johnny reb 49 | 8003
20 Sep 2024 #31
The fees of course being one of the reasons they're longer term investments.
Well of course. lol ................ NOT !
Here is a new word for you two egg heads, they call those fees, "Front End Loads".
Class dismissed.
You two clowns are clueless to what those fees even are here in the U.S.A.
They depend on how much you invest and can range from 0 to 5.75%.
$25,000 or less will be 5.75% and over a million 0% generally. (Of course our stock advisor Lazarus already knew that) Pfffft !
Sounds like they are horrendous in Europe for low rollers like you two.
Keep going though as I need a good laugh tonight by you two diminishing moron know it all stock brokers. Hoot !
When is Lazarus going to tip us a stock here ? LOL