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Stock Market Talk and Trading - part 2

johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Sep 2024   #31
The fees of course being one of the reasons they're longer term investments.

Well of course. lol ................ NOT !
Here is a new word for you two egg heads, they call those fees, "Front End Loads".
Class dismissed.
You two clowns are clueless to what those fees even are here in the U.S.A.
They depend on how much you invest and can range from 0 to 5.75%.
$25,000 or less will be 5.75% and over a million 0% generally. (Of course our stock advisor Lazarus already knew that) Pfffft !
Sounds like they are horrendous in Europe for low rollers like you two.
Keep going though as I need a good laugh tonight by you two diminishing moron know it all stock brokers. Hoot !
When is Lazarus going to tip us a stock here ? LOL
cms neuf  2 | 1945
21 Sep 2024   #32
What ? 5.75%.

Surely you mean 0.575 percent ?
jon357  72 | 23654
21 Sep 2024   #33
Front End Loads".

So in faćt Jim doesn't know what he's talking about, does he...
johnny reb  49 | 8003
21 Sep 2024   #34
Surely you mean 0.575 percent ?

So in faćt Jim doesn't know what he's talking about, does he...

Are you suggesting that I am wrong jon ?
You two clowns are clueless to what those fees even are here in the U.S.A.

And you just proved it.
So what are the "fees" in Poland for Mutual funds jon ?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
21 Sep 2024   #35
So what are the "fees" in Poland for Mutual funds jon ?

So you don't know either just like you don't know what they are in the U.S.A.
You two trolls really have no business in this thread other than to troll and take it Off - Topic
johnny reb  49 | 8003
21 Sep 2024   #36
This will keep Dead Man Walking busy today googling "Front End Loads" (his new word of the week) to find out what they are. Hoot !
He will be an authority by tonight. lol
Lazarus  3 | 364
21 Sep 2024   #37
Surely you mean 0.575 percent ?

For the one I looked at yesterday I'm paying 0.45% as a fund management fee, with 0% front-end load and 0% maintenance fee. That said, it's not an ETF, although ETFs don't have load fees either, that's part of the point of them.

All those amounts are publicly advertised and can easily be verified online. Jimmy Poorhouse can check for himself when he knows the name of the fund, which he'll be able to see from the transfer order I post once he donates $5 to the PF survival fund.

But Jimmy Poorhouse won't donate. He doesn't have the money to donate. I bet you a ticket to the Warsaw Beer Festival and two pints there against a used piece of chewing gum that he won't donate. Care to take that bet?
jon357  72 | 23654
21 Sep 2024   #38
ETFs don't have load fees either, that's part of the point of them.


Poorhouse Jim just googles things from finance websites without actually understanding what he's trying to read.

ticket to the Warsaw Beer Festival and two pints there against a used piece of chewing gum

Personally I'd rather have the chewing gum and a nice pint of Carlsberg, however people's tastes do differ.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
21 Sep 2024   #39
So what are the "fees" in Poland for Mutual funds jon ?

That said, it's not an ETF, although ETFs don't have load fees

How did we go from long term mutual funds with front end loads to ETF's (or as Lazarus calls them EFT's) that don't have front end loads Mr. Twister ? LOL
. Jimmy Poorhouse can check for himself when he knows the name of the fund

Poor Dead Man Walk doesn't know the difference between a Mutual Fund and an ETF or does he know the difference between a "front End Load" and a "maintenance fee" that he calls a management fee. 🥴
Be sure to keep listening to his expertise. NOT ! (what an idiot he is)
johnny reb  49 | 8003
21 Sep 2024   #40
Keep going though as I need a good laugh tonight by you two diminishing moron know it all stock brokers. Hoot !

Lazarus has confused himself to the point he had to call his defense attorney jon (Mr. Twister) on the phone to log in to try to bail him out of the mess he got himself in.
Hoot !
He doesn't have the money to donate.

You have already repeated that ten times showing that 'you are stuck on stupid.'
Maybe Lazarus would like to tell us how much he has donated.

