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Stock Market Talk and Trading - part 2

johnny reb  49 | 8003
22 Oct 2024   #121
if anyone owned it, it would be Barney.

No, Barns didn't arrive until Part 2.
I started this thread in Part 1 so I own it.
You two jealous trolls just keep trashing it so it will get closed.
jon357  72 | 23654
22 Oct 2024   #122
Strange that, since it's his name at the bottom and not yours.

Have you thought about joining a Hundred Club?
Lazarus  3 | 364
22 Oct 2024   #123
He knows sod all about investments.

Jimmy Poorhouse doesn't even know he should read the names of the things he pretends to invest in. The name of the ETF that has the ticker VOO is "Vanguard S&P 500 ETF", which tells anybody who reads the name that the fund tracks the S&P 500. But Jimmy Poorhouse is so retarded that he tried to claim that
VOO and VUG are both tech ETF's

LOL! What a f*cking moron! Hoot!

Better to invest in ERNIE anyway.

Better to max out one's IKE and IZKE allowances every year. Decent rates of return and impossible to beat tax effects. Also well worth upping one's own contribution to the PPK run by one's employer, it's not as if you're going to really notice a 1% drop in your salary each month, but in my case going from 2% to 3% would result in an 800zl a month bump in pension. That would be worth having. Would be the difference between being so poor that, like Jimmy Poorhouse, going out is such a dream that one doesn't even know what a cup of tea in a cafe costs to not only being able to have a cup of tea out every single day but also having a slice of cake to go with that cup of tea. (Although looking at the photos on the church FB page, Jimmy has already eaten more than enough cake for two lifetimes. Hoot!)

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johnny reb  49 | 8003
22 Oct 2024   #124
Strange that, since it's his name at the bottom and not yours.

Exactly, my name was on the first post of Page #1 of this thread so it is my thread.

, but in my case going from 2% to 3% would result in an 800zl a month bump in pension.

WoW, you'll be rolling in the dough then.
Now maybe you will be able to afford to buy some stocks and become wealthy. lol
The name of the ETF that has the ticker VOO is "Vanguard S&P 500 ETF", which tells anybody who reads the name that the fund tracks the S&P 500. But Jimmy Poorhouse is so retarded that he tried to claim that VOO and VUG are both tech ETF's

Yes, VOO and VUG are both exchange-traded funds (ETFs), meaning they are traded on stock exchanges and can be bought and sold throughout the day.
They both contain the biggest percentage of holdings in tech stocks which has been explained to daft Lazarus before in this thread yet he is still stuck on stupid to understand that.
Poor Lazarus just doesn't grasp etf's so well however I will have patience teaching him.
looking at the photos

What happened to your old white shirt that you wore daily since your arrival to Poland thirty years ago which since faded to a yellow with curry stains and cigarette burn holes down the front of it, Lazarus ?
I hope you didn't donate it and just trash canned it.
You are looking human for a change in that photo above. Hoot !
Hey Hairy Lazarus, when are you going to tip us on a stock as it is going on two years now of you avoiding doing that. Hoot !
OP Barney  19 | 1755
22 Oct 2024   #125
this thread

My thread, thank you very much.
Lazarus  3 | 364
22 Oct 2024   #126
My thread, thank you very much.

Could you agree that while it's actually your thread, Jimmy Poorhouse can have fantasy ownership of it as his fantasy thread? In the same way that he has a fantasy Learjet, fantasy exchange traded funds, a fantasy racing yacht and a fantasy ocean-going yacht, a fantasy share cattle ranch and a fantasy career as a day trader. Whatever helps him get away from his grim reality of a shack in the woods would be good really. Just look at it!

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OP Barney  19 | 1755
22 Oct 2024   #127
your thread, Jimmy Poorhouse can have fantasy ownership of it

Now that you put it like that it seems fair. JR can have ownership of this thread that I put so much work into in exchange for three hail marys and one our father.
Lazarus  3 | 364
22 Oct 2024   #128
JR can have ownership of this thread that I put so much work into in exchange for three hail marys and one our father.

Well, Jimmy Poorhouse can have fantasy ownership of it. He can't really own it in the way that he owns the well that supplies his shack with water (although he was also given that, by his mother). And I have to congratulate you on choosing a price that even he can afford!
johnny reb  49 | 8003
22 Oct 2024   #129
Does that mean I can now block you Off - Topic trolls from posting in it ?
Lazarus  3 | 364
22 Oct 2024   #130
Now that you put it like that it seems fair.

Not only is it fair, it would be good for his wife's mental health: Jimmy Poorhouse could fantasy block everybody from his fantasy thread about his fantasy wealth, which would no doubt make him less miserable and thus less of a misery to be around.

