the bill collectors are chasing you ? HooT !
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
21 Mar 2022   #171
Boeing now 186.34, down 15%

Like I said, Harry, Pawian picked that stock, not I.
Nervous Nellies like you that panic over a 15% drop because of a $276 million lawsuit to Boeing is no surprise.
Chump change for Boeing.
The latest news is that Boeing is moving closer towards a "landmark" deal that would see Delta Air Lines order up to 100 of its 737 MAX 10 jets.

The deal would be Delta's first order for Boeing's "best-selling single-aisle airplane family" and the first major order to Boeing from Delta in around 10 years.

Boeing shares are traded 1% higher Friday after the announcement.
What do you think that will do for Boeing stock, Harry ?
I would think a high roller like you would take all the money you have and buy five shares of Boeing for a throw of the dice. :-)
Lazarus  3 | 364
21 Mar 2022   #172
Grab a 1000 shares at $186. :-)

Mystic Jimmie strikes again! Boeing now down to $184.
Takes a real financial genius to tip a stock, watch it lose 15%, then tip it again and watch it fall another 4% the same day. ROFL!!!
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
21 Mar 2022   #173
More Rinse & Repeat
Am I really required to defend myself to you, Harry ? lmao !

Like I said, Harry, Pawian picked that stock, not I.

Harry, did you not get that ?
You sound like a parrot in an echo chamber.
You are such a jealous little grease ball.
Have you seen Boeings new drone, 'Ghost Bat' ?
Let me buy you a beer or is your ulser still bleeding like a stuck pig ?
jon357  72 | 23654
21 Mar 2022   #174
watch it lose 15%, then tip it again and watch it fall another 4%

Those shares are plummeting.

We will see a lot of small; investors caught out by their own greed this year.
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
21 Mar 2022   #175
We will see a lot of small; investors caught out by their own greed this year.

Including our supposed clever friend in that North Michigan shed.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
22 Mar 2022   #176
Those shares are plummeting.

The world Recession has just begun.
Time to start investing short.
I bought a couple of steel stocks friday (STLD & SCHN) and they were both up about $5 a share today. :-)
So what stocks do you own joun ?
No sense in asking you Mr. Angry as a stock to him is something soup is made out of.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
22 Mar 2022   #177
Grab a 1000 shares at $186. :-)

Mystic Jimmie strikes again! Boeing now down to $184.

Those shares are plummeting.

That was yesterday you two stock broker guru's.
This afternoon it was up to $192.
Plus $8 a share.
Now if Harry would have bought a 1000 shares as mystic Jimmie suggested, old peasant Harry would now, 24 hours later have $8000 in his pocket.
($34,000 zloty)
Best you two Loser's stay out of my thread to avoid shaming your ignorance anymore than you already have.
Better you stick to your beer sampling job Harry.
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
22 Mar 2022   #178
Oh dear.
The expert speaks.
Shut up everyone and bow to the master of shares and trading.
Lazarus  3 | 364
22 Mar 2022   #179
Those shares are plummeting.

To be fair, their fall is now less bad, so they're only 12% lower than they were when Jimmie made the mistake of tipping a stock rather than just boasting about his imaginary successes with shares that he wasn't able to buy due to terminal lack of cash.

If he did have any money, he'd do far better spending it on home repairs: property prices in the US went up by 18.8% in 2021 but the value of his place went up $833, to $60,365 from $59,532, just 1.4%. How terrible must the condition of a property be for it to manage only 7% of the average growth in prices?!
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
22 Mar 2022   #180
How terrible must the condition of a property be

Can you even call that shack a property?

More like a. garden shed to me.

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