Why is he avoiding that question unless he didn't donate anything or the amount was so small that he is embarrassed.. 😮
Shame on him to try to shame other people due to his inferiority complex.
Yet he ignores my questions and asks me questions that he won't answer himself. Hahahaahaha !
What a tool Dead Man Walking is. 🤣
jon357  72 | 23654
22 Sep 2024   #41
More meltdowns from a guy who reads financial terms in websites without the slightest understanding of what they mean.
Lazarus  3 | 364
22 Sep 2024   #42
a guy who reads financial terms in websites without the slightest understanding of what they mean.

It's painfully obvious to all that Jimmy Poorhouse is utterly clueless about finance. Just look at the way he was trying to boast about one of 'his' tracker funds (VUG) beating what it doesn't track and under-performing what it does track! What a f*cking moron! He's so financially illiterate that he can't even convert between two currencies when you give him the exchange rate! LOL! Hoot!
johnny reb  49 | 8003
22 Sep 2024   #43
Poor Lazarus that doesn't know the difference between Mutual Funds and ETF's that he refers to as EFT's. lol
Now he tries to safe face by more of his Rinse & Repeats.
Does anyone wonder why Lazarus can't seem to tip us with a stock as smart as he pretends to be in finances ? lol
Does anyone believe that Lazarus donated anything to the fund raiser.
Does everyone think that jon and his pet lackey Lazarus are trolls to trash this thread ? lol
YES and
Talk about inferiority complexes.
Provoke - Gang up on - Attack -Diminish - Shame - Game
If nothing changes, nothing changes.
jon357  72 | 23654
22 Sep 2024   #44
is utterly clueless about finance.

He just melts down and digs himself into a deeper hole. Probably the only hole he gets nowadays.

It's just a shame he can't admit he's a clueless faker.
Lazarus  3 | 364
23 Sep 2024   #45
It's just a shame he can't admit he's a clueless faker.

Jimmy Poorhouse accidentally admits that he's a clueless faker every time he posts here trying to boast! Remember when he was trying to boast about getting a 1% fantasy return on some stocks when the market had gone up by 300% of that much? What a f*cking retard! And then when it was pointed out to him that his fantasy winnings could have been 300% of what he was trying to boast about if he'd just tracked the market, he started claiming that most of his money is in tracker funds. But of course he was too clueless to actually research the ETFs he claims to have tens of thousands in, so he told us all that an S&P 500 tracker fund is a "tech fund" and that a CRSP US Large Cap Growth Index tracker fund is a "tech fund"! LOL! He didn't even bother reading the name of one fund: VOO is actually called "Vanguard S&P 500 ETF" but Jimmy Poorhouse claims it's a "tech fund". Hoot!
johnny reb  49 | 8003
23 Sep 2024   #46
! Remember when he was trying to boast about getting a 1% fantasy return on some stocks when the market had gone up by 300%

No, maybe you could refresh us with my quotes.

Now he tries to save face by more of his Rinse & Repeats.
Does anyone wonder why Lazarus can't seem to tip us with a stock as smart as he pretends to be in finances ? lol
Does anyone believe that Lazarus donated anything to the fund raiser.
Does anyone believe that Lazarus has ever owned a stock in his life.

Perhaps we should move on to Hedge Funds Lazarus.
What do you know about Hedge Funds since you claim to be a financial expert. Hoot !
Probably not much since you could never afford to own one. 🤭
OP Barney  19 | 1756
23 Sep 2024   #47
Having fun in my thread?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
23 Sep 2024   #48
Yes, as you can see I have poor Lazarus googling his little fat fingers off trying to find out what a Hedge Fund is and how they work.
Then he will wait for his defense attorney jon357 to show up to back him up.
They have trashed my thread out of pure jealousy so it will get closed.
jon357  72 | 23654
23 Sep 2024   #49
own one

"Own" a Hedge Fund???

I've heard it all now. Keep digging, Jim.

Having fun

It's the best fun on the internet since that video of the r*SSian woman whose tıts fell out of her wedding dress.
OP Barney  19 | 1756
23 Sep 2024   #50
Seems so, the Michigan Mystic provides the comic relief.

I'm so glad I started this thread
johnny reb  49 | 8003
23 Sep 2024   #51
"Own" a Hedge Fund???

Buy into one, learn to read between the lines jon.
Probably the only hole he gets nowadays.