Hell, he could even make himself fantasy moderator of this thread and fantasy edit everybody's posts. I'm sure he'd love to edit some of his own, e.g. the one where he claimed that "market indices are called etf's", the one where he demonstrated he can't convert between two currencies, the one where he claimed that an S&P 500 tracker fund is a "tech" fund, the list is endless!
johnny reb  49 | 8003
23 Oct 2024   #131
WoW, what a jealous meltdown over my wealth again.
It must really bother you to be so concerned about it day in and day out.
It must have really rattled you when I posted my financial portfolio when you wanted to compare yours with mine.
I knew I shouldn't have embarrassed you like that.
, it would be good for his wife's

Speaking of wives, what ever happened to your ex-wife mail order bride from Ukraine ?
Her picture doesn't do her justice.
I have it here in my archives someplace.
I will post it when I find it to show everyone what a lucky guy you were.
Lazarus  3 | 364
24 Oct 2024   #132
Always remember about investments that assessing whether they are good or bad requires one to look at things from several different perspectives and not just the obvious ones. For example, the photo below seems to show two terrible investments: an sweater that fits terribly badly and a shockingly bad food choice. But both are actually good investments.
(If anybody wants to see the original photo, just go to the FB page of the church Jimmy Poorhouse is an elder at and then type his surname into the search bar, you'll soon see the photos of his wife retiring from the church. I thought that if he wants to post about the ex-wife he imagines I have, well, what goes around comes around, and this actually is a verifiable photo rather than another of Jimmy's fantasies.)

The vastly oversized sweater is a good investment because it's fourth-hand hand-me-down that was given to Jimmy but doesn't fit him, so he gave it to Mrs Jimmy Poorhouse. It cost him nothing, but it provides some warmth on the nights when Jimmy Poorhouse can't afford to heat the shack (i.e. every night) and its size means it can also be used as an indoor tent whenever the roof leaks (i.e. every time it rains). A double benefit for zero expenditure is at least a reasonable deal.
The chocolate fountain is of questionable hygiene and terrible dietary effects, but it was paid for by the church and does just that little bit extra to make Jimmy Poorhouse even more morbidly obese. So it's a good return for everybody else. Plus it's better than what Jimmy Poorhouse could afford to get her (she's such a lucky lady), which would have been absolutely nothing, as Jimmy Poorhouse is too poor to even go out for a cup of tea, as we can see from him being utterly clueless about what a cup of tea costs!

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johnny reb  49 | 8003
24 Oct 2024   #133
I thought that if he wants to post about the ex-wife he imagines

LOL- yes yours is a sheer trophy alright.
I could post her picture if you like and let the members here decide for themselves.
Your fantasie Jimmy guy has become boring, Hairy.
Maybe if I posted my real identity you could sleep at night.
Do you really think this is where I live ? Hoot !
hint: I really don't

Check out TESLA stock today.

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jon357  72 | 23654
24 Oct 2024   #134

Hard to know why someone would wear that, unless they were at a fancy dress party.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
24 Oct 2024   #135
they were at a fancy dress party.

Wanna compare it to what Hairy's trophy wears ?
I'm telling you, her picture doesn't do her justice.
Lazarus couldn't afford to dress her any better though so I don't judge them for that.
Lazarus  3 | 364
24 Oct 2024   #136
Lazarus still is hanging on to his TESLA stock from a year ago hoping. HOOT !

How does the Michigan Mystic do it? On October 15 He laughs at people holding Tesla stock at 219 and "hoping". And nine days later Tesla is 250!

He really is the anti-Warren Buffett! Hoot!
Lazarus  3 | 364
24 Oct 2024   #137
Hard to know why someone would wear that, unless they were at a fancy dress party.

To be fair, when somebody is so poor that they have to run a child-minding business in a house where a convicted paedophile lives, it's no great stretch of the imagination to think that they're wearing that because it is literally the only thing they have to wear. Didn't you see that the photo was taken at the end of November? Given how little money Jimmy has, her choice may have been wearing that sweater or not going at all.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
24 Oct 2024   #138
He laughs at people holding Tesla stock

He did or is this another of your fantasies ?
YOU have been the one mocking Tesla while missing out on it again but then again you don't have enough cash to even buy ten shares of it.
they have to run a child-minding business in a house where a convicted paedophile lives,

Who are you fantasizing about know Christian ?
her choice may have been wearing that sweater

Shall I post a picture of what you dress your "trophy" up in, Lazarus ?
Those 1949 cloths have gone out of style 75 years ago.
But if that is all you can afford to buy her at the second hand store, who am I to judge.
And as far as that same old 1955 wrinkled up suit that is to big for you goes, you shouldn't be talking about the way others dress. Hoot !
johnny reb  49 | 8003
25 Oct 2024   #139
On October 15 He laughs at people holding Tesla stock at 219 and "hoping".

Actually I still own my Tesla stock and my ETF's and ............
I was mocking you Moron.
In fact today (October 24th) alone I made $456,000 USD on my TESLA.
That's more than you have to your name total, jealous Hairy Lazarus.
I hate to boast but there is no other way to shut you up.
Do you still have those nine Franc that you posted a picture of ? Hoot !
cms neuf  2 | 1943
25 Oct 2024   #140
That would mean you have a 1.8 million bucks holding of Tesla ?

Impressive stuff, life is good under Biden !
Lazarus  3 | 364
25 Oct 2024   #141
That would mean you have a 1.8 million bucks holding of Tesla ?

It would, but Jimmy Poorhouse sold his fantasy Tesla share and put the fantasy proceeds into fantasy shares in two exchange-traded funds. He was laughing at people who still owned Tesla shares. Just ten days ago he posted this:
And I bet you still own TESLA don't you. lol
No, I put mine in VOO & VUG remember.

Oops, yet again Jimmy Poorhouse exposes himself as a liar. Hoot! But I suppose that's better than the 'exposing himself' in the way that Jimmy's housemate does, the one who served nearly ten years in prison for being a paedophile.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
25 Oct 2024   #142
He was laughing at people who still owned Tesla shares

Actually it was you mocking my Tesla stocks.

Jimmy Poorhouse tipping the stock at 257. Of course it immediately dropped, to 254. Since then things have got much worse, and the price has slumped to 217.

I keep telling you Hairy, "buy low, sell high."
Tesla closed yesterday at $260.48.
I already told you back when you got smart with me, "f you want me for your stock advisor it is going to cost you from now on for my expertise services."
You just don't know when to shut up and listen do to your mental illness of OCPD/ADD.

put the fantasy proceeds into fantasy shares in two exchange-traded funds.

That is in my Vanguard Fund jealous Hairy, completely different fund.

That would mean you have a 1.8 million bucks holding of Tesla ?

No, closer to 1.6 million.
Lazarus  3 | 364
25 Oct 2024   #143
Impressive stuff

Got to admit that Jimmy Poorhouse has some impressive fantasies. Perhaps chief amongst them is his fantasy that anybody believes a word about him having even a pot to p!ss in.
Actually, I'm being too harsh there, Jimmy Poorhouse does have a bucket to p!ss in, it's the same bucket he uses to get water from the well outside his shack.

life is good under Biden !

Life might be good, but Jimmy Poorhouse's memory certainly isn't! He's back to claiming he owns shares that only ten days ago he was boasting about selling and putting into something which back then was giving better returns!
nd I bet you still own TESLA don't you. lol
No, I put mine in VOO & VUG remember.

LOL! What a f*cking moron! Hoot!

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johnny reb  49 | 8003
25 Oct 2024   #144
put the fantasy proceeds into fantasy shares in two exchange-traded funds.

They are two different accounts moron, my etf's are in my Vanguard portfolio and my Tesla stocks ate in my Fidelity account.
You need to catch up here but since you only have 9 Franc to invest I guess you don't need to know how stock portfolio's work.
The market opens in 45 minutes so I will take a screen shot of it now of yesterdays performance before the market opens today.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
26 Oct 2024   #145
Sorry, yesterday was a busy trading day and I forgot.
But just to shut Hairy Lazarus up about TESLA Thursday's (10/24/24) pop.

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jon357  72 | 23654
26 Oct 2024   #146
That's interesting,... Jim shares his computer with several hundred other people...

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johnny reb  49 | 8003
26 Oct 2024   #147
Are you stalking me357 ? Hoot !
jon357  72 | 23654
26 Oct 2024   #148
It's such fun to call out your transparent lies
Lazarus  3 | 364
26 Oct 2024   #149
Jim shares his computer with several hundred other people...

I wonder if that's the excuse that'll be used to explain why certain images are on his computer. The kind of images that got his housemate locked up for nearly a decade.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
26 Oct 2024   #150
The reason you are so frustrated with your childish diminishments that you call lies and having meltdowns over jon is because you can't prove that they are lies.
All you can do is lie to diminish me and that is how you got your nick name, MR. TWISTER
The same way you can't prove my name is really Jim lie.
All you want and Christopher want to do is destroy my magnificent thread with your butt hole smelling mouths by keep taking it Off - Topic.
You two Brits have destroyed this forum with your immature shaming lies and trash talk by driving members out of here.

I wonder if that's the excuse that'll be used to explain why certain images are on his computer.

No, the only images that I ever had on my computer were of you and your roommate rolling around on the schools floor sweating profusely while grooming those little innocent prepubescent boys. Totally Disgusting.
Once you were both found guilty, charged and sentenced to prison, I deleted them.
And that is why you can't/won't explain where you were for 18 months when you went missing from here.
Just looking at your picture we can see that you are a pervert.
No wonder you keep denying being the POM in that picture.

That one day $456,000 profit is more than you have made in your entire life, Christian. Hoot !
(hint) Don't ever try to boast and compare your portfolio with mine.
Save that for your Curry Club Elites. LOL !

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