Speaking of smelly hemorrhoid puss sacked filled dirty holes with A.I.D.S., how is your husband doing jon ? 👀
Now lets back On-Topic of the Stock Market.
Lazarus  3 | 364
23 Sep 2024   #52
I'm so glad I started this thread

I must thank you, Barney, for starting this thread: it's probably the most amusing PF thread this decade. Unfortunately for Jimmy Poorhouse everybody is laughing at the Michigan Mystic rather than being in awe of his superb financial skills that enable him to get returns less than a third of the market offers.

"Own" a Hedge Fund???

Jimmy Poorhouse owns a Hedge Fund of every day of the week! One to go with each of his racing yachts and Learjets. And another one for when he's bored of his Learjets and so instead takes his private Concorde.
jon357  72 | 23654
23 Sep 2024   #53
Jimmy Poorhouse owns a Hedge Fund of every day of the week

"Own" a Hedge Fund? He doesn't even own a bloody hedge.

Perhaps he "owns" a hedgehog.

Speaking of smelly hemorrhoid puss sacked filled dirty holes with A.I.D.S

We all know about your wife's double prolapse however I'm sure it's only that bad before her annual shower
johnny reb  49 | 8003
23 Sep 2024   #54
I see neither of you have a clue what a hedge fund is or how they work.
You will have to google to post anything intelligent about them because your stupidity has exhausted me.
Maybe Dead Man Walking will tip us on a hot stock today instead. Hoot !
jon357  72 | 23654
23 Sep 2024   #55
a clue what a hedge fund is or how they work.


It's not exactly rocket science, they're not exactly obscure and you don't "own" one or invest in one.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
23 Sep 2024   #56
I know but Lazarus is having a hard time explaining them if you have notice.
Being a mistic financial advisor that he claims to be sure has stumped him. Hoot !
Better you PM him and fill him in jon.
Lazarus  3 | 364
23 Sep 2024   #57
you don't "own" one

Jimmy Poorhouse does too own a hedge fund!!! Jimmy Poorhouse will tell you every day that he's got more hedge funds than you have and his daddy is bigger than yours!!! And his hedge funds not only beat the S&P 500, Jimmy Poorhouse will tell you that they all beat the S&P 5000 too.

It's not exactly rocket science

To be fair, converting between two currencies isn't exactly rocket science, but Jimmy Poorhouse can't even do that. Remember when he told us that CHF 180 is equal to USD 155? Because he's too f*cking stupid to convert between two currencies.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
23 Sep 2024   #58
Jimmy Poorhouse does too own a hedge fund!!!

I am sure you can quote me on that too. 🙄
Listen to Lazarus because he claims his stocks have gone up 300%. Hoot !
when the market had gone up by 300%

And that is why Lazarus lives in a dumpy 55 sq.meters. flat because he claims to make 300% on his stocks even though he doesn't own any stocks.
Hell, he can't even tip us on a hot stock. 🤣
Lazarus  3 | 364
23 Sep 2024   #59
the Michigan Mystic provides the comic relief.

I'm not sure if we really should be laughing quite so much at Jimmy Poorhouse and his financial illiteracy, given that it clearly upsets him so much - just look at the venom and hatred he flings at the screen with posts such as this one:
Speaking of smelly hemorrhoid puss sacked filled dirty holes with A.I.D.S., how is your husband doing jon ? 👀

Actually, what the f*ck am I saying?! Jimmy Poorhouse is such a vile excuse for a human (see the above post for just today's example of that) that he deserves every bad thing that happens to him and much more.
And he's so financially illiterate that he can't even tell the difference between something going up by 300% and one growth rate being 300% that of another. What a f*cking retard! Hoot!
johnny reb  49 | 8003
23 Sep 2024   #60
Lazarus claims he makes 300% on his money, he doesn't know what a hedge fund is, he can't seem to tip us a stock, he doesn't know the difference between a mutual fund and an ETF, he doesn't know the difference between a maintenance fee and a front end load on a mutual fund, which proves that he is financially illiterate.
Maybe he should not post in this thread so as to quit embarrassing himself.
He is to stupid to do that however.
I am done teaching him about all those things because he is just damn to stupid to get it, not to mention that he is a cvnt.

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